Police News
New Police Officer
FOR RELEASE: December 10, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Tristan Miranda at a recent Council meeting ceremony.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This is a good evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department. We congratulate and welcome new police officer Miranda to our department and wish him a positive and satisfying career in East Windsor.”
Police Officer Tristan Miranda obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology from Fairleigh Dickinson University and currently is working towards his Master’s Degree in Criminology from Widener University. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Miranda worked as a Sheriff’s Officer with the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Department. Upon graduating from the Mercer County Police Academy , He will be assigned to a Uniform Services Platoon.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Tristan Miranda (center), at a Council meeting ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
Operation Medicine Cabinet
FOR RELEASE: October 10, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program "Operation Medicine Cabin et" on Saturday, October 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will e turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, "East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity."
Mayor Mironov noted, "In addition to the 'Operation Medicine Cabinet' one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year-round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road)." The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
Document Shredding and Recycling Event September 28 2024
FOR RELEASE: September 17, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is holding a Township Document Shredding and Recycling Event on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine, at the East Windsor Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard).
Free document shredding will be available for East Windsor residents only to securely dispose of unwanted and unneeded documents, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. or until truck is full.
Document shredding is limited to ten boxes per household, and No commercial entities are permitted. Mayor Mironov stated, “This is a great opportunity for East Windsor residents to dispose of old and confidential documents in a secure manner. Document shredding provides a non-recoverable tool for providing confidentiality and protecting against identity theft.”
Electronics Recycling is available and includes televisions, computers and accessories, monitors, fax machines, VCR’s, cable boxes and radios. Residents also will be able to drop off fluorescent bulbs, household batteries, printer cartridges and cell phones.
RISE will have trucks on-site to collect clothing, shoes, blankets, housewares (plates, mugs and related items), working appliances, household electronics and usable furniture. Clothing should be brought in plastic bags.
Township residents are encouraged to recycle plastic film at this event. The types of plastic film which can be dropped off for recycling are: grocery bags, pallet wrap and stretch film, bread bags, air pillows, bubble wrap, newspaper sleeves, dry cleaning bags, produce and ice bags, case overwrap and product wrap, plastic shipping envelopes, Ziplock and other re-closable food storage bags.
For efficiency, residents are asked to remain in their vehicles at all times, and have their driver’s license to display as proof of residency.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We are committed to recycling in East Windsor Township and thereby reducing the Township’s solid waste costs, while helping to preserve a greener environment. This is an environmentally positive and convenient opportunity for residents to shred documents and recycle certain items at no cost, while helping the Township reduce landfill costs and preserve the environment.”
For further information regarding the event, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 415.
9/11 Anniversary Ceremony
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 3, 2024
East Windsor Township will hold a program and wreath-laying ceremony to remember and honor the Anniversary of September 11 on Saturday, September 11, 2024, at 5:00 P.M. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township municipal building. Participants will include elected officials, community clergy, police, fire company members, rescue squad members, the school district, scout troops and other community groups. The public is invited to attend.
National Night Out Event
FOR RELEASE: July 18, 2024
EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will join with communities throughout the United States and Canada to participate in "National Night Out". The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Hart and police officers, will take place on Tuesday, August 6 from 5:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. Facility at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, "East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life. The Township has participated in hosting 'National Night Out' for many years, during which thousands of citizens have been provided with information on crime prevention and community partnerships."
This year's East Windsor Township National Night Out event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature activities including police vehicle tours, demonstrations by canines trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections, fire and EMS equipment displays, a climbing obstacle course, DJ provided music and entertainment, and many other activities. Refreshments will also be available at the event.
Mayor Mironov stated, "we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities."
Gun Violence Awareness Day
FOR RELEASE: June 7, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Council Members Marc Lippman, Denise Daniels, Anthony Katawick, David Russell, Johnnie Whittington and John Zoller, joined by members of Mercer County Moms Demand Action, issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing June 7 as “National Gun Violence Awareness Day,” to raise awareness about the impacts of gun violence and to encourage responsible gun ownership and use. Mercer County Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement seeking to raise awareness about the impacts of gun violence and keeping families safe.
Mayor Mironov stated, “Gun violence is a tragic reality nationwide, with more than 120 Americans killed each day. ‘National Gun Violence Awareness Day’, is an opportunity to focus together to honor and remember all victims and survivors of gun violence and to recommit ourselves to doing all that we can to reduce the impacts of senseless gun violence in our community and in our nation.” Mayor Mironov added,“Irregardless of anyone’s views, there are many things we all can agree on and do, such as responsibly using gun locks when storing weapons.”
The Mayoral Proclamation issued by Mayor Mironov states, “Americans are 26 times more likely to die by gun homicide than people in higher-income nations. The Township renews our commitment to reduce gun violence and pledge to do all we can to keep firearms out of the wrong hands, and encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep all of our citizens and children safer.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members present Proclamation recognizing June 7 a “National Gun Violence Awareness Day” to members of Mercer County Moms Demand Action. Pictured (from left to right) are: Deputy Mayor David Russell; Council Member Marc Lippman; Council Member Denise Daniels; Sherry Hurwitz; Mayor Janice Mironov; Patricia Clark; Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Johnnie Whittington and Council Member Anthony Katawick.
Alcohol Awareness Month
FOR RELEASE: May 29, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Council Member Johnnie Whittington, proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a Mayoral Proclamation and an $ 1,100 grant check from the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse grant to the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee, represented by After Prom Committee President Ed Hirschman and After Prom Party Committee Member Heather Ruina Isaacs.
Mayor Mironov stated, “Each year for Alcohol Awareness Month, we focus on the good work of our high school After Prom Committee which sponsors the After Prom event, providing students, on their special night, a fun and safe prom evening. Underage drinking is a serious and prevalent problem in all our communities, and it is important that we come together as a community to underscore the dangers of underage drinking and to enhance the safety of our citizens. The caring parents and community members of the After Prom Committee work hard to make this event a success and provide a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.”
