2016 E-News Archive

Archived E-News


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

January 8, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. Re-Elected East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members Marc Lippman, Peter Yeager and John Zoller Were Sworn into New Terms on January 1 at the Township Annual Reorganization Meeting, which was attended by about 200 people including state and county elected officials. Peter Yeager was selected as Deputy Mayor for 2016. Community participants included Boy Scout Troop 59, Rabbi Jay Kornsgold, Beth El Synagogue, and Harvey Bailey, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. 1.

    Mayor Janice S. Mironov was administered the oath of office by Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes, while longtime Council Member Perry Shapiro holds the Bible.

    Deputy Mayor Peter V. Yeager, for 2016, was administered the oath of office by Mayor Janice S. Mironov, while his wife Shari and mother Rose Marie Colletti hold the Bible.

    Council Member Marc Lippman was administered the oath of office by Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler, while his wife Joanna holds the Bible.

    Council Member John Zoller was administered the oath of office by Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler, while his wife Bonnie holds the Bible.

  2. Volunteers to Township Committees Were Honored at the East Windsor Annual Reorganization Meeting for Their Service to East Windsor Township and provided with Certificates of Appreciation by Mayor Janice S. Mironov. Congratulations and thank you to the Township's outstanding volunteers!

    Mayor Janice Mironov presented Certificates of Appreciation to Township Volunteers at the Reorganization meeting. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Ina Heiman (Commission on Aging); Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Anthony Catana (Planning Board); Gary Fournier (Vice-Chairperson, Clean Communities Advisory Committee); (back row) Jenine Porter-Celestin (Recreation Commission); Michael Henderson (Chairperson, Economic Development Committee); Frank Fielder (Health Advisory Board); Michael Bailey (Zoning Board of Adjustment); Lenox Ng (Economic Development Committee); Caroline Berdzik (Zoning Board of Adjustment).

  3. East Windsor Township 2016 New Year's Food Drive will continue through January 31. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard), East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road), or the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company, District II (69 Twin Rivers Drive). The food drive will benefit the food pantries of RISE and St. Anthony's Church, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.

  4. Township Recreation Department Sponsors Free Open Houseon Saturday, January 23 at the East Windsor Senior Center to Introduce Residents to the Many Local Recreation Programs.Residents can stop by between 6 pm and 8 pm to obtain information on Township summer camps, after school activities, and the Township Senior Center programs, as well as Bricks 4 Kidz, Firefly Tennis, KidzArt, Kung Fu, Mad Science, That Pottery Place, NHL Street Hockey, TGA Golf, US Sport Institute and more. Free activities will be available for children including crafts and a showing of the popular movie, Home, and light refreshments. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  5. Upgraded East Windsor Bowl and USA Wine Traders Club Hold Grand Opening at 529 Route 130 North, south of Uncle Bob's Self Storage. An extensive renovation of the East Windsor Bowl was performed providing a state-of-the-art bowling center complete with a full service snack bar and arcade gaming area. The bowling center is available for children's parties and group functions. In addition, adjacent to the Bowling Center, a new 4000 square foot USA Wine Traders Club store has opened. Current hours of operation for East Windsor Bowl are Monday through Thursday from 12 noon to 9 pm, Friday and Saturday from 12 noon to 12 midnight, and Sunday, from 12 noon to 8 pm. Hours of operation for USA Wine Traders Club are Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 10 pm, and Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm. For more information visit www.eastwindsorbowl.com.

    East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of the renovated East Windsor Bowl. Pictured (from left to right) are: Indumati Papaiya, family member; Divya Papaiya, family member; Vijay Papaiya, Owner; Mukesh Papaiya, Owner; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Chintu Papaiya, family member, and Virji Paghdal, family friend.

  6. Reminder: All Dog Licenses Are Required to be Renewed by January 31. All dogs seven months of age or older are required to be licensed. Rabies vaccines must be valid through October 31, 2016 in order to obtain a 2016 license. For information contact the Municipal Clerk's office (609) 443-4000, ext. 237.

  7. Annual Windsor-Hightstown Area Ministerium (WHAM) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Will Be Held on Sunday, January 17 at 7 pm, at the chapel of The Peddie School, at 201 South Main Street, Hightstown. The program will be followed by light refreshments.

"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.

For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

January 15, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Township 2016 New Year's Food Drive will continue through January 31. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard), East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road), or the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company, District II (69 Twin Rivers Drive). The food drive will benefit the food pantries of RISE and St. Anthony's Church, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.

  2. East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Issued Proclamation Recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, offers support and services for survivors of human trafficking. The Mayoral Proclamation expressed the need "to raise awareness about the signs and consequences of human trafficking, to promote reporting mechanisms and opposition to human trafficking in all of its forms, and to encourage support for the survivors of human trafficking throughout the State of New Jersey and across the world." It further noted that, "human trafficking is a borderless crime against individuals that violates the most basic human rights and deprives victims of every shred of personal freedom, and that the United Nations' International Labour Organization has estimated that at least 12.3 million adults and children worldwide are currently in forced labor, bonded labor, or forced prostitution of whom approximately 80% are women and girls and 50% younger than age 18."

    East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Pictured (from left to right) are: Chief of Police Harry Marshall; Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace, and Mayor Janice S. Mironov.

  3. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, January 18 due to Township holiday.

  4. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Township Holiday Monday, January 18. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Monday, January 18, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Thursday, January 21. (CLICK HERE) for public works schedules.

  5. Mercer County Surrogate East Windsor Satellite Office to Continue in 2016, in accordance with an arrangement between Mayor Janice Mironov and Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky. The Satellite Office is housed at the Township Senior Center and provides residents the opportunity to obtain probate services locally. The East Windsor Surrogate's Satellite Office is offered from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on the 4th Tuesday of each month, specifically for 2016: January 26, February 23, March 22, April 26, May 24, June 28, July 26, August 23, September 27, October 25, November 22, and December 27. For further information or to schedule an appointment, contact the Surrogate's Office at (609) 989-6331.

  6. Reminder: All Dog Licenses Are Required to be Renewed by January 31. All dogs seven months of age or older are required to be licensed. Rabies vaccines must be valid through October 31, 2016 in order to obtain a 2016 license. For information contact the Municipal Clerk's office (609) 443-4000, ext. 237.

  7. Annual Windsor-Hightstown Area Ministerium (WHAM) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Will Be Held on Sunday, January 17 at 7 pm, at the chapel of The Peddie School, at 201 South Main Street, Hightstown. The program will be followed by light refreshments.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

January 22, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Township Awarded Recycling Tonnage Grant of $26,499 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, again demonstrating being "green" yields "green." The grant funds, awarded based on recycling collected reports filed by the municipality, are authorized through the Recycling Enhancement Act, funded by a $3 per ton surcharge on trash disposed at solid waste facilities.

  2. East Windsor Township Awarded $100,000 New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for Housing Rehabilitation. The award, successfully obtained by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, provides funds to assist low and moderate income property owners to correct interior and exterior health, safety and code violations. Homeowners who fall within the program's income eligibility criteria and guidelines can receive funds to repair or replace heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components, weatherization (windows, insulation, etc.), roofs, lead remediation and foundations. For further information, residents can contact the Township program administrator Community Grants, Planning & Housing at (609) 371-1968 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.

  3. East Windsor Township 2016 New Year's Food Drive continues through January 31. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard), East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road), or the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company, District II (69 Twin Rivers Drive). The food drive will benefit the food pantries of RISE and St. Anthony's Church, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.

  4. ALERT - CHANGE OF DATE DUE TO WEATHER WARNINGS:Township Recreation Department Free Open House has been postponed to Saturday, January 30 at the East Windsor Senior Center to Introduce Residents to the Many Local Recreation Programs. Residents can stop by between 6 pm and 8 pm to obtain information on Township summer camps, after school activities, and the Township Senior Center programs, as well as Bricks 4 Kidz, Firefly Tennis, KidzArt, Kung Fu, Mad Science, That Pottery Place, NHL Street Hockey, TGA Golf, US Sports Institute and more. Free activities will be available for children including crafts and a showing of the popular movie, Home, and light refreshments. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  5. East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunity to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. An appointed committee will select a semi-finalist and forward the semi-finalist's entry to the scholarship committee of the New Jersey League of Municipalities for their consideration. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained from the Municipal Clerk's office at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 238. All entries should be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by March 10.

  6. Womanspace Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Wanted. East Windsor Township Police, in collaboration with Womanspace, is recruiting volunteers who work in conjunction with the police to provide support, information and referral at the time of a domestic violence situation. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, possess a valid driver's license and access to transportation, and submit to a background investigation, including fingerprinting. Bilingual individuals are encouraged to participate. An 80-hour mandatory training course is provided and scheduled for March 2016. Applications are available at the East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or visit www.womanspace.org. For more information, contact Detective Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.

  7. Reminder: All Dog Licenses Are Required to be Renewed by January 31. All dogs seven months of age or older are required to be licensed. Rabies vaccines must be valid through October 31, 2016 in order to obtain a 2016 license. For information contact the Municipal Clerk's office (609) 443-4000, ext. 237.

  8. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Princeton Symphony Orchestra at Princeton University on Saturday, February 6.The Princeton Symphony Orchestra will be performing selections from an array of award-winning film classics and iconic popular movies such as Ben Hur, Jaws, Superman, Psycho and Star Wars. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 7:00 pm and return at approximately 10:00 pm. The cost is $47.20 plus 50 cents for transportation. The deadline to register is January 25. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  9. East Windsor Recreation Presents First Annual 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park.The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor.

  10. Tips for Residents to Follow During Winter Weather Advisories and Storms:

    1. Be aware of parking regulations and once snow has begun,remove all vehicles from roadways marked "NO PARKING ON SNOW COVERED ROADWAYS," to enable plow trucks to clear the roads. In general, it is helpful to park vehicles in garages and driveways wherever possible and not on the street during a storm to improve street snow clearing and safety.

    2. Remove accumulated snow from abutting sidewalks within 24 hours, to assist neighbor and school student safety. When clearing snow, be mindful not to shovel snow into roadways or adjoining properties.

    3. Shoveling out neighborhood fire hydrants is encouraged to allow for quick location and access in event of an emergency. Residents should be aware of fire hydrant locations and street address signs that could become inaccessible due to snow accumulation.

    4. Unless officially authorized, residents should never assume thatfrozen ponds or lakes are suitable for skating or other recreational activities.

    5. Encourage Neighbors and Friends to Sign-Up for E-News to receive Alerts and stay informed during weather events and emergencies. To register for E-News (Click Here).

    6. For changes in Township schedules, including municipal office hours, garbage district collections and other important updates, visit the Township website www.east-windsor.nj.us, or call the Township information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400.

    Residents working in harmony with the Township and the Police and Public Works Departments will help make achieving the common goal of "a safer community" a reality this winter.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

January 29, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Township 2016 New Year's Food Drive Continues. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard), East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road), or the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company, District II (69 Twin Rivers Drive). The food drive will benefit the food pantries of RISE and St. Anthony's Church, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.

  2. East Windsor Township Recognizes 2015 Employees of the Year -- Executive Assistant to Township Manager Margaret Miloscia, Public Works Assistant General Foreman Peter Gentheand Police Sergeant Eric LionMargaret Miloscia has worked for East Windsor since 2006, previously as Senior Municipal Court Clerk and Assistant Systems Administrator in Police Records and Files, then was promoted to Executive Assistant to Township Manager. She is admired and respected by her co-workers for her extraordinary dedication to the Township, reliability and unflappable nature, and is always available to assist her co-workers regardless of the task. Peter Genthe, a public works employee since 2004, started in the Sanitation Division as a Laborer and Driver Laborer, then was promoted to Assistant General Foreman. His continuing tremendous work ethic and attitude, superior performance and demonstrated contributions, are underscored by his unprecedented recognition now for the third time as Employee of the Year, having previously earned this honor in 2005 and 2011. Police Sergeant Eric Lion, who joined the Township in 1995, currently serves as a Platoon Supervisor in the Uniform Services Division as well as Uniform Services Coordinator for the Field Training Program, and Firearms Instructor. A committed and conscientious employee who continuously displays a consummate professionalism in his role as a police officer in our community, serves as a model police officer, generating widespread admiration. Congratulations to our 2015 Employees of the Year!

    Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents East Windsor Township 2015 Employee of the Year Proclamations. Pictured (from left to right) are: Peter Genthe, Assistant General Foreman, Department of Public Works; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Margaret Miloscia, Executive Assistant to Township Manager, and Police Sergeant Eric Lion.

  3. Reminder: Township Recreation Department Free Open House on Saturday, January 30 at the East Windsor Senior Center to Introduce Residents to Local Recreation Programs.Residents can stop by between 6 pm and 8 pm to obtain information on Township summer camps, after school activities and Senior Center programs.

  4. East Windsor Recreation Department is Accepting Applications for 2016 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

  5. East Windsor Clean Communities Committee Celebrated 2015 Adopt-A-Spot Wrap-Up held to recognize and thank participants. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times a month from April 1 through November 1. Adopt-A-Spot is a great program in not only ensuring public areas of our community are well-maintained, but also has been a wonderful educational tool for teaching young people social responsibility and community pride. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520 Congratulations to the 2015 Adopt-A-Spot participants: Beth El Synagogue, Boy Scout Troop 59, Boy Scout Troop 5700, Brownie Troop 70215, Cub Scout Pack 53, Daisy Girl Scout Troop 72350, Girl Scout Troop 70105, Girl Scout Troop 70205 and 70111, Girl Scout Troop 70342, East Windsor Police Athletic League, and the Casciano Family.

    Girl Scout Troop 70105. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) Susan Vagrin; Jennifer DiGiola, Group Leader; John Donnelly, Clean Communities Chairperson; (middle row) Danielle Cruz; Isabella Benitez; Brooke Vagrin; Kayley Totka; Lily Ruskar; Lizzie DiGioia; Olma Auskins; Chloe Harkins; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; (front row) Emily Hamnett; Jenna Mao, and Jessica Meidhof.

    Brownie Troop 70215. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) John Donnelly, Clean Communities Chairperson; Kathy Frascella, Group Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; (middle row) Kate Mrvica; Koko Brown; Sudeeepta Murthy; Kristen Rodrigues; Molly Frascella; (front row) Karlie Kelly; Maddy Kelly; Kelsey Kelly, and Caroline Flannery.

    Boy Scout Troop 59. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; John O'Brien, Group Leader; Dayne Wolfe; Aidan Sharpe; Zach Hupfl; Brendan Reiss; Nicholas Seminerio; Chirayu Gupta, and Gary Fournier, Clean Communities Committee Vice Chairperson.

  6. Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 20 from 9 am to 2 pm,rain or shine in Parking Lot 4, South Broad Street, Trenton (directly across from County Administration Building at 640 South Broad Street). Residents can dispose of camera equipment, central processing units, circuit boards, copiers, electric wire, fax machines, keyboards, laptops and peripherals, microwave ovens, computer mice, networking equipment, phones, printers, scanners, stereo equipment, televisions and VCRs. Only Mercer County residents can utilize paper shredding service, and are limited to a maximum of eight boxes or bags. For further information, visit www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  7. East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunity to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. An appointed committee will select a semi-finalist and forward the semi-finalist's entry to the scholarship committee of the New Jersey League of Municipalities for their consideration. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained from the Municipal Clerk's office at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 238. All entries should be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by Thursday, March 10.