The Mayoral Proclamation commends the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee noting, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for over thirty years, and during those years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, thanked the After Prom Committee for all of their work, stating, “I know how much work goes into this event, not just the day of the event but all of the preparation that really begins the year before and all of the volunteers that help set everything up for a safe and fun event. Thank you for your good work for our high school students.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members present Proclamation recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month and an $1,100 East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (EWMAPSA) grant check to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee, praising them for their excellent efforts in offering a safe substance free environment for students After Prom event. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Johnnie Whittington, Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ed Hirschman, President, After Prom Committee, and Heather Ruina Isaacs, After Prom Party Committee Member.
Child Passenger Safety Seat Program
FOR RELEASE: April 18, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is launching a Child Passenger Car Seat Safety initiative to run from June through September, underwritten by a $7,500 New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. This pro-active initiative, offered for Township residents will be held at the East Windsor Police/Court building located at 80 One Mile Road on Friday, May 10, Thursday, June 6, Wednesday, July 10 and Monday, September 16 from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. and at the Township National Night Out event at the East Windsor PAL Complex (30 Airport Road) on Tuesday, August 6.
The Township program is designed to outreach and educate motorists about properly securing children passengers in child seats as required by State law. Pursuant to this program, residents, at no cost, can have their child car seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding use of child car seats and current child restraint laws. A complete inspection of a child passenger car seat takes less than 10 minutes and is conducted by a nationally certified child passenger safety seat technicians, no appointment is necessary.
According to Mayor Mironov, “Statistics assembled from several organizations including the American Automobile Association and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety underscore that having a properly installed child passenger car seat is extremely important to ensure the safety of our young children in motor vehicles. It is noteworthy that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for young children and that four out of five child car seats are incorrectly installed. The proper use of child car seats is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect young children passengers.” Mayor Mironov added, “This pro-active initiative is to focus publicly on the high value of using child car seats and most critically using them properly. East Windsor’s grant-funded program will allow residents, at no cost, to have their child car seats inspected by a professionally certified technician to ensure they are properly installed, and receive educational literature offering tips on child safety in vehicles. All East Windsor residents with child passenger car seats are strongly encouraged to attend one of these free events.”
Motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under in the United States. Properly installed child safety seats, can prevent injuries and save lives. Young children restrained in child seats have an 80 percent lower risk of fatal injury than those who are unrestrained. Child safety seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants less than one year old and by 45 percent in toddlers ages one through four years. National studies have determined that most child safety seats are improperly installed or misused, thus negatively impacting the safety value of these devices.
Operation Medicine Cabinet
FOR RELEASE: April 17, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year-round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Sponsors New Year’s Food Drive Drop Off Sites At East Windsor Municipal Building, Police/Court Building, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2
FOR RELEASE: January 12, 2024
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township is sponsoring a “New Year’s Food Drive,” which was kicked off on January 8, 2024 and will be continuing through mid-February, for distribution to local individuals and families.
Non-perishable food items can be donated by dropping them off at the East Windsor Township municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) at any time, and at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 (69 Twin Rivers Drive).
According to Mayor Mironov, “As the holiday season and its special focus on good deeds passes, we want to remind everyone that the need for assistance to people in our area continues, and call upon our community’s proven spirit of generosity. As we begin a New Year, let us remember our neighbors who need our help and support, especially during the winter months.” Mayor Mironov added, “Typically, we understand that donations drop off after the holidays, and we hope that this special effort will help feed area people.”
All food will be given to the Food Pantry at RISE, an area-based organization providing assistance to local individuals and families, for distribution within the community.
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oath Of Office To New Police Sergeant And Two New Police Officers
FOR RELEASE: December 18, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new Police Sergeant Gregory Hager, as well as new police officers Matthew Kimak and Joseph Martinez, at a recent ceremony.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department. We congratulate the promoted officer on this professional achievement and service to our Township, and welcome the two new police officers to our department.”
Police Sergeant Gregory Hager, hired in October 2014, graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy in May 2014. Sergeant Hager has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, and Secondary Officer-in-Charge, and as a Detective, as well as a DARE Officer and Crime Watch Officer. Sergeant Gregory Hager will be assigned as a platoon supervisor in Uniform Services. During his career, Sergeant Hager has received several awards and recognitions, including, a Grand Cordon Medal, a Life Saving Medal, Officer of the Year Medal, several Awards of Merit and numerous Letters of Recognition.
Police Officer Matthew Kimak, graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy in June 2023 and received a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Criminology from The College of New Jersey. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Kimak was a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Wall Township Police Department.
Police Officer Joseph Martinez, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in June 2023 and prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Martinez was a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with Seaside Park Police Department.
Both officers will be assigned to Unform Service Platoon.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Sergeant Gregory Hager, accompanied by Mrs. Hager, his wife (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart, elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Officer Matthew Kimak, accompanied by his mom, Mrs. Kimak (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Officer Matthew Kimak, accompanied by Mrs. Kimak his mom (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right)
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Officer Joseph Martinez, accompanied by Mrs. Martinez his mom (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Officer Joseph Martinez, accompanied by Mrs. Martinez, his mom (center right)
East Windsor Township Participates in Womanspace Communities of Light
FOR RELEASE: December 14, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, along with Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman, Council Members David Russell and John Zoller, joined with Womanspace representatives, police officers and residents to participate in the 2023 Township Womanspace “Communities of Light” event at the East Windsor Municipal Building. The purpose of “Communities of Light” is to raise funds for Womanspace and focus public awareness on the important issue of domestic violence and support and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov issued a Proclamation to kick off the local “Communities of light ‘’ event, where Township officials and residents joined together to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the Municipal Building. Womanspace is the primary non-profit organization in Mercer County providing a comprehensive array of services, crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and their families.
Mayor Mironov stated, “‘Communities of Light’ is intended to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and families who are impacted by the dreadful situation of domestic violence. Our participation is to demonstrate our united support of victims and their families, as well as recognition that domestic violence knows no boundaries and impacts every community regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.”
Mayor Mironov added, “As a community we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence. We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts and resources available to victims and families.”