  8. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to The College of New Jersey Art Gallery in Ewing Township on Tuesday, February 16. The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) Art Gallery presents six exhibitions annually, including curated exhibitions featuring nationally and internationally recognized artists, the annual senior BFA exhibition, faculty and alumni exhibitions, and a juried statewide K-12 art exhibition. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 12:30 pm and return at approximately 4:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 plus 50 cents for transportation. The deadline to register is February 8. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  9. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in Hampton, New Jersey for "Spreading it Around," on Tuesday, March 1. The show is a comedy about a well-to-do widow living in Florida who grows tired of handing out money to her neglectful and unappreciative children and sets up a foundation to give her money to people truly in need. When her greedy son and his shopaholic wife find out what she's up to, they attempt to have her declared financially incompetent. However, when Mom learns of their scheme, she comes up with a plan to show just how competent she really is. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:30 am and return at approximately 5:00 pm. The cost is $52.00 which includes lunch. The deadline to register is February 22. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  10. REMINDER: East Windsor Township Offers Several Resources for Information During Winter Weather Advisories and Storms. Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, subscribe to E-News, call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, and check local access channel Comcast 27/Verizon 38, for information and updates.

  11. Residents Are Encouraged to Register and Urge Other Residents to Register to Receive E-News Updates. E-News is used for alert communications in urgent situations, as well as sent generally weekly to provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants, special events and other subjects of public interest. To register for E-News, go to the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us. East Windsor officials seek to expand the database of resident users. PLEASE SEND THIS E-NEWS INFORMATION TO 10 OF YOUR EAST WINDSOR FRIENDS ENCOURAGING THEM TO SUBSCRIBE.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

February 5, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Township Holds Public Meeting on Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Study on Wednesday, February 24 from 7 pm to 9 pm Seeking Input from Residents. The study, supported by a NJ Department of Transportation grant, is intended to review and enhance bicycle and pedestrian networks and opportunities in the Township. The meeting, which will be held at the Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), will begin with a brief presentation about the project, then the public is welcome to review draft study findings and informally provide comments and ideas. East Windsor officials, NJ Department of Transportation staff, and the study consultant will be present to discuss the study project.

  2. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available athttps://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor.

  3. East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2016 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.

    Brownie Troop 72350 recognized for 2015 Adopt-A-Spot. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) John Donnelly, Clean Communities Chairperson; Melissa Florke, Group Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; (front row) Cristi Palmer; Cameron Kenny; Charlie Vance; Juliette Rosario, and Shelby Field.

    Girl Scout Troop 70342 recognized for 2015 Adopt-A-Spot. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; John Donnelly, Clean Communities Chairperson; Tara Misiura; Nicole Masone; Sinhu Inala; Megan Bertrand; Rachael Masone, and Vera Crabtree.

    Boy Scout Troop 5700 recognized for 2015 Adopt-A-Spot. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Becky McGinnis; Josh McGinnis; Robert S. Turton III; Nathan McGinnis; Andrew Luczak; John Donnelly, Clean Communities Chairperson, and Kraig Luczak.

  4. East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2016 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

  5. East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Installed New Officers for 2016. Steve Genthe will serve as Chief and Benjamin Thornton will again serve as President of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 for 2016. Congratulations and thank you to all of the Township's dedicated volunteers!

  6. Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 20 from 9 am to 2 pm,rain or shine in Parking Lot 4, South Broad Street, Trenton (directly across from County Administration Building at 640 South Broad Street). Residents can dispose of camera equipment, central processing units, circuit boards, copiers, electric wire, fax machines, keyboards, laptops and peripherals, microwave ovens, computer mice, networking equipment, phones, printers, scanners, stereo equipment, televisions and VCRs. Only Mercer County residents can utilize paper shredding service, and are limited to a maximum of eight boxes or bags. For further information, visit www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  7. Womanspace Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Wanted. East Windsor Township Police, in collaboration with Womanspace, is recruiting volunteers who work in conjunction with the police to provide support, information and referral at the time of a domestic violence situation. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, possess a valid driver's license and access to transportation, and submit to a background investigation, including fingerprinting. Bilingual individuals are encouraged to participate. An 80-hour mandatory training course is provided and scheduled for March 2016. Applications are available at the East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or visit www.womanspace.org. For more information, contact Detective Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

February 12, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Township Holds Public Meeting on Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Study on Wednesday, February 24 from 7 pm to 9 pm Seeking Input from Residents. The study, supported by a NJ Department of Transportation grant, is intended to review and enhance bicycle and pedestrian networks and opportunities in the Township. The meeting, which will be held at the Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), will begin with a brief presentation about the project, then the public is welcome to review draft study findings and informally provide comments and ideas. East Windsor officials, NJ Department of Transportation staff, and the study consultant will be present to discuss the study project.

  2. East Windsor Mayor Mironov Proclaimed Boy Scouting Anniversary Week February 7 to 13 and recognized local Boy Scout Troops 5700, 6284 and 59, and Cub Scout Pack 53. The Mayoral Proclamation, noting that the Boy Scouts of America were officially founded in 1910 and celebrating its 106th anniversary, stated they "have continued to set an excellent example for all through their volunteerism, commitment to others, and dedication to bettering themselves and their communities." The Proclamation "expressed appreciation and commended the outstanding work of the Boy Scout organization, their scout members, leaders and volunteers in our community.boyscoutweek.jpg"

    Mayor Janice Mironov presented Proclamations for Boy Scouting Anniversary Week along with private checks of support to local Boy Scout troops. Pictured (from left to right) are: Steve Greaves, Committee Chairperson, Boy Scout Troop 6284; Peter Kecskes, Scoutmaster, Cub Scout Pack 53; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Greg Charache, Scoutmaster, Boy Scout Troop 5700. Not pictured is Boy Scout Troop 59.

  3. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, February 15 for Presidents Day Holiday.

  4. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Township Holiday Monday, February 15 Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Monday, February 15, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Thursday, February 18. (CLICK HERE) for public works schedules.

  5. Windsor Nissan Presents $1500 National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation Grant to East Windsor Senior Center.Marcy Maguire, CEO of Maguire Automotive Group and Trustee of the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation presented a check in the amount of $1500 to the East Windsor Senior Center, to support senior center programs.


    Marcy Maguire presents $1500 donation to the Senior Center from the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation. Pictured (from left to right) are: Karen Theer, Senior Center Coordinator; Joan Gordon, Senior Center Volunteer; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Marcy Maguire, CEO, Windsor Nissan/Maguire Automotive Group, and Caryl Schienvar, Senior Center Volunteer.

  6. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

  7. East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2016 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.


    Beth El Synagogue recognized for 2015 Adopt-A-Spot. Pictured (from left to right) are: Ben Genek; Melissa Hemel; Sarah Hemel; Samara Genek; Daniel Genek; Gary Fournier, Clean Communities Committee Vice-Chairperson; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Traci Hemel.


    Girl Scout Troop 70205 and 70111 recognized for 2015 Adopt-A-Spot.Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) John Donnelly, Clean Communities Committee Chairperson; Candice Wisaksono, Co-Leader; Jordan Batista; Amy Batista, Group Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; (front row) Kaitlyn Batista; Renee Suillin, and Leila Wisaksono.

  8. East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 Installed New Officers for 2016. James McCann will again serve as Chief andJack Israel will again serve as President of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 for 2016. Congratulations and thank you to all of the Township's dedicated volunteers!

  9. Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 20 from 9 am to 2 pm,rain or shine in Parking Lot 4, South Broad Street, Trenton (directly across from County Administration Building at 640 South Broad Street). For further information, visit www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  10. East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2016 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

  11. East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Open for Township Residents. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  12. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show in Philadelphia on Monday, March 7. The annual Philadelphia Horticultural Society Flower Show, established 188 years ago, is the world's oldest and largest indoor flower show. The flower show features large-scale floral displays, elaborate gardens and over the top floral creations. The flower show is celebrating the centennial of the National Park Service and will offer acres of displays inspired by iconic parks. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:00 am and return at approximately 5:00 pm. The cost is $45.00. Lunch is on your own in the cafÉ. The deadline to register is February 24. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  13. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City on Tuesday, March 22. This unusual and illuminating tour offers a glimpse inside one of the world's premiere performing arts organizations. Learn about the fascinating history of this magnificent venue and hear tidbits about news and classical productions, while peeking inside production areas not typically accessed by the general public. This tour involves substantial walking and stair climbing. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 11:00 am and return at approximately 6:30 pm. The cost is $40.00. Lunch is on your own. The deadline to register is March 4. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  14. Womanspace Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Wanted. East Windsor Township Police, in collaboration with Womanspace, is recruiting volunteers who work in conjunction with the police to provide support, information and referral at the time of a domestic violence situation. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, possess a valid driver's license and access to transportation, and submit to a background investigation, including fingerprinting. Bilingual individuals are encouraged to participate. An 80-hour mandatory training course is provided and scheduled for March 2016. Applications are available at the East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or visit www.womanspace.org. For more information, contact Detective Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.

  15. CALENDAR: East Windsor Township Recycling Days onSaturday, April 16 from 10 am to 2 pm, Wednesday, July 13from 4 pm to 8 pm and Saturday, October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. Free Document Shredding and other drop-off recycling (electronics, computers, televisions, cell phones, fluorescent bulbs, toner cartridges and shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances and housewares) will be offered to residents.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

February 19, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Township Holds Public Meeting on Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Study on Wednesday, February 24 from 7 pm to 9 pm Seeking Input from Residents. The study, supported by a NJ Department of Transportation grant, is intended to review and enhance bicycle and pedestrian networks and opportunities in the Township. The meeting, which will be held at the Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), will begin with a brief presentation about the project, then the public is welcome to review draft study findings and informally provide comments and ideas. East Windsor officials, NJ Department of Transportation staff, and the study consultant will be present to discuss the study project.

  2. Township Is Accepting Applications from Residents for Participation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  3. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

  4. REMINDER: Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 20 from 9 am to 2 pm, rain or shine in Parking Lot 4, South Broad Street, Trenton (directly across from County Administration Building at 640 South Broad Street). For further information, visit www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  5. East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2016 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

  6. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to the Princeton University Chapel in Princeton, New Jersey on Monday, March 14. Designed in 1921 by Ralph Adams Cram in his signature Collegiate Gothic style, it was built by the university between 1924 and 1928 at a cost of $2.3 million, and underwent major restoration in 2002. The chapel's extensive iconography consists of noteworthy stained glass windows, stone masonry and wood carvings. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:00 am and return at 12 noon. The cost is 50 cents for transportation. The deadline to register is March 4. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  7. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to the New Jersey State Museum in Trenton on Thursday, March 31. See the featured exhibition "Silver Shell Glass: A History of Native American Beadwork," a collection of rarely seen Native American beaded objects such as moccasins, cradleboards and headdresses. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 12:30 pm and return at approximately 4:00 pm. The cost is 50 cents for transportation. The deadline to register is March 18. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

February 26, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.


    East Windsor Township officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Month for March, as police officers demonstrate proper use of the gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Joseph Carabelli; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Chief Harry Marshall, and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson.

  2. ALERT: Jersey Central Power & Light to Begin Work on Local Phase of Transmission Line Project on Monday, February 29, and Lasting Approximately 10 Weeks. This local work is part of a new transmission line system between the existing Englishtown substation in Manalapan and the existing Wyckoff Street substation in Hightstown. The project will begin at Wyckoff Mills Road and Cranbury Station Road, proceeding easterly to Probasco Road, then south along Probasco Road to Route 33 east to Twin Rivers Drive. This JCP&L initiative, referenced as the "Energizing the Future" project, is intended to replace existing equipment with advanced technologies designed to enhance system reliability, meet projected growing need for electricity, and reinforce the system in light of power plant deactivations. During construction, temporary parking restrictions will be required on the west side of Probasco Road between Route 33 and Wyckoff Mills Road. Some traffic impacts will occur during project work hours of 7 am to 3 pm. During work on Cranbury Station Road and Wyckoff Mills Road, there may be times of alternating traffic patterns. During Route 33 work, east bound shoulder and right lane closures will occur intermittently. Several 15 minute roadway closures will occur during the project, between the hours of 1 am and 5 am, which will be noticed a week in advance via roadside electronic message boards. For any questions, contact Gerry Ricciardi at JCP&L at (732) 723-6652 or gricciardi@firstenergycorp.com.

  3. Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  4. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 19 from 8 am to 2 pm, at the John T. Dempster Fire School located at Bakers Basin Road and Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence. Residents can dispose of Aerosol Cans, Used Motor Oil, Propane Gas Tanks, Pesticides & Herbicides, Car Batteries, Paint Thinner, Oil Based Paint, Stains & Varnishes, Gasoline, Anti-Freeze, Driveway Sealer, Insect Repellents, Mercury, Fluorescent & CFL Bulbs. Only Mercer County residents can utilize this service. For further information, visit www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  5. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Issues and Presents Month of the Young Child Proclamation to Better Beginnings and Mayor and Council Members Offer Personal Checks of Support to Kick-off Mayors Shining Star Gala on Saturday, April 9 at 5 pm at the Holiday Inn, 399 Monmouth Street, East Windsor.The Gala, a major fundraiser to benefit the Better Beginning Child Development Center, honors individuals, organizations, and businesses who have bettered the community. The Mayoral Proclamation noted that "high-quality early childhood services represent a worthy and vital commitment to our children's future" and "calls upon our citizens to recognize and support the needs of young children in our community." The Proclamation further praises "Better Beginnings for providing affordable quality child care for families and their children in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment," For further information or to support the Better Beginnings Gala, call (609) 448-6226 or emailbetter_beginnings@yahoo.com


    East Windsor Township officials kick-off Better Beginnings Gala on Saturday, April 9 by providing personal checks of support. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mercedes Colon-Vargas, Better Beginnings Gala Coordinator; Council Member Denise Daniels, Better Beginnings Board of Directors Secretary; Peggy Iucolino, Better Beginnings Board of Directors Vice Chairperson; Luz N. Horta, Better Beginnings Executive Director; Dennis McClary, Better Beginnings Board of Directors Chairperson; Mayor Janice Mironov; Council Member Marc Lippman; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Council Member Perry Shapiro, and Council Member John Zoller.

  6. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

  7. East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Open for Township Residents. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  8. East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2016 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

  9. Mercer County Sustainability Coalition Which Includes East Windsor Township Presents 10th Annual Living Local Expo on Saturday, March 19 from 11 am to 4 pm at Rider University Gymnasium, 2083 Lawrenceville Road (Route 206), Lawrenceville. This free Expo entitled "Being Green Pays Off" and featuring ideas and products for home and business, offers information about how to "green" your home by composting, having a natural lawn, and using renewable energy and energy saving technology and materials, learning about reducing our carbon footprint, and cultivating healthier living in our local communities. Opportunities are offered to shop local businesses, learn about area non-profits, visit the farmers market, and watch healthy living demonstrations. For further information, visitwww.livinglocalexpo.net.

  10. East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2016 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.

  11. East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunity to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. An appointed committee will select a semi-finalist and forward the semi-finalist's entry to the scholarship committee of the New Jersey League of Municipalities for their consideration. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained from the Municipal Clerk's office at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 238. All entries should be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by Thursday, March 10.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

March 4, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. Public Meeting on Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Study Seeking Input from Residents Held by East Windsor Township. The study, supported by a NJ Department of Transportation grant, is intended to review and enhance bicycle and pedestrian networks and opportunities in the Township. The public is welcome to review the presentation on the Township website and provide comments by March 15 to deputyclerk@east-windsor.nj.us. The presentation can be viewed at (CLICK HERE).

  2. East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled; REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCE materials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left by Monday, March 28 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 19 Council meeting at 7:30 pm. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby through May.

  3. Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  4. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

  5. East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Thursday, April 14, are available at the municipal building, on Township website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at 443-4000, ext. 238.

  6. Mercer County Sustainability Coalition Which Includes East Windsor Township Presents 10th Annual Living Local Expoon Saturday, March 19 from 11 am to 4 pm at Rider University Gymnasium, 2083 Lawrenceville Road (Route 206), Lawrenceville. Thisfree Expo entitled "Being Green Pays Off" and featuring ideas and products for home and business, offers information about how to "green" your home by composting, having a natural lawn, and using renewable energy and energy saving technology and materials, learning about reducing our carbon footprint, and cultivating healthier living in our local communities. Opportunities are offered to shop local businesses, learn about area non-profits, visit the farmers market, and watch healthy living demonstrations. For further information, visit www.livinglocalexpo.net.

  7. East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2016 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.

  8. Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.

  9. Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, March 19 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, March 20 at 1:30 pm). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.

  10. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 19, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  11. Township Recreation Department Presents "Night With The New Jersey Devils," on Tuesday, March 29, at 7 pm. The New Jersey Devils play the Boston Bruins at the Prudential Center Arena. The East Windsor Recreation Department is offering a group package rate of $30 per seat, including transportation from the municipal building. For more information call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or (CLICK HERE) to register.

  12. East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Open for Township Residents. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  13. East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2016 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

March 11, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Seeking Resident Input on Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Study. The study, supported by a NJ Department of Transportation grant, is intended to review and enhance bicycle and pedestrian networks and opportunities in the Township. The public is welcome to review the presentation on the Township website and provide comments by March 15 to deputyclerk@east-windsor.nj.us. The presentation video, study, and presentation materials can be viewed at(CLICK HERE).

  2. Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HEREor contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  3. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

  4. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed March Women's History Month, joined by Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello, Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky, Hightstown Borough Council Member Susan Bluth, and East Windsor Township Council Member Denise Daniels. The Proclamation recognizes "the many accomplishments and substantial contributions of women over history to our civic, political and cultural life, and their extraordinary leadership and extensive work and commitment to the betterment of the lives of the citizens of East Windsor Township and the State of New Jersey."


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a proclamation recognizing Women's History Month, joined by local and county elected officials. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky; Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; East Windsor Council Member Denise Daniels, and Hightstown Borough Council Member Susan Bluth.

  5. East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Thursday, April 14, are available at the municipal building, on Township website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at 443-4000, ext. 238.

  6. East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled;REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCEmaterials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left byMonday, March 28 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 19 Council meeting at 7:30 pm. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby through May.

  7. Mercer County Sustainability Coalition Which Includes East Windsor Township Presents 10th Annual Living Local Expo on Saturday, March 19 from 11 am to 4 pm at Rider University Gymnasium, 2083 Lawrenceville Road (Route 206), Lawrenceville. This free Expo entitled "Being Green Pays Off" and featuring ideas and products for home and business, offers information about how to "green" your home by composting, having a natural lawn, and using renewable energy and energy saving technology and materials, learning about reducing our carbon footprint, and cultivating healthier living in our local communities. Opportunities are offered to shop local businesses, learn about area non-profits, visit the farmers market, and watch healthy living demonstrations. For further information, visitwww.livinglocalexpo.net.

  8. East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2016 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.

  9. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed March American Red Cross Month, joined by Red Cross official Christy Hodde. The Proclamation notes, "the American Red Cross provides help and support in a multitude of ways to people in this country and around the world by responding to over 66,000 disasters every year, collecting and distributing about forty percent of the nation's blood supply, providing 24-hour support to military members, veterans and their families and helping millions of people around the world through disaster management and disease prevention activities." The Proclamation further calls "upon all citizens of East Windsor Township to join in recognizing, commending and participating in the humanitarian work of the American Red Cross of Central New Jersey and become an everyday hero."


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a Proclamation recognizing Red Cross Month to Christy Hodde, Executive Director of the New Jersey Crossroads Chapter of the American Red Cross (right).

  10. Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.

  11. Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, March 19 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, March 20 at 1:30 pm). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.

  12. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 19, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  13. CALENDAR: Mayor Janice S. Mironov Will Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, Thursday, May 5 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). For information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

March 18, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. Township Council on March 8 Unanimously Awards Contract to IXP for Dispatching Services to East Windsor Township and to Hightstown Borough under an approved shared service agreement. An Evaluation Committee consisting of Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Council Member Perry Shapiro, Township Manager/Former Police Lieutenant James Brady, Chief of Police Harry Marshall and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson spent a multi-month process reviewing the current structure and pricing and the IXP proposal. A two year contract beginning May 16, 2016 with renewal options was awarded based on the fact that the IXP proposal offers long term cost savings, improved operational efficiencies and financial predictability over the period of a five year agreement and offers these benefits while bringing improved service levels and increased staffing. The Township noted:

    • The IXP proposal results in a direct budget savings and revenue addition of $607,101 over five years. The addition of a ninth dispatcher valued at $445,000 over five years results in a total benefit to East Windsor of $1,052,101 over a five year period.

    • IXP provides higher staffing levels with a minimum of two dispatchers at all times and a third dispatcher during peak hours.

    • All dispatch communications services will continue to be performed 24/7 out of the existing East Windsor Communications Center located at the Police/Court Building on One Mile Road.

    • IXP has the capacity to provide experienced communication dispatchers and agreed to provide preference in hiring to existing East Windsor dispatchers.

    • The East Windsor Chief of Police or designee will have ultimate responsibility for directing IXP dispatchers on matters involving day-to-day operations.

    • All ancillary functions of the existing East Windsor Communications Center currently being done by East Windsor dispatchers will be performed by IXP personnel.

    • IXP is an established company with proven performance and experienced leadership in dispatch services and law enforcement.

    • IXP provides a high level of training and certification that meets or exceeds state standards, and the contract requires IXP levels of service to meet or exceed established best practices and protocols within the dispatch communication industry.

    • No additional equipment needs or updates will be necessary or required throughout the term of the contract, barring unforeseen current equipment malfunctions.

    • All equipment used to carry out dispatch services will be owned entirely by East Windsor Township and will provide a means for the Township to re-staff the existing center should it ever be necessary or desirable to do so in the future.

    • The agreement with IXP affords to East Windsor opportunities to enter into other Shared Services Agreements, for additional savings and revenue generation to East Windsor taxpayers.

  2. CentraState Healthcare System Is Locating 14,387 Square Foot Urgent and Primary Care Facility at South Corner of Town Center Plaza Next to Movie Theater. The 10 existing movie theater screens will remain open as they are. CentraState anticipates opening the new medical facility by the end of 2016. The theater history is: Starplex Cinemas acquired the former East Windsor Multiplex in December 2013, purchasing 10 of the existing 15 theaters. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Starplex Cinemas at that time operated 40 theaters and 313 screens in 11 states, including East Brunswick and Ridgefield Park in New Jersey. In late 2014, Starplex undertook significant seating upgrades to larger reclining leather seats with additional room between the aisles, which work was completed by March 2015. AMC Entertainment had announced plans to acquire Starplex movie theaters, but the U.S. Department of Justice and the Connecticut attorney general's office brought an anti-trust complaint stating that the deal could harm competition because AMC and Starplex are rivals in the movie exhibition business in and around East Windsor, NJ and Berlin, CT, and that this rivalry spurs each to improve the quality of its theaters and keeps ticket prices in check. In a negotiated settlement, AMC was permitted to proceed if it divested the East Windsor theater as well as the Starplex theater in Berlin, CT, to an approved buyer. Carmike Cinemas purchased the two theaters, including the East Windsor movie theater. Carmike Cinemas, based in Columbus, Georgia, stated that the deal with AMC Entertainment brings Carmike's total number of theaters to 275, with 2,942 screens in 41 states.

  3. Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HEREor contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  4. REMINDER: Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled forSaturday, March 19 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain dateSunday, March 20 at 1:30 pm) for children in pre-school through Grade 5. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.

  5. Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.

  6. REMINDER: Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 19, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. For further information, visit the MCIA website atwww.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  7. REMINDER: Mercer County Sustainability Coalition Which Includes East Windsor Township Presents 10th AnnualLiving Local Expo on Saturday, March 19 from 11 am to 4 pmat Rider University Gymnasium, 2083 Lawrenceville Road (Route 206), Lawrenceville. This free Expo entitled "Being Green Pays Off" and featuring ideas and products for home and business, and many demonstrations. For further information, visit www.livinglocalexpo.net.

  8. East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Thursday, April 14, are available at the municipal building, on Township website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at 443-4000, ext. 238.

  9. East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled;REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCEmaterials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left byMonday, March 28 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 19 Council meeting at 7:30 pm. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby through May.

  10. East Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park. The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

March 25, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. NO TAX INCREASE 2016 Municipal Budget Introduced by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members on March 22, for third consecutive year. Thus, the 2016 municipal tax rate componentremains the same for four consecutive years, at the rate of 43 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013. This means that for the average current residential assessment of $258,052, the 2016 municipal tax is $1120. The East Windsor municipal component remains at less than 15% of the total local property tax bill, and is among the lowest amounts in the entire region and well below the statewide average. The 2016 municipal tax levy also is well below the available state cap levy amounts. The fiscally conservative budget document also will continue to deliver a very high quality level of services to residents. The NO TAX INCREASEmunicipal budget is a result of the Township's commitment to continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, a low debt level, and pro-active efforts to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year.

  2. Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HEREor contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  3. East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, April 16 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee.Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  4. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed National Volunteer Week and Recognized the East Windsor Student Members on Township Boards and Commissions. East Windsor Mayor and Council created a program of appointing high school students to Township Boards and Committees, in an effort to involve young people in our municipal government, thereby generating an increased understanding of the role of government in East Windsor Township and injecting a fresh outlook into the local governmental process. Mayor Mironov praised the student members as exemplifying the great spirit of volunteerism and public service to our community, and expressed appreciation for their valued input and ideas and sharing of their student experiences. The Mayor presented Certificates of Appreciation to the student members for their valuable contributions: Clean Communities: Chirayu Gupta; Commission on Aging: Sree Chinta; Economic Development Committee: Vaibhav MehtaJasman SinghIan JurkiewiczSarah Heyburn; Environmental Commission and Green Team: Vipartap GrewalRithesh NeelamagamHarish RabindranJay VaingankarAditya Shah; Health Advisory Board: Aish Parulekar; East Windsor Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse: Alexis BrandonJack Krall,Riya Parulekar; Recreation Commission: Raveena KumarManas Sood.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognized National Volunteer Week and presented Proclamation and Certificates of Appreciation to East Windsor student members on Township boards and committees at March 22 Council meeting. Pictured from left to right are: (front row) Chirayu Gupta, Clean Communities Committee; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sarah Heyburn, Economic Development Committee; Sree Chinta, Commission on Aging; (back row) Aditya Shah, Environmental Commission; Jay Vaingankar, Environmental Commission; Manas Sood, Recreation Commission; Alexis Brandon, East Windsor Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse; Jasman Singh, Economic Development Committee; Virpartap Grewal, Environmental Commission, and Rithesh Neelamagam, Environmental Commission.

  5. Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook - Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 23, from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website at www.thewatershed.org or contact Michael atmpisauro@thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.

  6. REMINDEREast Windsor Recreation Presents 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 9, Race Starting at 8 am at Etra Lake Park.The cost to participate is $25, and proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks, for Autism awareness and research. The deadline to register is March 31 and race packet pickup will be the first week in April. Volunteers interested in assisting with the event can contact the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225. Online registration is available at (CLICK HERE).

  7. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed National Library WeekApril 10 to 16 with the Theme "Libraries Transform," and recognized the East Windsor branches, Hickory Corner and Twin Rivers, of the Mercer County Library system. Mayor Janice S. Mironov, accompanied by Council Member Denise Daniels, presented the Proclamation, along with Barnes and Noble gift certificates donated by Shiseido America, to representatives of the two libraries. The two libraries were recognized as key centers within our communities, which provide valuable access to many diverse resources and serve as a center for community group meetings. Mayor Mironov encouraged all people to support and rediscover the wealth of resources and services available at the East Windsor Township libraries. The Proclamation states "Our public libraries safeguard the right of Americans to free access to read, learn and connect to information on all subjects and representing all points of view, serving as a cornerstone of our democracy."


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed National Library Week April 10 to 16, 2016. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Denise Daniels; Sharon Galbraith Ryder, Branch Manager, Hickory Corner Library Branch; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jeanne Murray, Branch Manager, Twin Rivers Library Branch, and Phyllis Anker, East Windsor Township Mercer County Library Commission Representative.

  8. East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Thursday, April 14, are available at the municipal building, on Township website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at 443-4000, ext. 238.

  9. REMINDEREast Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students to promote the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo: RECYCLE - REUSE - REDUCE - REBUY. Posters should be left by Monday, March 28 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended.

  10. LAST CALL: Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents during March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The gun locks, available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.

  11. Township Senior Center Offers Day Trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Monday, April 11. The trip begins with a Mural Masterpiece bus tour through diverse neighborhoods of North Philadelphia and Center City to explore the world's largest outdoor art gallery and the city's stunning mural collection. Lunch will be on your own in the Comcast Center food court, which has 24,000 square feet of food retail and 20 storefronts to enjoy. Thereafter, there will be an interactive tour through the National Liberty Museum. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:30 am and will return at 5:30 pm. The cost is $42 plus lunch on your own. The deadline to register is April 1. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  12. Free Color Photo Identification Cards Are Available to Senior Citizens at the Senior Center on Tuesday April 5, between 10 am and 11 am. The ID cards, provided by the Mercer County Sheriff's Office and available to seniors with proper identification, can be lifesaving during medical emergencies. The card contains a photograph and such information as name, address, date of birth, height, weight, hair color, eye color, whom to contact in case of a medical emergency, and doctor's name and phone number. For further information, call (609) 371-7192.

  13. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Schenck Farmstead in West Windsor, New Jersey on Friday, April 29, for a volunteer-guided tour of the farmhouse and out buildings, which date back to the early 18th century (1730-1750). The farmstead includes a Dutch/English barn, carriage house with loft, one-room school house, farmhouse and a farm equipment display. The barn was the first structure built on the land, sometime between 1730-1750, and the house was built soon after. The barn was built with no nails, as all of the boards are made to fit together. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 9:30 am and will return at 12:30 pm. The cost is 50¢ cash for transportation. The deadline to register is April 20. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

April 1, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. LAST CALL: Applications from Residents for Participation in the 2016 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

  2. East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, April 16 (RAIN OR SHINE) from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  3. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Participated in Meals on Wheels of Mercer County "Community Champions Week". The Mayor joined local volunteers to deliver meals to program participants during the week of March 21, to generate public awareness about senior hunger and isolation, to celebrate the invaluable services provided by the various meals on wheels programs, and to recruit new volunteers and support for the program. Meals on Wheels of Mercer County helps homebound and elderly residents to maintain their independence, health and well-being through delivery of a meal Monday through Friday by volunteers in East Windsor and other Mercer County communities. Individuals with mid-day availability can volunteeraccording to their availability to deliver meals to local seniors. The program is made possible by the generous support of volunteers who deliver the meals and provide daily contact to the homebound and elderly. For more information regarding the Meals on Wheels program or to volunteer, contact Meals on Wheels of Mercer County at (609) 695-3483 or visit http://www.mowte.org/ .


    Mayor Janice Mironov joins volunteer Jamie Ferguson to deliver meals on wheels to East Windsor Township residents Elizabeth Teresky and Joyce Ponziomealsonwheels2.jpg.

    Mayor Janice Mironov joins volunteer Jamie Ferguson to deliver meals on wheels to East Windsor Township resident Arley Konan.

  4. Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook - Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 23(RAIN OR SHINE) from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website at www.thewatershed.org or contact Michael atmpisauro@thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.

  5. Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Tuesday, April 26 from 3 pm to 7 pm and Tuesday, May 17from 10 am to 3 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building(16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6473 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.organd click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.