Communities of Light raises funds for Womanspace, the primary non-profit organization in Mercer County providing crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life for women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members issued a Proclamation designating December 4, 2023 as “Communities of Light” day on which East Windsor Township participated by lighting up the municipal building, to raise funds for Womanspace and focus public awareness on the important subject of domestic violence and support for victims and families. Pictured (from left to right) are: Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman; Council Member David Russell; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member John Zoller, Womanspace representatives Jean, William, and Jennifer, and Chief of Police Jason Hart.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members join with police officers and residents at the municipal building for Township participation in “Communities of Light” event to raise funds and public awareness for Womanspace, the primary provider of services for victims of domestic abuse.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members join with other participants at the municipal building for “Communities of Light” event to raise funds and public awareness for Womanspace, the primary provider of services for victims of domestic abuse.
East Windsor Township Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October Kicks Off Participation In Womanspace December 4 “Communities Of Light”
FOR RELEASE: October 31, 2023
Mayor Janice Mironov, joined by Womanspace Chief Operating Officer, Client and Community Services Susan Victor and Chief of Police Jason Hart, proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, praising Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team “for their commendable efforts in focusing attention on the important community subject of domestic abuse and providing support and resources for abuse victims.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “East Windsor was the first municipality in Mercer County to step up and establish a Domestic Violence Victim Response Team with the help of Womanspace and our Police Department.” Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, "The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers. The pro-active commitment by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that we are united in combating domestic violence and that it is unacceptable to our entire community."
Mayor Mironov and Township officials further kicked off East Windsor Township’s participation in Womanspace December 4 “Communities of Light” encouraging residents and local groups to join in and support this event, geared to raise funds and awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts available to victims and families. As a community, we wish to express our strong support for Womanspace and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” She added, “the lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
Mayor Mironov called on all residents and businesses to participate by purchasing candles and gathering at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) on December 4, 2023 at 5 p.m. to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by light refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits, containing six candles each, for $10 at any time at the Police/Municipal Court Building (80 One Mile Road) and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go 100% directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 232.
Mayor Janice Mironov presents a Proclamation recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month – October to Womanspace and kicks off East Windsor Township’s participation in the Womanspace “Communities of Light” event on Monday, December 4. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Chief Operating Officer Susan Victor, and Chief of Police Jason Hart.
East Windsor Township Holds Free Rabies Clinics
FOR RELEASE: October 23, 2023
East Windsor Township is holding free rabies clinics for all dog and cat owners in East Windsor Township, as a convenience to residents. The clinics will be held on Saturday, November 4 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the East Windsor Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 building located at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 11 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the East Windsor Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 building located at 69 Twin Rivers Drive.
All animals brought to the clinics must be properly restrained by a leash or carrier. Owners will be required to show a certificate of a previous rabies vaccination in order to receive a vaccination valid for three years. Without proof of a previous vaccination, the dog or cat will be given a one year vaccination. All resident dogs must have a rabies vaccination that does not expire prior to November 1, 2024 in order to receive a 2024 dog license.
For more information about the free rabies clinics, contact the Township Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229, or visit the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj,us.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath Of Office To New Police Sergeant And Lieutenant
FOR RELEASE: October 19, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to two promoted police officers, new Police Sergeant Kenny Azambuja and new Police Lieutenant Philip Melhorn, who fill existing positions in the police department, at a recent ceremony.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, and especially for Sergeant Azambuja and Lieutenant Melhorn, who are experienced and accomplished officers who have worked hard to earn these promotions. We all congratulate the promoted officers on this professional recognition and their continued service to our Township.”
Lieutenant Philip Melhorn, hired in July 2006, has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Evidence Technician and Officer-In-Charge and in January of 2017, was assigned as Detective in Investigative Services. In February 2019, he was promoted to Sergeant, serving as Platoon Supervisor, and then in November 2022, he was assigned to Investigative Services as the Investigative Services Supervisor. Lieutenant Melhorn also has served as Public Information Officer, Municipal Counter Terrorism Coordinator, Child Abduction Response Team Liaison and a member of the Internal Affairs Unit. Lieutenant Melhorn received a Bachelor of Science degree from The College of New Jersey and Master of Science degree from the University of Nevada. Lieutenant Melhorn will be the interim Commander of Administrative Services. in Administration Science of Justice from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Sergeant Kenny Azambuja, hired in August 2006, has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer and Officer in Charge. In November 2022, he was assigned as a Detective in Investigative Services and has served as a Firearms Instructor and Precision Rifle Operator. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree and Master of Administrative Science degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Sergeant Azambuja will be assigned as a Platoon Supervisor in Uniform Services.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Officers, Police Sergeant Kenny Azambuja (center left) and Police Lieutenant Philip Melhorn (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Participates In U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
FOR RELEASE: October 13, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, October 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year-round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township to Hold Ceremony to Remember Anniversary of 9/11
East Windsor Township will hold a program and wreath-laying ceremony to remember and honor the Anniversary of September 11 on Monday, September 11, 2023, at 5:00 P.M. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township municipal building. Participants will include elected officials, community clergy, police, fire company members, rescue squad members, the school district, scout troops and other community groups. The public is encouraged to attend.
East Windsor Township Celebrates National Night Out
FOR RELEASE: August 4, 2023
East Windsor Township celebrated “National Night Out” on August 1, at the East Windsor P.A.L. complex, which featured crime watch information, fire and EMS equipment displays, games and activities, and over 60 organization and business booths. The event, hosted by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members and Chief of Police Jason Hart and the police department and attended by well over 2,000 people, was to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township to promoting a cooperative partnership among police, local government officials and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.
Mayor Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation which was presented to the Neighborhood Crime Watch members, reading “National Night Out Against Crime is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals letting them that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime.”
The many fun and educational activities at National Night Out included demonstrations by canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and police car tours, as well as fire hose demonstrations, climbing obstacle course, inflatable games, face painting and air brush tattoos, plus music and refreshments. Community groups and area businesses hosted booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Mayor Mironov stated, “National Night Out was a tremendous community success and we thank our police department, our volunteer fire company and rescue squad volunteers, and the many businesses and organizations for their support and participation in helping to make East Windsor’s National Night Out such an outstanding event.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members present Proclamation for 2023 “National Night Out” to East Windsor Neighborhood Crime Watch members during the event held at the East Windsor P.A.L. complex. Pictured (from left to right) are: Chief of Police Jason Hart; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Mindy Gerber; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Joseph Lamagna; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Henry Murphy; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Ellen Murphy; Police Detective Gregory Hager; Neighborhood Crime Watch Chairperson Vincent Citarella; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman; Council Member Tony Katawick; Council Member John Zoller, and Council Member David Russell.