  6. East Windsor Promotes Township Memorial Tree Programfor Arbor Day. The Memorial Tree Program offers residents a unique opportunity to provide a living memorial to a deceased relative or friend or in remembrance or commemoration of a special person, group or event. The tree, including tree planting and accompanying granite marker with the name of the deceased person or event to be remembered, can be ordered through the Public Works Department. Brochures describing the program and costs with an order form are available on-line CLICK HERE, at the Township Municipal Building or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  7. Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onThursday, May 5 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2015 as well as 2016 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

April 8, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, April 16 (RAIN OR SHINE) from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  2. Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook - Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 23(RAIN OR SHINE) from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website at www.thewatershed.org or contact Michael atmpisauro@thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.

  3. East Windsor Will Hold "Operation Medicine Cabinet" onSaturday, April 30 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police / court building (80 One Mile Road), for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.

  4. Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Tuesday, April 26 from 3 pm to 7 pm and Tuesday, May 17from 10 am to 3 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building(16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6473 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.organd click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.

  5. East Windsor Promotes Township Memorial Tree Programfor Arbor Day. The Memorial Tree Program offers residents a unique opportunity to provide a living memorial to a deceased relative or friend or in remembrance or commemoration of a special person, group or event. The tree, including tree planting and accompanying granite marker with the name of the deceased person or event to be remembered, can be ordered through the Public Works Department. Brochures describing the program and costs with an order form are available on-line CLICK HERE, at the Township Municipal Building or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  6. Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onThursday, May 5 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2015 as well as 2016 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.

  7. LAST CALLEast Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for theSylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a Township senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nomination forms are available at the municipal building, on-line at the website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at 443-4000, ext. 238.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

April 15, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, April 16 (RAIN OR SHINE) from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares.

  2. ALERT: On or about April 25, Ward Street between Etra Road and Davison Road Will Be Closed 24/7 for Approximately Two Weeks, weather permitting, due to Mercer County roadway repairs to the bridge deck. Construction will take place from approximately 9 am to 3:30 pm. During the project, signs will be posted directing motorists to use Etra Road and South Main Street in Hightstown to Route 33.

  3. Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook - Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 23(RAIN OR SHINE) from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website at www.thewatershed.org or contact Michael atmpisauro@thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.

  4. East Windsor Will Hold "Operation Medicine Cabinet" onSaturday, April 30 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police / court building (80 One Mile Road), for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.

  5. East Windsor and Hightstown Mayors Co-Hosted Better Beginnings Shining Star Charity Gala, and recognized 2016"Shining Star" honorees for their contributions: Kerrie Peterson and Pete Bussone, Lifetime Achievement Award; Larry Blake, Lifetime Achievement Award; Denise Daniels, Individual Award; Lee Hutchinson, Individual Award; Rocky Brook Garden Club, Organization Award; Dairy Queen, Business Award, and East Windsor-Hightstown Boy Scout Troops 59, 5700 and 6284, Youth Group Award. The gala event was a charity fundraiser for Better Beginnings, a local child care development center, which began in 1967 and provides pre-school, after school and summer programs to area children.


    East Windsor Council Member Denise Daniels was honored at the Better Beginnings Gala. Pictured (from left to right): East Windsor Council Member Perry Shapiro; Shining Star Individual Award Honoree East Windsor Council Member Denise Daniels, and Hightstown Mayor Larry Quattrone.

  6. Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Tuesday, April 26 from 3 pm to 7 pm and Tuesday, May 17from 10 am to 3 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building(16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6473 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.organd click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.

  7. East Windsor Promotes Township Memorial Tree Programfor Arbor Day. The Memorial Tree Program offers residents a unique opportunity to provide a living memorial to a deceased relative or friend or in remembrance or commemoration of a special person, group or event. The tree, including tree planting and accompanying granite marker with the name of the deceased person or event to be remembered, can be ordered through the Public Works Department. Brochures describing the program and costs with an order form are available on-line CLICK HERE, at the Township Municipal Building or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  8. Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onThursday, May 5 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2015 as well as 2016 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

April 22, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. NO TAX INCREASE 2016 Municipal Budget Adopted by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members on April 19, for third consecutive year. Thus, the 2016 municipal tax rate componentremains the same for four consecutive years, at the rate of 43 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013. This means that for the average current residential assessment of $258,052, the 2016 municipal tax is $1120. The East Windsor municipal component remains at less than 15% of the total local property tax bill, and is among the lowest amounts in the entire region and well below the statewide average. The 2016 municipal tax levy also is well below the available state cap levy amounts. The fiscally conservative budget document also will continue to deliver a very high quality level of services to residents. The NO TAX INCREASEmunicipal budget is a result of the Township's commitment to continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, a low debt level, and pro-active efforts to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year.

  2. ALERT: On or about Monday, April 25, Ward Street between Etra Road and Davison Road Will Be Closed 24/7 for Approximately Two Weeks, weather permitting, due to Mercer County roadway repairs to the bridge deck. Construction will take place from approximately 9 am to 3:30 pm. During the project, signs will be posted directing motorists to use Etra Road and South Main Street in Hightstown to Route 33.

  3. REMINDER: Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook - Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup TOMORROW Saturday, April 23(RAIN OR SHINE) from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website at www. thewatershed.org or contact Michael at mpisauro@thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.

  4. Elementary School Winners of the Township Earth Day Recycling Poster Contest Were Recognized by Mayor Janice S. Mironov at Council meeting for Earth Day. The poster contest theme was to promote the 4 R's of the Township Recycling Program: "Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Rebuy." Winners received Mayoral Certificates of Recognition and gift certificates to Barnes and Noble, donated by corporate sponsor Shiseido America. All of the posters will be on display in the East Windsor Municipal Building through May. The Ethel McKnight students were awarded the Earth Day Proclamation for the most participating students. Congratulations to all the participating students and to all of the winners!  CLICK HERE to view recycling poster awards ceremony.

    GRADES K-2:
    1st Place - Yudhveer Singh (Grace N. Rogers) and Ranveer Aneja(Grace N. Rogers); 2nd Place - Sophie Acque (Grace N. Rogers); 3rd Place - Larkin Sosa (Ethel McKnight); Honorable Mention - Mahek Nayak (Grace N. Rogers) and Sarika Sircar (Walter C. Black).

    GRADES 3-5:
    1st Place - James Radigan (Grace N. Rogers), Mahi Aneja (Grace N. Rogers), and Rachna Achanya (Perry L. Drew); 2nd Place - Nistha Sheth (Perry L. Drew), Kolinkar Roy (Walter C. Black), and Justin Hauselt (Grace N. Rogers); 3rd Place - Rashida Udaipurwala(Grace N. Rogers), Kevin M. Clarke (Ethel McKnight), and Sofia Montenegro (Ethel McKnight); Honorable Mention - Christina Guerrero (Ethel McKnight), Denise Carlos (Grace N. Rogers), andAllie Katz (Walter C. Black).


    Mayor Mironov recognized the Grades K-2 student winners of the East Windsor Earth Day Recycling Poster Contest. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mahek Nayak; Sarika Sircar; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ranveer Aneja; Yudhveer Singh, and Larkin Sosa. Not pictured Sophia Acque.


    Mayor Mironov recognized the Grades 3-5 student winners of the East Windsor Earth Day Recycling Poster Contest. Pictured (from left to right) are: Kevin M. Clarke; Sophia Montenegro; Mahi Aneja; Rashida Udaipurwala; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; James Radigan; Denise Carlos; Kolinkar Roy; Nistha Sheth; Christina Guerrero; Rachna Achanya; Allie Katz, and Justin Hauselt.


    Mayor Mironov awarded Ethel McKnight students the Earth Day Proclamation for the most participating students. Pictured (from left to right) are: Kevin M. Clarke, 4th Grade (3rd Place winner, Grade 3-5); Christina Guerrero, 5th Grade (Honorable Mention, Grade 3-5); Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sofia Montenegro, 5th Grade (3rd Place winner, Grade 3-5), and Larkin Sosa, 2nd Grade (3rd Place winner, Grade K-2).

  5. East Windsor Will Hold "Operation Medicine Cabinet" onSaturday, April 30 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police / court building (80 One Mile Road), for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.

  6. Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onThursday, May 5 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2015 as well as 2016 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.

  7. East Windsor Proclaimed April "Alcohol Awareness Month"and Recognized East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. A Mayoral Proclamation and a $1,000 check from the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (EWMAPSA) grant were presented to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee Co-Chairpersons Denise DiComo and Ulrica Infosino. Mayor Mironov and Deputy Mayor/EWMAPSA Coordinator Peter Yeager praised members of the After Prom Committee for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom nightafterpromcommittee.jpg.

    Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month and recognizes East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. Pictured (from left to right) are: Denise DiComo, After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson; Ulrica Infosino, After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, EWMAPSA Coordinator.

  8. East Windsor Promotes Township Memorial Tree Programfor Arbor Day. The Memorial Tree Program offers residents a unique opportunity to provide a living memorial to a deceased relative or friend or in remembrance or commemoration of a special person, group or event. The tree, including tree planting and accompanying granite marker with the name of the deceased person or event to be remembered, can be ordered through the Public Works Department. Brochures describing the program and costs with an order form are available on-line CLICK HERE, at the Township Municipal Building or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  9. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "All The Days" at McCarter Theater in Princeton, New Jersey on Saturday, May 14. This heartfelt and hilarious world premiere is about a family of very funny people in the midst of loss, love and forgiveness. Miranda has done everything in her power to create a life completely different than the one she came from. But a week before a family celebration, Miranda suffers a lapse of judgment and invites her eccentric and overbearing mother to come and stay. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 2:00 pm and will return at 5:30 pm. The cost is $35.50 plus 50¢ cash for transportation. The deadline to register is May 6. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  10. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Presby Memorial Iris Gardens in Upper Montclair, New Jersey on Tuesday, May 17.Located at the base of the 7.5-acre Mountainside Park, the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens is the largest public iris garden in the United States. The display beds contain nearly 3,000 iris varieties (around 14,000 plants) that produce over 100,000 blooms each May, and some varieties dating back to the 1500's. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:30 am and will return at 1:00 pm. The cost is $22.00 which includes transportation and garden admission. The deadline to register is May 6. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

April 29, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Will Hold "Operation Medicine Cabinet" Tomorrow Saturday, April 30 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police / court building (80 One Mile Road), for the collection of these various medications.

  2. ALERT: On or about Monday, May 2, Old York Road (County Route 539) between Herbert Road in Robbinsville and the New Jersey Turnpike Overpass in East Windsor Will Be Undergoing Repairs for Up to Four Weeks by Mercer County.Phase 1 will be from Herbert Road to Sharon Road in Robbinsville, during which traffic will be maintained using alternating lanes. Phase 2 is from Sharon Road to Windsor-Perrineville Road, during which this portion of Old York Road will be closed and a detour will be signed. Local access will be maintained for roadway home owners. Phase 3 will be from Windsor-Perrineville Road to the New Jersey Turnpike overpass, during which traffic will be maintained using alternating lanes. Construction will occur weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm and full access will be permitted during non-working hours.

  3. East Windsor Mayor and Council Sponsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" to kick off "Bicycle Safety Month" - May. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at the sessions being held on Wednesdays, May 11, May 18 and May 25, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. This is the first of three phases of a comprehensive bicycle safety program running through August, which is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.

  4. Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onThursday, May 5 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2015 as well as 2016 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.

  5. East Windsor Participated in Annual Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup on Saturday, April 23. Fifty-Seven volunteers participated and 343 pounds of trash were collected at Etra Lake Park. The Watershed Association works with residents, municipal, county, and state leaders, and local groups on a wide variety of initiatives and actions to plan smart, grow community and preserve and protect our natural resources.


    Local volunteers including local officials, scouts and area residents gathered to participate in the annual Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup at Etra Lake Park on April 23. Photo Courtesy of Amy Batista.


    Girl scouts participated in the annual Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup at Etra Lake Park on April 23. Pictured (from left to right) are: Jordan Batista; Leila Wisaksono; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Kaitlyn Batista, and Renee Scullin. Photo Courtesy of Amy Batista.

  6. Arbor Day Foundation Names East Windsor a Tree City USA Community for 2015 for its commitment to community forestry. East Windsor, for the 16th year, has earned this national designation by meeting the four standards set by the Arbor Day Foundation: having a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, a comprehensive community forestry program, and an Arbor Day observance. The program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service.

  7. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed May 5, 2016 a Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Known Internationally as Yom HaShoah. Locally, a Yom HaShoahremembrance will be held on Wednesday, May 4 at 7 pm at Beth El Synagogue (50 Maple Stream Road). The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes Yom HaShoah, "in memory of the victims, survivors and their liberators, and in furtherance of the hopes that we, as a Township and as individual citizens, will strive to overcome prejudice, hatred and indifference through education, tolerance, vigilance and remembrance."

  8. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Recognized East Windsor Senior Center Volunteers, presenting Certificates of Appreciation to them for their valuable contributions to the operations of the Center. The Senior Center volunteers assist with coordinating and operating senior programs and events and participate in various community programs organized by the Senior Center.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented Certificates of Appreciation to East Windsor Senior Center volunteers.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented Certificates of Appreciation to Members of the East Windsor Township Commission on aging. Pictured (from left to right) are: Hash Shah; Caryl Schienvar; Vice-Chairperson Ina Heiman; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Gloria Golbert; Susan Flaster; Chairperson Ondina Jeffers, and Debbie Thomas.

  9. Township Environmental Commission Promotes Arbor Day with Free Distribution of Tree Seedlings on Saturday, May 7(rain date Saturday, May 14), beginning at 10 am to 12 pm or until supplies run out. The Northern Red Oak seedlings will be available on a first-come first-serve basis at the East Windsor Police Athletic League fields on Airport Road.

  10. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed April 29, 2016 Arbor Day and Visited the Perry L. Drew Elementary School onMonday, April 25 to speak with 3rd Grade students about Arbor Day and to distribute tublings and planting instructions which the students were able to bring home to be planted. The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes the purpose of Arbor Day "to encourage the planting of shade and forest trees, which trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife."


    Mayor Mironov proclaimed April 29 as Arbor Day and presented Proclamation and tublings to the third grade students of the Perry L. Drew elementary school. Pictured (from left to right) are: Anthony Tacuri-Saguay; Jonathan Morocho; Isabelle Vera; Lacie Fields; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Dhara Patel; Yvelin Caba; Corry Pringley; Parker Gordon; Sebastian Rincon, and Emily Penagos.

  11. CALENDAR: East Windsor Township held a highly successfulRecycling Day on Saturday, April 16, and Future Recycling/Paper Shredding Events Are Scheduled for Wednesday, July 13 from 4 pm to 8 pm and Saturday, October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

May 6, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Repairs by Mercer County to Old York Road (County Route 539) between Herbert Road in Robbinsville and the New Jersey Turnpike Overpass in East Windsor Postponed Until the Week of May 9 Due to Weather Delays. Phase 1 is from Herbert Road to Sharon Road in Robbinsville, during which traffic will be maintained using alternating lanes. Phase 2 is from Sharon Road to Windsor-Perrineville Road, during which this portion of Old York Road will be closed and a detour will be signed. Local access will be maintained for roadway home owners. Phase 3 will be from Windsor-Perrineville Road to the New Jersey Turnpike overpass, during which traffic will be maintained using alternating lanes. Construction will occur weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm and full access will be permitted during non-working hours.

  2. Cake Walk Indian Bakery and Restaurant Opens in Carduner Center at Route 130 and Route 571 next to the new Verizon Store. Cake Walk, occupying 2,500 square feet, specializes in the fusion of western and Indian taste in bakery products as cakes, varied pastries, cupcakes and cookies, with a bakery counter display in front. Cake Walk also is a full service sit-down restaurant offering Mumbai street food, sandwiches, wraps, paninis, South Indian (Dakshin) dishes plus kids specials. The establishment also caters and prepares unique cakes for weddings and special events. Cake Walk has operated another bakery/restaurant in Plainsboro for the past eight years. Current hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, and Friday through Sunday, 10 am to 10:30 pm. For further information, visit their website at www.cakewalkonline.com.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Cake Walk Indian Bakery and Restaurant in the Carduner Center at Route 130 and Route 571 next to the new Verizon store. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Owner's children Rudra Rao, Sushama Lanka and Lalitha Lanka; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; (back row) B. Y. Shinde, Partner; Sowmya Parvathaneni, Wife of Owner; Pawan Kumar Lanka, Owner; Council Member John Zoller; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, and Council Member Alan Rosenberg.

  3. East Windsor Mayor and Council Sponsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" to kick off "Bicycle Safety Month" - May. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at the sessions being held on Wednesdays, May 11, May 18 and May 25, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. This is the first of three phases of a comprehensive bicycle safety program running through August, which is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.

  4. REMINDER: Township Environmental Commission Promotes Arbor Day with Free Distribution of Tree SeedlingsTOMORROW Saturday, May 7 (rain date Saturday, May 14), beginning at 10 am to 12 pm or until supplies run out. The Northern Red Oak seedlings will be available on a first-come first-serve basis at the East Windsor Police Athletic League fields on Airport Road.

  5. Tree Lighting Ceremony in Recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), with the theme "Choose Respect," was hosted by local officials and police and Womanspace representative Alana Goebel. The tree, which sits along One Mile Road outside the East Windsor Police/Court Building, was decorated with teal lights to symbolize the community's commitment to sexual assault awareness, deterrence and prevention. Non-profit Womanspace is the primary Mercer County based organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault.


    Local officials, Womanspace and local volunteers light local tree teal lights for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Pictured from (left to right) are: Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian; Lieutenant Christopher Jackson; Detective Joseph Gorski; Lieutenant James Geary; Chief of Police Harry Marshall; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Counselor Alana Goebel; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Womanspace Volunteer Shaila; Township Manager James P. Brady; Womanspace Volunteer Darlene, and Womanspace Volunteer Rachelle.

  6. Township and Mercer County Will Hold Second Special Passport Day on Tuesday, May 17 from 10 am to 3 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6473 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.

  7. Last Day to Register to Vote in the June 7 Primary Election isTuesday, May 17. For individuals who wish to Vote by Mail, the deadline to apply is May 27 by mail and Monday, June 6 by 3 pm in person. Mail ballots must be received by the County by Election Day. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained at the municipal building or on-line at www.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.

  8. East Windsor "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, April 30 Collected 155 Pounds of unused and expired prescription medications, which were turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.

  9. East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Ongoing. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  10. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Presby Memorial Iris Gardens in Upper Montclair, New Jersey on Tuesday, May 17.Located at the base of the 7.5-acre Mountainside Park, the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens is the largest public iris garden in the United States. The display beds contain nearly 3,000 iris varieties (around 14,000 plants) that produce over 100,000 blooms each May, and some varieties dating back to the 1500's. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:30 am and will return at 1:00 pm. The cost is $22.00 which includes transportation and garden admission. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

May 13, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Mayor and Council Sponsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" to kick off "Bicycle Safety Month" - May. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at the remaining sessions being held on Wednesdays, May 18 and May 25, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. This is the first of three phases of a comprehensive bicycle safety program running through August, which is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.

  2. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Presented Annual State of East Windsor Township Address on May 5 at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Holiday Inn East Windsor. The Mayor's address included updates on commercial development, new business openings, recreation and open space projects and goals, roadway and transportation improvements, and other Township news. The address can be viewed on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented the annual State of East Windsor Township Address at meeting of MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce at the Holiday Inn East Windsor. Pictured (from left to right) are: Paul E. Kuhl III, Chairperson of the Board, MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; Erin Rice, Coordinator of Community Relations, Engineers Labor-Employee Cooperative; Carol Beske, Executive Committee Member, MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Robert Prunetti, CEO and President, MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; Pamela Simmons, East Windsor Branch Manager, First Choice Bank, and Mark Roney, East Windsor Chapter Chairperson.

  3. Shiseido Americas Unveils Americas Innovation Center, a Newly Enhanced Expanded Facility in East Windsor to Accommodate Advanced R&D Activities in the Americas. The East Windsor R&D site, which has more than tripled from 6,600 square feet to 22,000 square feet, will now be home to a number of functions previously housed in Japan, including development of product information, product safety assurance, and intellectual property management. The larger space and scope of responsibilities in the region will also result in an increase in the number of researchers based locally. This enhanced R&D Americas Innovation Center is part of Shiseido America's current expansion in East Windsor which is adding 75,000 square feet of business space and enlarging its building footprint to 311,000 square feet. Shiseido Americas is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based, global cosmetics company Shiseido Co., Ltd, the third largest cosmetics company in the world.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Shiseido executives cut the ribbon on Shiseido's new Americas Innovation Center. Pictured (from left to right) are: Katsunori Yoshida, Executive Vice President, Shiseido Americas Innovation Center; Mayor Janice Mironov; Ladislav Hanzes, Shiseido America Plant Manager, and Council Member Denise Daniels.

  4. REMINDER: Township and Mercer County Will Hold Second Special Passport Day on Tuesday, May 17 from 10 am to 3 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6473 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.

  5. ALERT: Old York Road (County Route 539) between Herbert Road in Robbinsville and the New Jersey Turnpike Overpass in East Windsor Repairs Commenced May 12 by Mercer County, and to continue for up to four weeks. Phase 1 is from Herbert Road to Sharon Road in Robbinsville, during which traffic will be maintained using alternating lanes. Phase 2 is from Sharon Road to Windsor-Perrineville Road, during which this portion of Old York Road will be closed and a detour will be signed. Local access will be maintained for roadway home owners. Phase 3 will be from Windsor-Perrineville Road to the New Jersey Turnpike overpass, during which traffic will be maintained using alternating lanes. Construction will occur weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm and full access will be permitted during non-working hours.

  6. RESCHEDULED: Due to Rain, Township Environmental Commission Free Distribution of Tree Seedlings Rescheduled to TOMORROW Saturday, May 14 beginning at 10 am to 12 pm or until supplies run out. The Northern Red Oak seedlings will be available on a first-come first-serve basis at the East Windsor Police Athletic League fields on Airport Road.

  7. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed Emergency Medical Services Week May 15 to May 21, and recognized and expressed deep appreciation to all Township emergency medical services volunteers for their dedication and sensitive care of our residents. Mayor Mironov presented Proclamations to Chief Robert Manlio of East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 1, and President Arlen Forst of East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2. The Proclamation stated that "the provision of emergency medical services is a vital public service resulting in lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week," and further went on to state that "the volunteer members engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills and give selflessly of themselves by providing emergency medical services in an exemplary manner."


    Mayor Janice Mironov presents Proclamations recognizing Emergency Services Week. Pictured (from left to right) are: President Arlen Forst, East Windsor Township E.M.S.#2; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chief Robert Manlio, East Windsor Rescue Squad, Rescue I.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes local rescue squad volunteers. Pictured (From left to right) are: (back row) Zachary Beyer, EMT, Rescue I; Scott Prykanowski, former Chief and Head Trustee, Rescue I; Michael Frey, Captain, Rescue I; (front row) Brian Davis, Vehicle Engineer, Rescue I; Arlen Forst, President, E.M.S. #2; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Robert Manlio, Chief, Rescue I, and Lisa Painter, EMT, Rescue I.

  8. REMINDER: Last Day to Register to Vote in the June 7 Primary Election is Tuesday, May 17. For individuals who wish toVote by Mail, the deadline to apply is May 27 by mail and Monday, June 6 by 3 pm in person. Mail ballots must be received by the County by Election Day. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained at the municipal building or on-line atwww.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.

  9. Hightstown-East Windsor Memorial Day Parade Is Monday, May 30, and will kick-off at 9 am on Stockton Street and proceed through the center of Hightstown. The annual community event will feature many local groups including veterans associations, rescue squads and fire companies, school musical groups, scout organizations, religious organizations and other area participants. At the completion of the parade, refreshments will be served at VFW Post 5700 on Dutch Neck Road.

  10. East Windsor Recreation Department Offers Kids to Parks Day on Saturday, May 21 from 1 pm to 3 pm, at Etra Lake Park. This FREE fun and informative community event will showcase the many exciting activities children can participate in while enjoying the natural surroundings of parks. Activities will include a fishing and camping demonstration, guided nature walk, and arts and crafts. The Recreation Department is requesting that participants pre-register at (CLICK HERE).

  11. East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Ongoing. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

May 20, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. CANCELLED: Due to Forecasted Rain, The East Windsor Recreation Department "Kids to Parks" Day Scheduled for Tomorrow Saturday, May 21 at Etra Lake Park Has Been Cancelled. There is NO rain date. For more information contact the East Windsor Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  2. Brothers BBQ Opens in Carduner Center at Route 130 and Route 571. Brothers BBQ, occupying 2,000 square feet in the rear building, specializes in barbeque dishes of ribs, chicken, pulled pork, as well as traditional offerings as hot dogs, burgers, corned beef, pastrami and roast beef. Owner Nicholas DeMola inherited the barbeque recipes from his grandfather, who, as legend has it, won them in a best of three game of checkers against the owner of a small barbecue restaurant he stopped at while traveling through Mississippi. Current hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 11 am to 8 pm, Friday through Saturday, 11 am to 9 pm, and closed on Sunday.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Brothers BBQ in the Carduner Center at Route 130 and Route 571. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Perry Shapiro; Alexis DeMola, owners sister; Thomas DeMola, owners bother; Council Member Marc Lippman; Kim DeMola partner; Nicholas DeMola, Owner; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Council Member Denise Daniels, and Council Member John Zoller.

  3. Hightstown-East Windsor Memorial Day Parade Is Monday, May 30, and will kick-off at 9 am on Stockton Street and proceed through the center of Hightstown. The annual community event will feature many local groups including veterans associations, rescue squads and fire companies, school musical groups, scout organizations, religious organizations and other area participants. At the completion of the parade, refreshments will be served at VFW Post 5700 on Dutch Neck Road.

  4. East Windsor Awarded 2015 Clean Communities Grant of $58,946. NJ Clean Communities is a state-wide litter abatement program created by State legislation and managed by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and the Clean Communities Council. The Clean Communities Act establishes a funding mechanism for the program by placing a user fee on manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors who produce litter-generating products.

  5. Final Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head"Session Is Wednesday, May 25 from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. This is the first of three phases of a comprehensive bicycle safety program running through August, which is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.


    East Windsor officials kick-off Use Your Head bicycle safety helmet giveaway program. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sergeant Scott Bodnar; Shivam Patel, age 5; Prachi Patel, age 8, and Mayor Janice S. Mironov.


    East Windsor officials kick-off Use Your Head bicycle safety helmet giveaway program. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Emmy Thompson, age 6; Sean Thompson, age 9, and Sergeant Scott Bodnar.

  6. "Click It Or Ticket" Seat Belt Campaign Funded by $5,000 Grant from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety (NJDHTS), will run from May 23 to June 5. The NJDHTS 2016 "Click It or Ticket" seat belt campaign is a statewide campaign aimed at increasing compliance with State law that requires the use of seat belts. These funds will be used to pay the salaries of Township police officers who will be assigned patrol activities directed toward the identification and ticketing of motorists who fail to use seat belts as required by State law.

  7. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day Holiday.

  8. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Township Holiday Monday, May 30. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Monday, May 30, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Thursday, June 2. (CLICK HERE) for public works schedules.

  9. Memorial Tree Planted in Honor and Memory of Former Council Member Hector Duke by Mayor and Council. A blossoming kwanza cherry tree with an engraved stone was planted at the Lake Drive cul de sac, at the entry to the popular Etra Lake Pathway. The stone reads:

    "In Honor and Remembrance of
    Council Member Hector Duke
    Caring Service to East Windsor 1998 - 2015
    A Generous and Good Hearted Soul to All"


    East Windsor Mayor and Council Members plant tree in honor and memory of former Council Member Hector Duke. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mrs. Joanne Duke, spouse; Sarah Hemel, granddaughter; Melissa Hemel, granddaughter; Traci Hemel, daughter; Jamie Rissin, daughter, and Mayor Janice S. Mironov.

  10. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, June 11, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  11. East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Ongoing. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

  12. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Ride the Ducks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, June 22. This 80 minute land/water tour rides through the Museum and Historic Districts and cruises down the Delaware River, providing a quick history lesson, fun and music in an interactive sightseeing experience. Lunch is included at Philly's Gourmet Cafe. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:30 am and will return at 3:00 pm. The cost is $6.25 plus 50¢ cash for transportation. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

May 27, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: Hightstown-East Windsor Memorial Day Parade Is Monday, May 30, and will kick-off at 9 am on Stockton Street and proceed through the center of Hightstown. The annual community event will feature many local groups including veterans associations, rescue squads and fire companies, school musical groups, scout organizations, religious organizations and other area participants. At the completion of the parade, refreshments will be served at VFW Post 5700 on Dutch Neck Road.

  2. East Windsor Township Awarded Silver Level Certificationfrom Sustainable Jersey at the May 17 Council Meeting by Sustainable Jersey Associate Director Renee Haider. East Windsor, one of only 33 Silver Level Certified towns statewide, was approved forSilver Level Sustainable Jersey Certification with 34 actions in 14 categories for a total of 355 points. East Windsor earned silver certification action points for many Township initiated programs and actions undertaken by Mayor Mironov and Council Members, including creation of a farmland preservation plan, development of an open space plan, inventory and upgrade of municipal buildings for energy efficiency, community recycling/paper shredding events, business recognition programs, "Cut it and Leave it" program, Backyard Composting program, tree protection ordinance, environmental assessment ordinance, sustainable land use commitment, green building policy and community outreach programs. This Silver Level Certification recognizes the Township's broad efforts in recycling, environmental resource protection, energy conservation, sustainable land use practices and enables East Windsor Township to be eligible for future grants and funding opportunities. Sustainable Jersey is a certification program available to municipalities in New Jersey that want to "go green", save money, and take steps to sustain long term environmental quality for their community. Launched in 2009, Sustainable Jersey is a 100% voluntary certification program for municipalities in New Jersey. The East Windsor Green Teammembers include: Chairperson Ronald Balint, Bill Askenstedt, Richard Brand, Patrick Condon, John Donnelly, Gary Fournier, Edward Kelley, Lenox Ng, Student Members Virpartap Grewal, Rithesh Neelamagam, Jay Vaingankar, and Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Council Member John Zoller, and Mayor Janice Mironov.


    Sustainable Jersey Associate Director Renee Haider presented Sustainable Jersey Silver Certification to Mayor Janice Mironov and East Windsor Green Team members. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Council Member John Zoller; Renee Haider, Associate Director, Sustainable Jersey; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ronald Balint, Chairperson, Green Team; Virpartap Grewal, student member; Gary Fournier; (back row) Rithesh Neelamagam, student member; Jay Vaingankar, student member; John Donnelly; Deputy Mayor Peter V. Yeager; Richard Brand, Executive Director, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority; Edward Kelley, and Patrick Condon.

  3. 2016 "Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer" Awarded to MILLY K. BROWN by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and the Township Commission on Aging. Milly K. Brown, an East Windsor resident since 1970, has been involved in many area positions and organizations including: Business and Professional Women; NAACP; Mercer County Office on Aging; East Windsor Local Assistance Board, as well as the First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown where she has been involved in many types of service over the past 33 years and is an ordained deacon. Milly K. Brown has been a 25 year volunteer with the AARP, was a flood watch coordinator, and was the recipient of the 2014 AARP Andreas Award. The "Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer," presented annually by East Windsor Township, recognizes a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Sylvia Weiss is a former East Windsor Township Council Member, past Council senior citizen advisor and chairperson of the Commission on Aging and was instrumental in the original formation of the senior citizen program.