East Windsor Township Holds "National Night Out" Event Tuesday August 1
FOR RELEASE: July 19, 2023
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will join with communities throughout the United States and Canada to participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police Jason Hart and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 1 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. complex located at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life. The Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which thousands of citizens have been provided with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township National Night Out event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature activities including police vehicle tours, demonstrations by canines trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections, fire and EMS equipment displays, as well as community group and business booths and other activities. Additional activities for young people include a climbing obstacle course, inflatable games, face painting, DJ provided music and entertainment. The Township also will be offering free child passenger safety car seat inspections from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. by a certified safety officer. Refreshments also will be available at the event.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in the fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to Two New Police Officers
FOR RELEASE: May 31, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officers Daniel Burgess and Anthony Clayton at a recent ceremony.
Police Officer Daniel Burgess, an East Windsor Township resident, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in April 2022 and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Justice Studies from Montclair University. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Burgess worked as a Law Enforcement Officer for the Surf City Police Department, and will be assigned to Uniform Services.
Police Officer Anthony Clayton, who also will be assigned to Uniform Services, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in February 2023. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Clayton worked as a Law Enforcement Officer for the Seaside Park Police Department.
Mayor Mironov welcomed family members and police officers in attendance, and stated, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, as we welcome two new police officers to our department. I congratulate new Police Officers Burgess and Clayton who successfully passed the selection process to become part of our East Windsor team. We wish them a great and satisfying career here, and look forward to their service to our community.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Anthony Clayton (center left) and new Officer Daniel Burgess (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police James Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Launches Grant Funded Child Passenger Car Seat Safety Initiative
FOR RELEASE: May 2, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is launching a Child Passenger Car Seat Safety initiative to run from June through September, underwritten by a $7,500 New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. This pro-active initiative, offered for Township residents will be held at the East Windsor Police/Court building located at 80 One Mile Road on Wednesday, May 10, Thursday, June 8, Monday, July 10, Tuesday, and Friday, September 22 from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. and at the Township National Night Out event at the East Windsor PAL Complex (30 Airport Road) on Tuesday, August 1 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M.
The Township program is designed to outreach and educate motorists about properly securing children passengers in child seats as required by State law. Pursuant to this program, residents, at no cost, can have their child car seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding use of child car seats and current child restraint laws. A complete inspection of a child passenger car seat takes less than 10 minutes and is conducted by a nationally certified child passenger safety seat technicians, no appointment is necessary.
According to Mayor Mironov, “Statistics assembled from several organizations including the American Automobile Association and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety underscore that having a properly installed child passenger car seat is extremely important to ensure the safety of our young children in motor vehicles. It is noteworthy that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for young children and that four out of five child car seats are incorrectly installed. The proper use of child car seats is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect young children passengers.” Mayor Mironov added, “This pro-active initiative is to focus publicly on the high value of using child car seats and most critically using them properly. East Windsor’s grant-funded program will allow residents, at no cost, to have their child car seats inspected by a professionally certified technician to ensure they are properly installed, and receive educational literature offering tips on child safety in vehicles. All East Windsor residents with child passenger car seats are strongly encouraged to attend one of these free events.”
Motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under in the United States. Properly installed child safety seats, can prevent injuries and save lives. Young children restrained in child seats have an 80 percent lower risk of fatal injury than those who are unrestrained. Child safety seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants less than one year old and by 45 percent in toddlers ages one through four years. National studies have determined that most child safety seats are improperly installed or misused, thus negatively impacting the safety value of these devices.
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
FOR RELEASE: April 10, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Officer
FOR RELEASE: March 1, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officer Corrine Batsides, who fills a police department vacancy. Police Officer Batsides will be assigned to a Uniform Services.
Police Officer Corinne Batsides graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in April 2022 and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications from the University of Miami. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Batsides worked as a Police Officer for Bernards Township.
Mayor Mironov welcomed family members and police officers in attendance, and stated, “I congratulate new Police Officer Batsides who successfully passed the selection process to become part of our East Windsor team. We wish her a great and satisfying career here, and look forward to her service to our community.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Corrine Batsides. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Corrine Batsides; her parents George Batsides and Duane Batsides, and Chief of Police Jason Hart.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
FOR RELEASE: February 22, 2023
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Timothy Purpuri at (609) 448-5678, ext. 232. The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project Childsafe. Project Childsafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Officer
FOR RELEASE: December 15, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officer Dylan P. Dempsey, who fills a police department vacancy. Police Officer Dempsey will be assigned to a Uniform Services Platoon of the police department.
Police Officer Dylan P. Dempsey graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in April 2022 and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Administration from Rutgers University. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Dempsey worked as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Point Pleasant Beach Police Department.
Mayor Mironov welcomed family members and police officers in attendance, and stated, “I congratulate new Police Officer Dempsey who successfully passed the scrutinous selection process to become part of our East Windsor team. We wish him a great and satisfying career here, and look forward to his service to our community.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Dylan P. Dempsey (center) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Participates in Womanspace Communities of Light
FOR RELEASE: December 13, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Council Members Denise Daniels, Alan Rosenberg, and John Zoller joined with police officers and residents to participate in the 2022 Township Womanspace “Communities of Light” event at the East Windsor Municipal Building. The purpose of “Communities of Light” is to raise funds for Womanspace and focus public awareness on the important issue of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov issued a Proclamation to kick off the event, where Township officials and residents joined together to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the Municipal Building for Communities of Light, sponsored by Womanspace, the primary non-profit organization in Mercer County providing a comprehensive array of services, crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and their families.
Mayor Mironov stated, “‘Communities of Light’ is intended to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and families who are impacted by the dreadful situation of domestic violence. Our participation is to demonstrate our support of victims and their families, as well as recognition that domestic violence knows no boundaries and impacts every community regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.”
Mayor Mironov added, “As a community we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence. We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts and resources available to victims and families.”
Communities of Light raises funds for Womanspace, the primary non-profit organization in Mercer County providing crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life for women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members issue Proclamation designating December 5, 2022 as “Communities of Light” day on which East Windsor Township participated by lighting up the municipal building, to raise funds for Womanspace and focus public awareness on the important subject of domestic violence an support for victims and families. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Denise Daniels; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Womanspace Representative Yvonne Rivera; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Mayor Janice Mironov; former East Windsor Chief of Police and past President of Womanspace Board William Spain; Chief of Police Jason Hart, and Township Manager James Brady.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members join with Police Department members at the municipal building for Township participation in “Communities of Light” event to raise funds and public awareness for Womanspace, the primary provider of services for victims of domestic abuse. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sergeant Ryan Ballard; Detective Sergeant Paul Wille; Council Member Denise Daniels; Lieutenant Cory Paieda; Mayor Janice Mironov; Detective Timothy Purpuri; Lieutenant Ryan Mattek; Chief of Police Jason Hart; Detective Kenny Azambuja; Lieutenant Thomas Meyer; Lieutenant Matthew Oehling; Detective Michelle McCandrew, and Detective Sergeant Philip Melhorn.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members join with other participants at the municipal building for “Communities of Light” event to raise funds and public awareness for Womanspace, the primary provider of services for victims of domenstic abuse. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sergeant Ryan Ballard; Detective Kenny Azambuja; Council Member John Zoller; Lieutenant Matthew Oehling; Chief of Police Jason Hart; Council Member Denise Daniels; Township Manager James Brady; Mayor Janice Mironov; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Womanspace Representative Yvonne Rivera; Lieutenant Ryan Mattek; Detective Michelle McCandrew; Lieutenant Thomas Meyer; Lieutenant Cory Paieda; Detective Timothy Purpuri; Detective Philip Melhorn; Detective Sergeant Paul Wille, and former East Windsor Chief of Police and past President of Womanspace Board William Spain.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Lieutenant, New Police Sergeant and Two New Police Officers
FOR RELEASE: December 5, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to promoted police officer, new Police Lieutenant Matthew Oehling and, new Police Sergeant Robert Davison, as well as new police officers Chelsea M. Lyons and Andrew F. Smith, at a recent ceremony.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department. We congratulate the promoted officers on this professional achievement and service to our Township, and welcome the two new police officers to our department.”
New Police Lieutenant Matthew Oehling, hired in January 2006, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2005 and previously served with the Seaside Park Police Department. Lieutenant Oehling has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Traffic Safety Officer, and Primary and Secondary Officer-in-Charge. In January 2020, he was promoted to Sergeant serving as a platoon supervisor, then was assigned as Detective Sergeant becoming Investigative Services Supervisor. Lieutenant Oehling serves as the Public Information Officer and Municipal Counter Terrorism Coordinator and also is a departmental Firearms Instructor and part-time Instructor at the Mercer County Police Academy. Lieutenant Oehling will be assigned as Commander of Administrative Services. During his career, Lieutenant Oehling has received several awards and recognitions, including two Unit Citation Medals and three Life Saving medals. Lieutenant Oehling received Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Law and Justice from The College of New Jersey and Master’s Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
New Police Sergeant Robert Davison, hired in October 2010, graduated from the Cape May County Police Academy in January 2008. Sergeant Davison has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Primary and Secondary Officer-in-Charge, and as a Detective, as well as a part-time Instructor at the Mercer County Police Academy. Sergeant Robert Davison will be assigned as a platoon supervisor in Uniform Services. During his career, Sergeant Davison has received several awards and recognitions, including two Unit Citation Medals and was recognized as Officer of the Year. Sergeant Robert Davison received a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from The College of New Jersey and Master’s Degree of Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Police Officer Chelsea M. Lyons, who will be assigned to Uniform Services, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May of 2021 and now is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Rowan College. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Lyons worked as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with Point Pleasant Beach Police Department.
Police Officer Andrew F. Smith, who will be assigned to Uniform Services, graduated from the Cape May County Police Academy in April 2022 and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Justice Studies from Montclair State University. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Officer Smith worked as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the North Wildwood Police Department.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to (from left to right) new Police Lieutenant Matthew Oehling, new Police Sergeant Robert Davison, new Police Officer Chelsea M. Lyons and new Police Officer Andrew F. Smith in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police Jason Hart (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Holds Free Rabies Clinic
FOR RELEASE: October 19, 2022
East Windsor Township is holding free rabies clinics for all dog and cat owners in East Windsor Township, as a convenience to residents. The clinics will be held on Saturday, November 5 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the East Windsor Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 building located at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 12 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the East Windsor Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 building located at 69 Twin Rivers Drive.
All animals brought to the clinics must be properly restrained by a leash or carrier. Owners will be required to show a certificate of a previous rabies vaccination in order to receive a vaccination valid for three years. Without proof of a previous vaccination, the dog or cat will be given a one year vaccination. All resident dogs must have a rabies vaccination that does not expire prior to November 1, 2023 in order to receive a 2023 dog license.
For more information about the free rabies clinics, contact the Township Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229, or visit the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj,us.
East Windsor Township Participates In U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, October 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year-round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Member from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
Lt. Jason Hart Sworn In as New East Windsor Township Chief of Police
FOR RELEASE: October 13, 2022
Lieutenant Jason Hart was sworn in as East Windsor Township’s new Chief of Police by East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, at a ceremony in the Municipal Courtroom, attended by large numbers of Township officials, police officers and family and friends. Chief Hart’s appointment follows the retirement of Chief of Police James Geary, who served 27 years with the police department.
Mayor Mironov detailed Chief Hart’s career and accomplishments with the Township department. Chief of Police Hart joined the Township police department in January 2004, after graduating from the Ocean County Police Academy and serving as a Special Police Officer in Seaside Park Borough. During his career with the Township, Chief Hart has been a Defensive Tactics Instructor, Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer in Charge, Evidence Technician, Firearms Instructor, and Detective in Investigative Services. He was promoted to Sergeant in July 2015, serving as a Platoon Supervisor, Traffic Safety Unit Supervisor and Investigative Services Supervisor. Chief Hart was promoted to Lieutenant in January 2020 serving as Investigative Services Commander, Uniform Services Commander and Internal Affairs Commander.