    Mayor Janice Mironov and Township Commission on Aging members present the 2016 "Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer" to Milly K. Brown. Pictured (from left to right) are: Douglas Greene; Commission Chairperson Ondina Jeffers; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Milly K. Brown, 2016 Sylvia Weiss Award Recipient; Caryl Schienvar; Susan Flaster, and Gloria Golbert.

  4. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, June 11, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  5. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day Holiday.

  6. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Township Holiday Monday, May 30. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Monday, May 30, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Thursday, June 2. (CLICK HERE) for public works schedules.

  7. Primary Election Day Is Tuesday, June 7. Polls are open from 6 am to 8 pm. For further information, including polling locations, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.

  8. Calendar: East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held on Saturday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by the Trenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

June 3, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: Primary Election Day Is Tuesday, June 7. Polls are open from 6 am to 8 pm. For further information, including polling locations, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
  2. Immediate Care Medical Walk-In of East Windsor Opens at the Town Center Plaza on Route 130 North, at the southernmost corner next to the Starplex Theater. The Immediate Care Walk-In facility is for non-life-threatening medical illnesses and injuries, and will provide wellness care, accident/injury evaluations, physical exams, x-rays, vaccines, occupational medicine, diabetic care and wound care. The 4000 square foot Immediate Care, an Affiliate of CentraState Healthcare System, will be joined in July by the opening of the 10,387 square foot CentraState Health Pavilion, a family practice of CentraState including physical therapy and laboratory services. A formal program included remarks by CentraState Healthcare System President and CEO John Gribbin and Immediate Care Medical Walk-In CEO Salvatore Cannizzaro. Current Immediate Care Medical Walk-In hours are Monday through Friday 8 am to 8 pm and Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 4 pm. For further information, visit www.immcare.com.

    Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon on the new Immediate Care Medical Walk-In of East Windsor. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Council Member Denise Daniels; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; John T. Gribbin, President and CEO, CentraState Healthcare System; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Salvatore Cannizzaro, CEO, Immediate Care Medical Walk-In; Senator Linda Greenstein; Freeholder John Cimino; Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes; Freeholder Ann Cannon, and Assemblywoman Elizabeth Muoio.


    Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Alan Rosenberg; John T. Gribbin, President and CEO, CentraState Healthcare System; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Salvatore Cannizzaro, CEO, Immediate Care Medical Walk-In; Council Member Denise Daniels, and Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager.
  3. East Windsor Officials Kick Off Phase 2 of Bicycle Safety Program Distributing Form Summonses Congratulating Children Wearing Safety Helmets in June and July. The child will be asked by elected officials and police officers to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades." Completion of the pledge and form will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes to take place at "National Night Out" on Tuesday, August 2. The multi-phase bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
  4. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, June 11, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
  5. Calendar: East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held on Saturday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by the Trenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

June 10, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. Hovione Breaks Ground on Major Expansion Project Doubling Size of Facility and Local Job Workforce. Hovione, a Portuguese based pharmaceutical company located at 40 Lake Drive, is adding an additional 28,000 square feet to its existing 24,000 square feet facility, and is expected to add approximately 60 jobs to the current 50 person workforce. This expansion will double local drug production capacity to meet the global needs of current and future company customers when fully operational, expected by mid-2017.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members joined Hovione leadership for a groundbreaking ceremony for the major expansion of their East Windsor facility. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Dr. Marco Gil, General Manager, Hovione New Jersey; Dave Hoffman, Past President of U.S. Operations, Hovione; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Luis Castro Enriques, CFO and Executive Board Member, Portuguese Trade and Investment Agency; Council Member Denise Daniels, and Rui Boavista Marques, Trade and Investment Counselor, Portuguese Trade and Investment Agency.

  2. East Windsor Township Was Awarded $260,000 New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant for Roadway Improvements to Probasco Road. The funding, successfully obtained by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, will be used to resurface the roadway, as well as other associated improvements to curbing, drainage and handicap ramps. The Township is proceeding with the NJDOT mandated engineering work, and the roadway work schedule will be determined upon engineering completion and NJDOT approval and in coordination with other construction projects in the area.

  3. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Presents 2016 "Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders $1,000 Scholarship" to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School Student Elena Plumser. Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School Senior Elena Plumser, one of three statewide winners, the 2016 "Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders $1,000 Scholarship" award at a recent Council Meeting. The New Jersey League of Municipalities statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Mayor and Governing Body Do Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. Elena Plumser,  a high school senior, is interested in a career in communications and will be attending Montclair State University.  She has performed as the Director of "Spotlight East Windsor," the Mayor's call-in television show, and has pursued radio and television classes at Mercer County Community College.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov makes presentation to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School student, Elena Plumser, winner of the 2016 "Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders $1,000 Scholarship" award.

  4. REMINDER: Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held TOMORROW Saturday, June 11, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  5. East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding / Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 13 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  6. Mercer County Roadway Improvements Completed for Old York Road (County Route 539) between Herbert Road in Robbinsville and the New Jersey Turnpike Overpass in East Windsor. Final punch list items and striping remain to be handled.

  7. Deadline for Applications for 2015 "Senior Property Tax Freeze" Extended to October 17, 2016. Homeowners who were 65 or older as of December 31, 2014, or if under age 65 received Federal Social Security disability benefits, may be eligible for this program that establishes a base year for property taxes and reimburses the homeowner for any increase in the future tax years. To qualify, a senior must live in New Jersey continuously for at least 10 years, owned or lived in his home or mobile home for at least the last 3 years, paid the full amount of property taxes or site fees due for the base year and each succeeding year for which the reimbursement is claimed, and had a gross income for 2014 of $85,553 or less and for 2015 of $87,007 or less. For more information, contact Township Tax Collector at (609) 443-4000, ext. 230.

  8. June 7 Primary Election Results are available on the Mercer County Clerk website (CLICK HERE).

  9. East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held onSaturday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by the Trenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.

  10. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Cirque du Soleil's "Paramour" at the Lyric Theater in New York City on Wednesday, July 20. Cirque du Soleil makes its Broadway debut with this new show combining musical theater with amazing acrobatics. Set in the Golden Age of Hollywood, Paramour stars Ruby Lewis as an actress caught in a love triangle between a composer and a director. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 9:30 am and will return at 6:30 pm. The cost is $119, and lunch is on your own. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  11. Calendar: East Windsor Township Free Summer Events:
    Sunday, July 17 at 6 pm The Bronx Wanderers - This show echoes the era of the past while breathing new life into the sound of today. Their ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons and Dion will feature crowd favorites "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry", "Run Around Sue" and "The Wanderer" along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more.
    Sunday, July 24 at 6 pm Eaglemania - Since their inception, Eaglemania has been thrilling audiences all over the East Coast with their stunning five part harmonies and their uncanny ability to emulate The Eagles note by note. Their show consists of all of the Eagles greatest hits.
    Sunday, August 7 at 6 pm Gathering Time - Their "Great '60s Folk-Rock Festival" is a broad tribute to the beloved music of the era, from Peter, Paul & Mary and Bob Dylan to Crosby, Stills & Nash, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and America.
    Saturday, August 13 at 7 pm Family-Night-in-the-Park - Large screen showing of "The Good Dinosaur" preceded by inflatable rides and games.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

June 17, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held onSaturday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by theTrenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.

  2. East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding / Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 13 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  3. Deadline for Applications for 2015 "Senior Property Tax Freeze" Extended to October 17, 2016. Homeowners who were 65 or older as of December 31, 2014, or if under age 65 received Federal Social Security disability benefits, may be eligible for this program that establishes a base year for property taxes and reimburses the homeowner for any increase in the future tax years. To qualify, a senior must live in New Jersey continuously for at least 10 years, owned or lived in his home or mobile home for at least the last 3 years, paid the full amount of property taxes or site fees due for the base year and each succeeding year for which the reimbursement is claimed, and had a gross income for 2014 of $85,553 or less and for 2015 of $87,007 or less. For more information, contact Township Tax Collector at (609) 443-4000, ext. 230.

  4. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Point Pleasant Beach Boardwalk in Point Pleasant, NJ on Friday, July 1. The Jenkinson's Boardwalk, a mile-long seaside vacation spot, where a wide variety of attractions are available including an aquarium, wheels of chance, games of skill, rides, gift shops, arcades, miniature golf, concession stands, and restaurants. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:45 am and will return at 3:30 pm. The cost is 50¢ cash for transportation and lunch is on your own. The deadline to register is June 20 and the rain date is July 22. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  5. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to New Jersey State House in Trenton, NJ on Tuesday, July 5. The one-hour guided tour includes information on the architecture, history, legislative services, and how bills become laws. There will be stair climbing involved during the tour. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:45 am and will return at 12:30 pm. The cost is 50¢ cash for transportation. The deadline to register is June 24. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  6. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Butterfly Park in East Brunswick, NJ on Monday, July 25The East Brunswick Butterfly Park is the first municipal park in New Jersey dedicated to the conservation and enjoyment of butterflies. The park consists of an 11-acre preserve and features a 1,000-foot-long cinder trail lined by numerous plantings to attract butterflies, a 400-foot-long meadow trail, 1,000 feet of wood-land trails, an early successional field that is being managed to control invasive shrubs and to promote wildflowers and grasses, and second-growth upland woods being managed for invasive species. All trails feature benches. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 9:00 am and will return at 11:30 am. The cost is 50¢ cash for transportation. The deadline to register is July 11. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

June 24, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held onSaturday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by theTrenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.

  2. Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.

  3. East Windsor Kicks-Off "We Check for 21" Campaign Joined by Township License Holders, an initiative of Mayor Mironov and Council Members to deter underage drinking. As part of the Township campaign, liquor license holders are required to sign the "We Check for 21" pledge, affirming strong support of the program, as a condition of receiving their liquor license renewal. The Township recognizes and thanks the license holders personally attending the kick-off event for their support: Karen Kleber and Deanna Boehm of USA Wine Traders Club and East Windsor Bowl and Recreation Center; Tara Welch of Bottle King; Member Meaghan O'Brien of Hightstown Elks #1955; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club; Kevin Chabra of Americana Diner; Kevin Quigley of City Streets CafÉ; Jack Wright and George Simaan of TGI Friday's; Craig Carocci of Charlie Brown's; Harvinder Singh of The Shoppes at East Windsor; Tony Menendez of the Town Diner; Jasmin McPherson and Myra Tenesaca of the Holiday Inn of East Windsor, and Clint Jordan of Days Inn of East Windsor.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes local liquor license holders for their participation in the 2016 "We Check for 21" campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) George Simaan, TGI Fridays; Paul Miller, Peddie Golf Club; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Deanna Boehm, East Windsor Bowl; Karen Kleber, USA Wine Traders Club; Jasmin McPherson, Holiday Inn of East Windsor; Myra Tenesaca, Holiday Inn of East Windsor; Clint Jordan, Days Inn of East Windsor (back row) Deputy Mayor/East Windsor Municipal Alliance for Prevention of Substance Abuse Coordinator Peter Yeager; Jack Wright, TGI Fridays; Harvinder Singh, The Shoppes of East Windsor; Tara Welch, Bottle King; Meaghan O'Brien, Hightstown Elks #1955; Kevin Chabra, Americana Diner; Kevin Quigley, City Streets CafÉ; Craig Carocci, Charlie Brown's Steakhouse, and Tony Menendez, Town Diner.

  4. East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding / Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 13 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  5. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Monday, July 4 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, July 4, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, July 7. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at https://www.east-windsor.nj.us.

  6. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, July 4 due to the holiday.

  7. East Windsor Sponsors The Bronx Wanderers ConcertSunday, July 17 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. A tribute band to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons and Dion, The Bronx Wanderers will feature crowd favorites as "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry", "Run Around Sue" and "The Wanderer" along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more.

  8. East Windsor Township Recreation Department Offers Discount Tickets to Area Summer Destinations including Six Flags Great Adventure, Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom, Hershey Park, Philadelphia Zoo, and others. For further information or to purchase tickets, stop by or call the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log ontowww.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

July 1, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held TOMORROW Saturday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 3) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by the Trenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.

  2. ALERT: Mercer County Plans Roadway Improvements to Etra Road between South Main Street in Hightstown and Milford Road in East Windsor, Commencing on or about Tuesday, July 5, and lasting approximately one month. The first phase will be pipe and drainage installation work from South Main Street in Hightstown to Ward Street. The second phase will be milling and paving of this section, during which the roadway will be closed during work hours and detour posted. The third phase will be milling and paving from Ward Street to Milford Road, during which the roadway will be closed during work hours and detour posted. Work hours will be Monday through Friday 9 am to 3:30 pm. Full unrestricted access will be permitted during non-work hours and local resident access will be available at all times.

  3. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Monday, July 4 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, July 4, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, July 7. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us.

  4. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, July 4 due to the holiday.

  5. East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding / Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 13 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  6. Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.

  7. East Windsor Sponsors "The Bronx Wanderers" Concert on Sunday, July 17 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Run Around Sue," "The Wanderers," along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  8. Township Officials Continue East Windsor Bicycle Safety Program "Congratulations! You Are Obeying the Law." During this program, which runs from June 1 through July 31, Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members along with Township police officers distribute form summonses to youngsters, recognizing children wearing bicycle helmets. The forms ask the young person to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades," which enables them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, to take place at the Tuesday, August 2 Township "National Night Out" celebration.

  9. East Windsor Township Recreation Department and TGA Present Summer Golf Programs Beginning Saturday, July 9 and Tennis Programs Beginning Saturday, July 30 and continuing through August. All equipment is provided along with education-based curriculum, certified instructors, student handbook and achievement awards. Every class includes group and 1-on-1 instruction, physical activity and stretching, rules and etiquette, and other concepts. For further information or to register, visit or call the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225, or CLICK HERE.

Happy July 4 Independence Day to Our United States!
Have a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday!

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

July 8, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Mercer County Roadway Improvements to Etra Road between South Main Street in Hightstown and Milford Road in East Windsor Began this Week, and will last approximately one month. The first phase will be pipe and drainage installation work from South Main Street in Hightstown to Ward Street. The second phase will be milling and paving of this section, during which the roadway will be closed during work hours and detour posted. The third phase will be milling and paving from Ward Street to Milford Road, during which the roadway will be closed during work hours and detour posted. Work hours will be Monday through Friday 9 am to 3:30 pm. Full unrestricted access will be permitted during non-work hours and local resident access will be available at all times.

  2. REMINDER: East Windsor Township Holds Document Shredding / Recycling Day this Wednesday, July 13, Rain or Shine, from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  3. East Windsor Sponsors "The Bronx Wanderers" Concert on Sunday, July 17 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Run Around Sue," "The Wanderers," along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  4. East Windsor Sponsors "Eaglemania" Concert on Sunday, July 24 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. Since their inception, Eaglemania has been entertaining audiences all over the East Coast with their five part harmonies and their ability to emulate the Eagles note by note. Their show consists of all of the Eagles greatest hits. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  5. Oath of Office Administered to New Police Officer Nicholas Enea, who fills a police vacancy. Officer Enea, a lifelong resident of East Windsor Township who attended the East Windsor Regional School District, graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in 2015. Enea, who will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division, is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and served six years of active duty military service.


    Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Nicholas Enea, and Chief of Police Harry Marshall.

  6. Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.