Chief Hart has been awarded the Life Saving Medal, the Samaritan Officer of the Year Award, two Unit Citation Medals, Educational Achievement Medal, several Awards of Merit and numerous Letters of Recognition from his superior officers and members of the community. He received a bachelor’s degree from Albright College and master’s degree from The Collage of New Jersey, and is a 2019 graduate of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Command and Leadership Academy.
Mayor Mironov stated, “Chief Jason Hart comes to this top position with an extremely wide breath of law enforcement experience, substantial training and credentials, and demonstrated performance and leadership. We are confident that Chief Hart brings to this position of responsibility the background and personal qualities which will enable him to be an effective Police Chief and to continue to develop a high caliber of performance for our department.”
Chief Jason Hart, after taking the oath of office administered by Mayor Mironov, expressed his gratitude to the Mayor and Council and to all of his fellow police officers and former Township police chiefs. Chief Hart stated, “I am very excited and truly honored to have been granted the opportunity to serve as East Windsor Township’s chief of police. I look forward to many years of continued service with the men and women of our police department on behalf of the entire community.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new East Windsor Township Chief of Police Jason Hart as his wife Beth holds the Bible.
Mayor Mironov and newly appointed Chief of Police Jason Hart at the October 6 swearing-in ceremony.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Sergeant
FOR RELEASE: September 23, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to promoted police officer, new Police Sergeant Troy McWhorter, who fills an existing vacancy in the police department, at a recent ceremony.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, and especially for Sergeant McWhorter who is an experienced and accomplished officer who has worked hard to earn this promotion. We all congratulate the promoted officer on this professional recognition and his continued service to our Township.”
New Police Sergeant Troy McWhorter, hired in September 2005, has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Primary and Secondary Officer-in-Charge, and as a Detective in Investigative Services and now is assigned as a platoon supervisor in Uniform Services. Sergeant McWhorter also is a departmental Firearms Instructor and Part-Time Instructor at the Mercer County Police Academy. During his career, Sergeant McWhorter has received several awards and recognitions, including two Unit Citation Medals and two Life Saving medals. In 2010, Sergeant McWhorter received a Samaritan Award and was recognized as the Officer of the Year. Sergeant McWhorter received Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Administration of Justice from Salve Regina University.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Sergeant Troy McWhorter (center) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police James Geary (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Mayor Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Officer
FOR RELEASE: July 26, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officer Oksana Kopyto, who fills a police department vacancy. Police Officer Kopyto will be assigned to a Uniform Services Platoon of the police department.
Police Officer Oksana Kopyto is an East Windsor resident who graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in July 2022 and has an Associate of Science Degree from Mercer County College.
Mayor Mironov welcomed family members and police officers in attendance, along with Council Members Denise Daniels, Alan Rosenberg and John Zoller, and stated, “I congratulate new Police Officer Kopyto who graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy last week and successfully passed the scrutinous selection process to become part of our East Windsor team. We wish her a great and satisfying career here and expect her to serve our community in an outstanding manner.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Oksana Kopyto (center) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police James Geary (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Holds “National Night Out” Event Tuesday August 2
FOR RELEASE: July 20, 2022
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will join with communities throughout the United States and Canada to participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Geary and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 2 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. Facility located at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life. The Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which thousands of citizens have been provided with information on crime prevention and community partnerships, while also enjoying a fun evening.”
This year’s East Windsor Township National Night Out event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature activities including police vehicle tours, demonstrations by canines trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections, fire and EMS equipment displays, a climbing obstacle course, inflatable games, face painting and DJ provided music. There also will be many booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Packaged refreshments will be available at the event.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in the fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Lieutenant and Sergeant
FOR RELEASE: July 8, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oaths of office to promoted police officers, new Police Lieutenant Thomas Meyer and new Police Sergeant Joseph Carabelli, to fill existing openings in the police department, in front of Township officials and police at a recent ceremony.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, where we promote two experienced officers who have worked for these opportunities and achieved positive scores in the testing process. Tonight is a tremendous celebration for the Police Department, where we all congratulate the promoted officers, recognize their achievements and welcome working as a team as they continue to progress and demonstrate their abilities in their new positions.”
New Police Lieutenant Thomas Meyer, hired in August 2006, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer and Secondary Officer-in-Charge, and in May 2013, was assigned as a Detective to Investigative Services. In August 2017, Officer Meyer was promoted to Sergeant serving as a Platoon Supervisor and Field Training Program Coordinator, then in January 2019, was assigned as Detective Sergeant serving as the Investigative Services Supervisor. Lieutenant Meyer also has served as a Public Information Officer, Humane Law Enforcement Officer, Municipal Counter Terrorism Coordinator, Internal Affairs Unit member, and part-time Instructor at the Mercer County Police Academy. During his career, Lieutenant Meyer has received several awards and recognitions. Lieutenant Meyer earned a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a Juris Doctor Degree from Seton Hall University School of Law. Lieutenant Meyer is assigned as the interim Commander of Administrative Services.
New Police Sergeant Joseph Carabelli, hired in May 2011, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer in Charge and Primary Officer in Charge. In February 2020, Officer Carabelli was assigned as a Detective to Investigative Services, and also has served as a part-time instructor at the Mercer County Police Academy. During his career, Sergeant Carabelli has received several recognitions and awards. Sergeant Carabelli earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Seton Hall University and a Master’s Degree in Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Sergeant Carabelli is assigned as a platoon supervisor in Uniform Services.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Sergeant Joseph Carabelli (center left) and new Police Lieutenant Thomas Meyer (center right) in a ceremony attended by Chief of Police James Geary (right), elected officials and other police officers.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Officer
FOR RELEASE: June 15, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officer Maria Smith, who fills a police department vacancy. Police Officer Smith will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the police department.
Police Officer Maria Smith graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May of 2021, has an Associate of Science Degree from Ocean County College, and previously served as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Rumson Police Department.
Mayor Mironov welcomed the family members and the police officers in attendance, and stated, “I congratulate new Police Officer Smith who has the good career fortune to join a professional organization of police officers under the leadership of Chief Geary and our superior ranked officers. Officer Smith has successfully passed the scrutinous selection process to become part of our East Windsor team.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Maria Smith (center), attended by Chief of Police James Geary (right) and other police officers.