  7. Slight Changes Will Be Implemented to The Princeton Junction Shuttle Bus Service Schedule Effective Monday, August 1, to enhance service. Most existing stops and times will remain the same. The changes are: (1) consolidation and elimination of two stops at Dorchester Drive @ Yorkshire Drive and Dorchester Drive @ Wiltshire Drive to a new consolidated stop at Wiltshire Drive @ Yorkshire Drive, and (2) addition of a new stop at Airport Road @ Route 33. Further, reverse morning commuter service will be added from the Princeton Junction Train Station to the intersections of Route 571 and Old Trenton Road and Route 571 and Route 130, with return service from those two stops to the train station in the evening. CLICK HERE to review the new schedule. For questions or information regarding the schedule or changes, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 246.

  8. Township Officials Continue East Windsor Bicycle Safety Program "Congratulations! You Are Obeying the Law." During this program, which runs from June 1 through July 31, Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members along with Township police officers distribute form summonses to youngsters, recognizing children wearing bicycle helmets. The forms ask the young person to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades," which enables them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, to take place at the Tuesday, August 2 Township "National Night Out" celebration.

  9. East Windsor Township Recreation Department and TGA Present Summer Golf Programs Beginning Saturday, July 9 and Tennis Programs Beginning Saturday, July 30 and continuing through August. All equipment is provided along with education-based curriculum, certified instructors, student handbook and achievement awards. Every class includes group and 1-on-1 instruction, physical activity and stretching, rules and etiquette, and other concepts. For further information or to register, visit or call the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225, or CLICK HERE.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

July 15, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors "The Bronx Wanderers" Concert this Sunday, July 17 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry", "Run Around Sue", "The Wanderers", along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more. In the event of inclement weather, call the information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  2. "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.

  3. Slight Changes Will Be Implemented to The Princeton Junction Shuttle Bus Service Schedule Effective Monday, August 1, to enhance service. Most existing stops and times will remain the same. The changes are: (1) consolidation and elimination of two stops at Dorchester Drive @ Yorkshire Drive and Dorchester Drive @ Wiltshire Drive to a new consolidated stop at Wiltshire Drive @ Yorkshire Drive, and (2) addition of a new stop at Airport Road @ Route 33. Further, reverse morning commuter service will be added from the Princeton Junction Train Station to the intersections of Route 571 and Old Trenton Road and Route 571 and Route 130, with return service from those two stops to the train station in the evening. CLICK HERE to review the new schedule. For questions or information regarding the schedule or changes, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 246.

  4. Residents Should Be on Alert for the Emerald Ash Borer, a Tree Killing Non-Native Insect that is killing thousands of ash trees in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York areas. The tree killing emerald ash borer has been detected in six counties and 15 municipalities in New Jersey, including Mercer County and several surrounding municipalities. The adult emerald ash borer is metallic green and about one half inch long, and damages ash trees by laying eggs that damage the tree's bark. Evidence of the emerald ash borer can be reported to (609) 406-6939. Township residents are encouraged to visit the New Jersey website www.emeraldashborer.nj.gov for more information.

  5. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Grand Central Terminal in New York City on Friday, August 19. A guided tour will highlight the history, architecture, and operation of the world's largest, busiest and most famous train terminal. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:30 am and will return at 4:00 pm. The cost is $40, and lunch is on your own. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

July 22, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors "Eaglemania" Concert this Sunday, July 24 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. Eaglemania has been entertaining audiences all over the East Coast with their five part harmonies and their ability to emulate The Eagles note by note. The show consists of all of The Eagles greatest hits. In the event of inclement weather, call the information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  2. "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.

  3. East Windsor Sponsors "Gathering Time" Concert on Sunday, August 7 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. Their "Great 60's Folk-Rock Festival" is a broad tribute to the popular music of the era, from Peter, Paul & Mary and Bob Dylan to Crosby, Stills & Nash, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and America. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  4. East Windsor Township 2015 Business Awards Presented to East Windsor Bowl, Scotto's Pizza and Restaurant, and RISE: A Community Service Partnership by Mayor Janice S. Mironov. The purpose of the annual award program is to recognize local businesses that have made special efforts to improve or contribute to the community.

    East Windsor Bowl & Recreation Center, located on Route 130 North south of Bob's Self Storage, was recognized for "Improvements and Contributions" to the Township. In 2015 an extensive and attractive renovation of the East Windsor Bowl, an important and popular local recreation option, was performed providing a state-of-the-art 24 lane bowling center complete with a full service snack bar, arcade gaming area and party room. The project was a great example of the reinvigoration of an existing facility and investment in the town.


    Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Vijay Papaiya, Owner, East Windsor Bowl & Recreation, and Karen Kleber, Manager, East Windsor Bowl & Recreation.

    Scotto's Pizza and Restaurant, a local legend for decades located in the Twin Rivers Shopping Center, was recognized for "Improvements and Contributions" to the Township. In 2015, Scotto's greatly enhanced their restaurant operations and appearance, completing a major renovation of their dining room, and thereafter adding an outdoor dining patio and installing new signage.


    Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Connie Scotto, Owner, Scotto's Pizza and Restaurant, and Bianca Barella, Daughter of Owner.

    RISE: A Community Service Partnership, a local non-profit social service agency, was recognized for "Special Community Enhancement Contributions" to the Township. RISE, which provides valuable referral and support services to empower families and individuals in need, has under current leadership and staff, offered effective and noteworthy pro-active innovative new programs, opportunities and community outreach, by successfully seeking grants, volunteers and partnerships. Summer enrichment camps, after school student programs, food pantry, new and expanded community meals, student school backpacks and supplies, "MLK Jr. sleepy time drive" are among its many local initiatives. RISE also was recognized as a "green" vehicle in our community, participating in Township recycling events and operation of the thrift shop, for positive reuse of many traditional household items as furniture, clothing, blankets, appliances and electronics.


    Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Alan Roseberg; Angie Casciano, Board Member, RISE; Nancy Laudenberger, Board President, RISE; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Leslie Koppel, Executive Director, RISE; Jenna Drake, Board Member, RISE; Carlos Fernandez, Board Member, RISE, and Elizabeth Morley, Board Vice President RISE.

  5. Township Awards Contract for Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road Between Hickory Corner Road and Oak Creek Circle to low bidder Richard T. Barrett Paving Company of Trenton, New Jersey. The roadway improvements will include milling and resurfacing, as well as repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicapped ramps. The roadway project is anticipated to begin in August.

  6. Township Awards Contract for Roadway Improvements to Dutch Neck Road Between Oak Creek Road and One Mile Road to low bidder Richard T. Barrett Paving Company of Trenton, NJ. The roadway improvements will include milling and resurfacing, as well as repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicapped ramps. The roadway project also is anticipated to begin in August.

  7. Slight Changes Will Be Implemented to The Princeton Junction Shuttle Bus Service Schedule Effective Monday, August 1, to enhance service. Most existing stops and times will remain the same. The changes are: (1) consolidation and elimination of two stops at Dorchester Drive @ Yorkshire Drive and Dorchester Drive @ Wiltshire Drive to a new consolidated stop at Wiltshire Drive @ Yorkshire Drive, and (2) addition of a new stop at Airport Road @ Route 33. Further, reverse morning commuter service will be added from the Princeton Junction Train Station to the intersections of Route 571 and Old Trenton Road and Route 571 and Route 130, with return service from those two stops to the train station in the evening. CLICK HERE to review the new schedule. For questions or information regarding the schedule or changes, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 246. 

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

July 29, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Holds "National Night Out" onTuesday, August 2 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex, 30 Airport Road. This fun and educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with the police department, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child safety car seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Additionally, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations, as well as face painting, a moon bounce and rock climbing wall for children. Music and prizes will be provided by New Jersey Radio 101.5 and refreshments will be available. For further information, contact Det. Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.

  2. East Windsor Sponsors "Gathering Time" Concert on Sunday, August 7 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. Their "Great 60's Folk-Rock Festival" is a broad tribute to the popular music of the era, from Peter, Paul & Mary and Bob Dylan to Crosby, Stills & Nash, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and America. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  3. ALERT: Hankins Road at Route 130 CLOSED Beginning on or about Monday, August 8 for Approximately Four Weeks for Underground Utility Work. The first phase of work will be installation of water and sewer pipe from Route 130 to about 400 feet west. The second phase will be milling and re-paving of this area of roadway. During the project, this section of Hankins Road will be completely closed 24/7. Motorists can follow the signed detour. Hankins Road residents will have access to their homes and driveways at all times. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  4. Pharmaceutical Company Aurobindo Pharma USA Breaks Ground on New 567,000 Square Foot Facility, Site to Be New U.S. Corporate Headquarters, on Windsor Center Drive south of Route 571 and across from Route 133. Aurobindo, an India based pharmaceutical company, is constructing a new 567,000-square-foot pharmaceutical warehouse, distribution and manufacturing center which will generate new tax dollars and 400 to 500 new jobs when fully operational on this 90 acre site, as an expansion of the company's New Jersey footprint. Further, Aurobindo has now occupied offices in the former Patscentre building at Route 571 and Route 535, and by year end will have relocated to this building an additional total of 110 employees. Headquartered in HITEC City, Hyderabad, India, founded in 1986 and becoming a public company in 1992, Aurobindo has business operations in more than 125 countries around the world. Aurobindo is a global pharmaceutical company with a broad portfolio of generic drugs that includes more than 125 product families and 450 individual product packages. Aurobindo Pharma USA is a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aurobindo Pharma Limited, a leading generic pharmaceutical company based in India.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members joined Aurobindo executives for a groundbreaking for construction of their new 567,000 square foot pharmaceutical company facility, site of Aurobindo's new U. S. corporate headquarters. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Denise Daniels; Council Member John Zoller; Sanjay Singh, Senior Vice President for Operations, Aurobindo USA; (back row) Robert Cunard, CEO, Aurobindo USA; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Rob Steigerwald, President, ARCO Design/Build; Swaminathan Iyer, CFO, Aurobindo, and P.V. Ramprasad Reddy, Chairperson, Aurobindo.


    Pictured are elevations of the new approved Aurobindo pharmaceutical facility to be constructed on Windsor Center Drive.

  5. East Windsor to Launch "Bike at Night - Use a Light", the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, on August 2 and continuing through September 2, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety. Note: At the August 2 East Windsor "National Night Out" event, the drawing for prizes will take place for children who have received Congratulations Summonses and signed the Pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard, or rollerblades."

  6. East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park" on Saturday, August 13 (raindate August 14) at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring "The Good Dinosaur" on a Large-Screen. "The Good Dinosaur" is about Arlo, a young dinosaur on a quest to find his family, along with Spot, a Neanderthal boy who offers his help and friendship. Together, the unlikely duo embark on an epic adventure to reunite Arlo with his family. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors.

  7. The East Windsor-Sponsored Princeton Junction Shuttle Bus Service Schedule Contains Some Minor Changes EffectiveMonday, August 1, to enhance service. Most existing stops and times will remain the same. CLICK HERE to review the new schedule. For questions or information regarding the schedule or changes, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 246.

  8. "Spotlight East Windsor" Show with Mayor Janice S. Mironov Will Be On Summer Hiatus until Wednesday, September 14.Re-broadcasts of previous programs will be aired during this time. The weekly cable television program, which provides timely news and information on subjects of interest to residents, is broadcast on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, on Wednesdays at 7 pm with rebroadcasts on Mondays at 7 pm, 8 pm and 9 pm, and Thursdays at 5 pm and 7 pm.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

August 5, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Hankins Road at Route 130 CLOSED Beginning on or about Monday, August 8 for Approximately Four Weeks for Underground Utility Work. The first phase of work will be installation of water and sewer pipe from Route 130 to about 400 feet west. The second phase will be milling and re-paving of this area of roadway. During the project, this section of Hankins Road will becompletely closed 24/7. Motorists can follow the signed detour. Hankins Road residents will have access to their homes and driveways at all times. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  2. ALERT: East Windsor Commencing Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Hickory Corner Road and Oak Creek Circle on or about Monday, August 8, weather permitting and lasting up to five weeks. The work, performed by low bidder Barrett Paving Company, begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is projected for early September, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  3. REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors "Gathering Time"Concert on Sunday, August 7 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. Their "Great 60's Folk-Rock Festival" is a broad tribute to the popular music of the era, from Peter, Paul & Mary and Bob Dylan to Crosby, Stills & Nash, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and America. In the event of inclement weather, call the information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  4. East Windsor Kicked Off "Bike at Night - Use a Light," onTuesday, August 2 continuing through Friday, September 9.This is the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.


    East Windsor Township officials Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Chief of Police Harry Marshall kick-off "Bike at Night - Use a Light," Phase 3 of the Township's bicycle safety program. Pictured (from left to right) are: Chief of Police Harry Marshall; Logan Clarken; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Landon Clarken.

  5. East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park" on Saturday, August 13 (raindate August 14) at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring "The Good Dinosaur" on a Large-Screen. "The Good Dinosaur" is about Arlo, a young dinosaur on a quest to find his family, along with Spot, a Neanderthal boy who offers his help and friendship. Together, the unlikely duo embark on an epic adventure to reunite Arlo with his family. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors.

  6. East Windsor Township Celebrated "National Night Out" on August 2, attended by well over 2,000 people. East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued and presented to East Windsor Neighborhood Crime Watch volunteer members a Mayoral Proclamation stating, "National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals letting them know that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime." The event is coordinated annually to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township in promoting a cooperative partnership between police, local government and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.


    East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Proclamation for 2016 "National Night Out" to East Windsor Neighborhood Crime Watch members during the event held at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Council Member Denise Daniels; Council Member Marc Lippman; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Stacy Labone; (back row) Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Wayne Vega; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Richard Labone; Event Coordinator Police Detective Joseph Gorski; Chief of Police Harry Marshall, and Council Member Perry Shapiro.

  7. "Spotlight East Windsor" High School and College Student Volunteers Recognized by Mayor Mironov with Certificates of Appreciation for their valuable contributions to the production of the local live call-in television program, which provides residents with timely news and information of interest to area residents. Recognized student volunteers are Kordell Easy, Jonathan Jack, Isabelle Jocelyn, Elena Plumser, Charles Silodor, Jared Sokoloff, and Sarina Sokoloff. Thanks also to Bernice Cunningham and Dick Cunningham. The volunteer program provides students with the opportunity to learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and other broadcast production principles.


    Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Certificates of Appreciation to "Spotlight East Windsor" student volunteers. Pictured (from left to right) are: Kordell Easy; Sarina Sokoloff; Jonathan Jack; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jared Sokoloff; Director Elena Plumser, and Host Dick Cunningham. (Missing from photograph are Isabelle Jocelyn and Charles Silodor.)

  8. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.

  9. East Windsor Township Recreation Department Presents Dance Universe Free One Day Dance Camp on Monday, August 22 or Tuesday, August 23 from 9 am to 4 pm, with early drop off and late pickup available. This one day program by Dance Universe, located in the Carduner Center at the intersection of Route 130 and Route 571, also will be offering prizes, raffles, crafts and games. Bring a bag lunch, drinks, and snacks. For further information or to register, visit www.danceuniverse.net or call (609) 490-1400.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

August 12, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Hankins Road at Route 130 CLOSED Beginning onMonday, August 8 for Approximately Four Weeks for Underground Utility Work. The first phase of work will be installation of water and sewer pipe from Route 130 to about 400 feet west. The second phase will be milling and re-paving of this area of roadway. During the project, this section of Hankins Road will be completely closed 24/7. Motorists can follow the signed detour. Hankins Road residents will have access to their homes and driveways at all times. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  2. ALERT: East Windsor Improvements to Oak Creek Road Between Hickory Corner Road and Oak Creek Circle Delayed to Week of Monday, August 15, due to weather and lasting about five weeks, weather permitting. The work, performed by low bidder Barrett Paving Company, begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is projected for early September, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  3. REMINDER: East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park"Tomorrow, August 13 (raindate August 14) at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring Large Screen Showing of Film "The Good Dinosaur." "The Good Dinosaur" is about Arlo, a young dinosaur on a quest to find his family, along with Spot, a Neanderthal boy who offers his help and friendship. Together, the unlikely duo embark on an epic adventure to reunite Arlo with his family. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors. In the event of inclement weather, call the information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.

  4. East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light" through Friday, September 9, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.

  5. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log ontowww.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

August 19, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Work on Hankins Road at Route 130 for Underground Utility Installation Began on Monday, August 8for Approximately Four Weeks and the Road is CLOSED. The first phase of work is installation of water and sewer pipe from Route 130 to about 400 feet west, followed by milling and re-paving of this area of roadway. During the project, this section of Hankins Road will be completely closed 24/7. Motorists can follow the signed detour. Hankins Road residents will have access to their homes and driveways at all times. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  2. ALERT: East Windsor Improvements to Oak Creek Road Between Hickory Corner Road and Oak Creek Circle Began onWednesday, August 17 and will last about five weeks, weather permitting. The work, performed by low bidder Barrett Paving Company, begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  3. East Windsor Township Installs Permanent Medicine Drop Box to Provide Safe, Convenient and Legal Option to Dispose of Unwanted, Unused or Expired Prescription Medication.The permanent medicine drop box is installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) and is accessible to the public on a year round 24/7 basis. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council obtained the permanent drop box from The American Medicine Chest Challenge to provide residents with a year-round, 24/7 option to dispose of unneeded and expired prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduce possible access to these medications by unauthorized persons.


    East Windsor Township officials kick-off permanent medicine drop box program. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member John Zoller; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and East Windsor Chief of Police Harry Marshall.

  4. Fordoz Pharma Locates in Former Lavipharm Building on Princeton Hightstown Road at One Mile Road. Fordoz Pharma, a pharmaceutical startup specializing in research and development and manufacturing of complex generic drugs, improving existing drugs, and developing novel drug delivery platforms, has occupied the 52,281 square foot facility on this 27 acre property. Extensive renovations are planned for the existing main building housing the company's administrative offices, R&D laboratories and manufacturing facilities which will be furnished with state-of-the-art equipment and instruments. Fordoz expects to be fully operational by mid-2017 with 30 to 40 employees.

  5. East Windsor Awarded $5,000 "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" 2016 Statewide Labor Day Crackdown Enforcement Grant. The grant, received from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, is to underwrite salaries of police officers for added enforcement activities directed at the detection and apprehension of intoxicated drivers. The program, which runs from August 19 through September 5, is a statewide campaign aimed at improving public safety by encouraging responsible driving.

  6. East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2016 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations isSeptember 16.

  7. East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light" throughFriday, September 9, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.

  8. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.

  9. East Windsor Township Recreation Department and TGA Present from August 29 to September 1 End of Summer Golf Camp at Etra Lake Park and Tennis Camp at Wiltshire Park.All equipment is provided along with education-based curriculum, certified instructors, student handbook and achievement awards. Every class includes group and 1-on-1 instruction, physical activity and stretching, and rules and etiquette. For further information or to register, visit or call the Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 225, or (CLICK HERE).

  10. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to the United Nations Headquarters Near the East River in New York City on Friday, September 9. A guide will tour you through the United Nations site including the General Assembly Hall of the 193 member states, and provide information on the history, structure, work and international diplomacy of the United Nations organization. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:00 am and will return at 4:00 pm. The cost is $35 and lunch is on your own. The deadline to register is August 26. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  11. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center in Millville, New Jersey on Tuesday, September 13. Wheaton Arts is home to the Museum of American Glass, one of the country's first amphitheater-style Hot Glass Studios, the largest folklife center in New Jersey, several traditional craft studios and four museum stores. A guided tour is provided of the Museum of American Glass, which houses one of the most comprehensive collections of American glass in the entire world, from the first glass bottles made in America to works by Dale Chihuly and other contemporary artists who work in glass. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 8:00 am and will return at 5:00 pm. The cost is $30 plus lunch at Top Shelf. The deadline to register is August 29. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log ontowww.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

August 26, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Hankins Road at Route 130 Remains CLOSED for Underground Utility Installation which Is Expected to Be Completed the Week of August 29. The first phase of work is installation of water and sewer pipe from Route 130 to about 400 feet west, followed by milling and re-paving of this area of roadway. During the project, this section of Hankins Road will be completely closed 24/7. Motorists can follow the signed detour. Hankins Road residents will have access to their homes and driveways at all times. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.

  2. ALERT: Mercer County Milling and Resurfacing of Old Trenton Road (County Route 535) between Village Road in West Windsor and Dorchester Drive in East Windsor to Begin on or  about Tuesday, September 6, and will continue for approximately ten days, weather permitting. During work hours of 9 am to 3 pm, Monday through Friday, Old Trenton Road will be CLOSED to through traffic. The roadway will be fully open during non-working hours. Detours for northbound traffic on Old Trenton will be from New Village Road to Southfield Road to Route 571. Detours for southbound traffic will be Dorchester Drive to Dutch Neck Road to South Lane and Village Road. During construction, emergency access and limited access to local residents will be permitted.

  3. East Windsor Township Recycling Program Replacement and Additional Buckets Now Available for Purchase at Corner Copia, which Has Relocated to 519 Mercer Street (Route 33).Corner Copia hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm. The cost is $14.99 per recycling bucket. For questions or directions, contact the Department of Public Works at (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  4. East Windsor Township Has Installed Permanent Medicine Drop Box to Provide Secure and Convenient Option to Dispose of Unwanted, Unused or Expired Medications. The permanent medicine drop box is installed in the lobby of the Police/ Court Building (80 One Mile Road) and is accessible to the public on a year round 24/7 basis. The permanent drop box, obtained by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge, provides residents with a 24/7 option to dispose of medications in an environmentally responsible manner and to reduce possible access by unauthorized persons.

  5. East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2016 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations isSeptember 16.

  6. East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light" throughFriday, September 9, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.

  7. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Monday, September 5 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, September 5, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, September 8. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us.

  8. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, September 5 due to Township holiday.

  9. Ceremony for Anniversary of 9/11 Will Be Held on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 5:00 pm to remember and honor the anniversary of September 11. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building, at 16 Lanning Boulevard.

  10. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log ontowww.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

September 2, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. Hankins Road at Route 130 Is Now Fully REOPENED. All of the underground water and sewer utility installation work and pavement restoration in the affected area have been completed. The left turn lane from Route 130 north onto Hankins Road, however, will remain CLOSED for final repairs through Wednesday, September 7, weather permitting.

  2. ALERT: Mercer County Milling and Resurfacing of Old Trenton Road (County Route 535) between Village Road in West Windsor and Dorchester Drive in East Windsor to Begin on or about Tuesday, September 6, and will continue for approximately ten days, weather permitting. The roadway will be fully open during non-working hours. During work hours of Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm, Old Trenton Road will be CLOSED to through traffic. Detours for northbound traffic on Old Trenton will be from New Village Road to Southfield Road to Route 571. Detours for southbound traffic will be Dorchester Drive to Dutch Neck Road to South Lane and Village Road. During construction, emergency access and limited access to local residents will be permitted.

  3. No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur onMonday, September 5 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, September 5, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, September 8. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us.

  4. Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, September 5 due to Township holiday.

  5. East Windsor Township Will Hold Ceremony for Anniversary of 9/11 on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 5:00 pm at the existing 9/11 Memorial on the grounds of the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). The program and wreath-laying ceremony to remember and honor the anniversary of September 11 will include participation by elected officials, police, fire company members, rescue squad members, the school district, scouts and community clergy. The public is encouraged to attend.

  6. Route 130 Connection Bus Offers New Service From East Windsor to Mercer County Community College (MCCC)Monday through Friday. The bus which runs primarily along Route 130 between the Trenton and Hamilton train stations, the Hamilton Marketplace and the Exit 8A warehouses in Jamesburg makes several local stops, at Town Center Plaza, Route 130 and Route 571, Stockton Street and Dutch Neck Road, Mercer Street and Rogers Avenue, and Hickory Corner Road and Route 33. The expanded Route 130 Connection Bus service now provides six trips per day from East Windsor to MCCC arriving between 8:45 am and 2:50 pm, and nine return trips from MCCC to East Windsor leaving between 9 am and 5:50 pm. The new schedule effective August 15 can be viewed at (CLICK HERE). The Route 130 Connection Bus is funded in part by NJ Transit, and the fare is $1 each way; drivers do not make change.

  7. East Windsor Township Has Installed Permanent Medicine Drop Box to Provide Secure and Convenient Option to Dispose of Unwanted, Unused or Expired Medications. The permanent medicine drop box is installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) and is accessible to the public on a year round 24/7 basis. The permanent drop box, obtained by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge, provides residents with a 24/7 option to dispose of medications in an environmentally responsible manner and to reduce possible access by unauthorized persons.

  8. East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2016 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.

  9. East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light" throughFriday, September 9, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.

  10. East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents. There is a limit of ten boxes per household, and no commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop off cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges, as well as used electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will have trucks on-site to collect clothing, shoes, blankets, housewares (plates, mugs and related items) and working household appliances and electronics. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  11. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, October 1, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  12. Senior Photo ID Cards Will Be Issued Free on Thursday, September 15, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at the East Windsor Senior Center, by the Mercer County Sheriff's Office. Registration forms are available at the Senior Center, and seniors will need to bring two of the following forms of identification: birth certificate with raised seal, driver's license with photo, social security card, or current utility bill. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

  13. Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina on Sunday, October 16 to Saturday, October 22. The price of $585 per person (based on double occupancy) includes: motorcoach transportation; six nights lodging including four consecutive nights in the Myrtle Beach area; ten meals (six breakfasts and four dinners); three evening shows (Legends in Concert, Carolina Opry Show at the Calvin Gilmore Theater, Alabama Theatre's ONE The Show); one morning show - Hot Jersey Nights at the Palace Theatre; guided tour of Charleston, SC; visit to Broadway at the Beach complex, and admission to Brookgreen Gardens. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

September 9, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. REMINDER: East Windsor Township Will Hold Ceremony for Anniversary of 9/11 on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 5:00 pm at the existing 9/11 Memorial on the grounds of the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). The program and wreath-laying ceremony to remember and honor the anniversary of September 11 will include participation by elected officials, police, fire company members, rescue squad members, the school district, scouts and community clergy. The public is encouraged to attend.

  2. ALERT: Mercer County Milling and Resurfacing of Old Trenton Road (County Route 535) between Village Road in West Windsor and Dorchester Drive in East Windsor Began on Thursday, September 8, and will take approximately ten days, weather permitting. The roadway will be fully open during non-working hours. During work hours of Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm, Old Trenton Road will be CLOSED to through traffic. Detours for northbound traffic on Old Trenton will be from New Village Road to Southfield Road to Route 571. Detours for southbound traffic will be Dorchester Drive to Dutch Neck Road to South Lane and Village Road. During construction, emergency access and limited access to local residents will be permitted.

  3. Route 130 Connection Bus Offers New Service From East Windsor to Mercer County Community College (MCCC)Monday through Friday. The bus which runs primarily along Route 130 between the Trenton and Hamilton train stations, the Hamilton Marketplace and the Exit 8A warehouses in Jamesburg makes several local stops, at Town Center Plaza, Route 130 and Route 571, Stockton Street and Dutch Neck Road, Mercer Street and Rogers Avenue, and Hickory Corner Road and Route 33. The expanded Route 130 Connection Bus service now provides six trips per day from East Windsor to MCCC arriving between 8:45 am and 2:50 pm, and nine return trips from MCCC to East Windsor leaving between 9 am and 5:50 pm. The new schedule effective August 15 can be viewed at (CLICK HERE). The Route 130 Connection Bus is funded in part by NJ Transit, and the fare is $1 each way; drivers do not make change.

  4. East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2016 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.

  5. East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents. There is a limit of ten boxes per household, and no commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop off cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges, as well as used electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will have trucks on-site to collect clothing, shoes, blankets, housewares (plates, mugs and related items) and working household appliances and electronics. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  6. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, October 1, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  7. High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.

  8. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.


Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

September 16, 2016

E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.

  1. ALERT: Mercer County Milling and Resurfacing of Old Trenton Road (County Route 535) between Village Road in West Windsor and Dorchester Drive in East Windsor Began on Thursday, September 8, and is expected to be completed by Friday, September 23. The roadway will be fully open during non-working hours. During work hours of Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm, Old Trenton Road will be CLOSED to through traffic. Detours for northbound traffic on Old Trenton will be from New Village Road to Southfield Road to Route 571. Detours for southbound traffic will be Dorchester Drive to Dutch Neck Road to South Lane and Village Road. During construction, emergency access and limited access to local residents will be permitted.

  2. Roadway Improvements to Dutch Neck Road between Oak Creek Road and One Mile Road Have Begun. Improvements to the roadway will include milling and resurfacing, as well as repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicapped ramps. The concrete work has started to be followed by storm drain and pipe repairs.

  3. Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Hickory Corner Road and Oak Creek Circle Have Progressed Significantly. The concrete work has been completed, storm drains and pipe work are completed, and the contractor will be performing restoration of top soil and seeding. Milling and resurfacing should begin on or about Monday, September 19, and final paving should take place the week of September 26, all weather dependent. Residents will be noticed prior to the commencement of this pavement work.

  4. East Windsor Township Remembers 9/11. East Windsor Remembers Township Residents Colleen Barkow, Lorraine Bay, Debbie Bellows, Anil Bharvaney, Neil Lai and Ruth Lapin, and Joseph Pycior and All Others Lost on September 11, 2001.


    East Windsor Fire Company and Rescue Squad Volunteers joined elected officials and citizens at the municipal 9/11 memorial. Pictured laying a wreath at the municipal 9/11 memorial (from left to right) are: President Arlen Forst, East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2; Chief Robert Manlio, East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 1; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chief Steven Genthe, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2, and Chief James McCann, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1.

  5. East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents. There is a limit of ten boxes per household, and no commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop off cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges, as well as used electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will have trucks on-site to collect clothing, shoes, blankets, housewares (plates, mugs and related items) and working household appliances and electronics. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.

  6. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, October 1, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.

  7. Route 130 Connection Bus Offers New Service From East Windsor to Mercer County Community College (MCCC)Monday through Friday. The bus which runs primarily along Route 130 between the Trenton and Hamilton train stations, the Hamilton Marketplace and the Exit 8A warehouses in Jamesburg makes several local stops, at Town Center Plaza, Route 130 and Route 571, Stockton Street and Dutch Neck Road, Mercer Street and Rogers Avenue, and Hickory Corner Road and Route 33. The expanded Route 130 Connection Bus service now provides six trips per day from East Windsor to MCCC arriving between 8:45 am and 2:50 pm, and nine return trips from MCCC to East Windsor leaving between 9 am and 5:50 pm. The new schedule effective August 15 can be viewed at (CLICK HERE). The Route 130 Connection Bus is funded in part by NJ Transit, and the fare is $1 each way; drivers do not make change.

  8. High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.

  9. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.

  10. East Windsor Recreation Department Offers Two NHL Street Devils Hockey Programs at Etra Lake Park Beginning Late September. An eight week street hockey program, for children in grades 1 through 8, will be held from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm each Saturday commencing September 24. An eight week roller hockey program, for children 5 years of age and older, will be held from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm each Sunday commencing September 25. Register online at:https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor. For further information or to register, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us.

Watch "Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironovfor additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on alternating Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.