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaims May National Bike Month
FOR RELEASE: May 18, 2022
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Township police officers, proclaimed May 2022 “National Bike Month” and kicked off the “Use Your Head” safety initiative whereby bicycle helmets are distributed to residents under 16 at no cost. Two bicycle helmet giveaway sessions were held with a final session scheduled on Wednesday, May 25, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard).
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “We all recognize that bicycling is an effective means of transportation, an excellent form of recreation, a tool for fitness and promoting a healthy lifestyle, and a means for promoting a cleaner environment.” Mayor Mironov added, “East Windsor reaffirms our goal to promote the safe use of the bicycle, and to develop and expand programs to improve New Jersey’s bicycling environment and opportunities for bicycling. With an abundance of parks, trails and green spaces, East Windsor is the ideal place to enjoy biking individually or with family or friends.”
The Township then will implement Phase 2 of this bicycle safety initiative from June 1 through July 31, during which Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Township police officers will distribute form “summonses” to young people, recognizing children wearing helmets and asking them to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades.” This step will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, which will take place on Tuesday August 2 at the Township “National Night Out”.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Township police officers, issued a Proclamation recognizing National Bike Month – May, and kicked off East Windsor “Use Your Head” bicycle safety initiative. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Sergeant Ryan Ballard; Police Lieutenant Ryan Mattek; Chief of Police James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Lieutenant Cory Paieda; Police Lieutenant Jason Hart, and Police Detective Sergeant Paul Wille.
East Windsor Township Launches "Use Your Head" Bicycle Helmet Giveaway for Bicycle Safety Month - May
FOR RELEASE: April 29, 2022
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed May 2022 “Bicycle Safety Month” and announced a bicycle safety initiative, “Use Your Head”, a Bicycle Helmet giveaway program, which will be kicked off on Wednesday, May 4. Additional sessions will be held on Wednesday, May 11 and Wednesday, May 25, all from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Under this program, East Windsor residents ages 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet at no cost. After viewing a brief 5-minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This bicycle safety program, entitled ‘Use Your Head’ and geared to children under 17 years old, is intended to enhance safety by increasing awareness of the laws requiring helmet wear, promoting helmet usage and instructing on correct helmet usage and fit.” Mayor Mironov added “It is not only the law for young bicyclers, but it is good common sense for all people riding bicycles to protect themselves by wearing a helmet.”
The Township then will implement Phase 2 of this bicycle safety initiative from June 1 through July 31, during which Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Township police officers will distribute form “summonses” to young people, recognizing children wearing helmets and asking them to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades. This step will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, which will take place on Tuesday August 2 at the Township “National Night Out”.
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign.”
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
FOR RELEASE: April 12, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
FOR RELEASE: February 22, 2022
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236. The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Participates In Womanspace Communities of Light
FOR RELEASE: December 14, 2021
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Council Members Denise Daniels, Alan Rosenberg, and John Zoller, as well as Chief of Police James Geary and police officers participated with The Peddie School students and residents in the 2021 Township Womanspace “Communities of Light” event at the East Windsor Municipal Building. The purpose of “Communities of Light” is to raise funds for Womanspace and raise public awareness of domestic violence and resources and services available to abuse victims. Participants purchased luminary kits and joined together at the municipal building to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the municipal building.
Mayor Mironov stated, “‘Communities of Light’ is intended to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and families who are impacted by the dreadful situation of domestic violence. Our participation is to demonstrate our support of victims and their families, as well as recognition that domestic violence knows no boundaries and impacts every community regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.”
Mayor Mironov added, “As a community we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence. We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts and resources available to victims and families.”
Communities of Light raises funds for Womanspace, the primary non-profit organization in Mercer County providing crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life for women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members issue Proclamation designating December 6, 2021 as "Communities of Light" day on which East Windsor Township participated by lighting up the municipal building, to raise funds for Womanspace and focus public awareness on the important subject of domestic violence and support for victims and families. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member John Zoller; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chief of Police James Geary; Council Member Denise Daniels; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, and Township Manager James Brady.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov is joined by members of The Peddie School Girls Basketball Team to light the first candle kicking off the Township Womanspace “Communities of Light” ceremony.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members join with members of the Police Department at the municipal building for Township participation in “Communities of Light” event to raise funds and public awareness for Womanspace, the primary regional provider of services for victims of domestic abuse. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Sergeant Ryan Ballard; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Denise Daniels; Detective Michelle McCandrew; Detective Sergeant Paul Wille; (back row) Police Officer Tim Purpuri; Lieutenant Jason Hart; Council Member John Zoller; Chief of Police James Geary; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Animal Control Officer James St. John; Detective Sergeant Thomas Meyer; Detective Robert Davison; Lieutenant Ryan Mattek, and Detective Joseph Carabelli.
East Windsor Township Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October Kicks Off Participation in Womanspace December 6 “Communities of Light”
FOR RELEASE: November 11, 2021
Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members David Russell, Alan Rosenberg and John Zoller, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Township police officers, proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, praising Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team “for their commendable efforts in focusing attention on the important community subject of domestic abuse and providing support and resources for abuse victims.”
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor was the first municipality in Mercer County to step up and establish a Domestic Violence Victim Response Team with the help of Womanspace and our Police Department. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, "The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers. The pro-active commitment by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that we are united in combating domestic violence and that it is unacceptable to our entire community."
Mayor Mironov and Township officials further kicked off East Windsor Township’s participation in Womanspace “Communities of Light” encouraging residents and local groups to join in and support this event, geared to raise funds and awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts available to victims and families. As a community, we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” She added, “the lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
Mayor Mironov called on all residents and businesses to participate by purchasing candles and gathering at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) on December 6, 2021 at 5 p.m. to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by light refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits, containing six candles each, for $10 at any time at the Police/Municipal Court Building (80 One Mile Road) and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go 100% directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
Mayor Janice Mironov, joined by Council Members, presents Proclamation recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month -- October to Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart, and kicks off East Windsor Township participation in the Womanspace "Communities of Light" program, scheduled for Monday, December 6. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member David Russell; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Mayor Janice Mironov; Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace; Council Member John Zoller, and Chief of Police James Geary.
Mayor Janice Mironov presents Proclamation recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month -- October to Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart, joined by Council Members and police officers, and kicks off East Windsor Township participation in the Womanspace "Communities of Light" program, scheduled for Monday, December 6. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) Police Lieutenant Ryan Mattek; Township Manager James Brady; Council Member David Russell; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Chief of Police James Geary; Police Detective Brian Gorski; (front row) Police Lieutenant Cory Paieda; Police Detective Michelle McCandrew; Mayor Janice Mironov; Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace; Council Member John Zoller, and Police Lieutenant Jason Hart.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oaths of Office to Two New Police Officers
FOR RELEASE: October 4, 2021
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers, Juan Polanco and Aaron Edler, who fill police department vacancies resulting from recent police department retirements. Both police officers Polanco and Edler will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the police department.
Police Officer Juan Polanco graduated from the Camden County College Police Academy in June 2021, and previously served as an Infantryman with the New Jersey Army National Guard from 2015 to 2020.
Police Officer Aaron Edler graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2019 and now is pursuing an Associate of Science degree from Mercer County Community College. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, Mr. Edler worked as a Police Officer for Lambertville.
Mayor Mironov welcomed the family members and the large number of police officers in attendance to support these new police officers, and stated, "I congratulate these new police officers who have the good career fortune to join an outstanding, professional and community caring organization of police officers under the leadership of Chief Geary and our superior ranked officers. These new police officers have successfully passed the rigorous selection process to become part of a quality and effective team in East Windsor. ”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly hired Police Officers Juan Polanco and Aaron Edler. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Aaron Edler; Police Officer Juan Polanco and Chief of Police James Geary.
East Windsor Township Holds “National Night Out” Event Tuesday August 3
FOR RELEASE: July 20, 2021
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will join with communities throughout the United States and Canada to participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Geary and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 3 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life. The Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which thousands of citizens have been provided with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township National Night Out event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature crime watch information, displays and various demonstrations and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Activities will include police/court building tours, police vehicle tours, demonstrations by canines trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections, fire and EMS equipment displays, and a rock-climbing wall. There will be booths by many local organizations and businesses, with information and giveaways. Refreshments and Kona Ice also will be available, along with DJ provided music.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
FOR RELEASE: May 17, 2021
EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is launching a Child Passenger Car Seat Safety initiative to run from June through September, underwritten by a $6,000 New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. This pro-active initiative, offered for Township residents will be held at the East Windsor Police/Court building located at 80 One Mile Road on Friday, June 4, Wednesday, June 23, Monday, July 12, Tuesday, August 3, and Thursday, September 23 from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M.
The Township program is designed to outreach and educate motorists about properly securing children passengers in child seats as required by State law. Pursuant to this program, residents, at no cost, can have their child car seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding use of child car seats and current child restraint laws. A complete inspection of a child passenger car seat takes less than 10 minutes and is conducted by a nationally certified child passenger safety seat technicians, no appointment is necessary.
According to Mayor Mironov, “Statistics assembled from several organizations including the American Automobile Association and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety underscore that having a properly installed child passenger car seat is extremely important to ensure the safety of our young children in motor vehicles. It is noteworthy that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for young children and that four out of five child car seats are incorrectly installed. The proper use of child car seats is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect young children passengers.” Mayor Mironov added, “This pro-active initiative is to focus publicly on the high value of using child car seats and most critically using them properly. East Windsor’s grant-funded program will allow residents, at no cost, to have their child car seats inspected by a professionally certified technician to ensure they are properly installed, and receive educational literature offering tips on child safety in vehicles. All East Windsor residents with child passenger car seats are strongly encouraged to attend one of these free events.”
Motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under in the United States. Properly installed child safety seats, can prevent injuries and save lives. Young children restrained in child seats have an 80 percent lower risk of fatal injury than those who are unrestrained. Child safety seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants less than one year old and by 45 percent in toddlers ages one through four years. National studies have determined that most child safety seats are improperly installed or misused, thus negatively impacting the safety value of these devices.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
FOR RELEASE: February 18, 2021
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program kicks off March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
NOTE: This photo was taken prior to COVID-19 and the introduction of state guidelines regarding face coverings and social distancing.
East Windsor Township Officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Program for March, as police officers demonstrate proper use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sergeant Matthew Oehling; Chief of Police James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Police Officer Joseph Amejka.
East Windsor Township Participates In Womanspace Communities Of Light
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members Dense Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, and John Zoller, as well as Chief of Police James Geary, Womanspace Board of Trustees member/former Chief of Police William Spain, and police officers participated in the 2020 Township Womanspace “Communities of Light” event at the East Windsor Municipal Building on December 7. The purpose of “Communities of Light” is to raise funds and public awareness of domestic violence and resources and services available to abuse victims and families. Mayor Mironov and Council Members joined together at the municipal building to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the municipal building, while residents and local business owners were encouraged to participate by lighting up their residences in this community-wide event.
Mayor Mironov stated, “The purpose of ‘Communities of Light’ to serve as a powerful symbol of hope for individuals and families who are impacted by domestic violence and the existence of avenues to get out of these dreadful situations. Our participation is to demonstrate our support of victims and their families, as well as recognition that domestic violence knows no boundaries and impacts every community regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.”
Mayor Mironov added, “As a community, we wish to express our strong pro-active support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence. We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts and resources available to victims and families.”
Communities of Light raises funds for Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for individuals and families impacted by domestic violence. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services in order to prevent abuse, protect families, and change lives through empowerment and a safety net of supportive services.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members issue a Proclamation for “Communities of Light” and light up the Municipal Building during the East Windsor Township “Communities of Light” event on Monday, December 7, to raise funds for Womanspace as well as focus public awareness on the important subject of domestic violence and support and resources for victims. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member John Zoller; former Chief of Police William Spain, Womanspace Board of Trustees Member; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Chief of Police James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Marc Lippman; Council Member Denise Daniels; Township Manager James Brady, and Township Clerk Kelly Lettera.
East Windsor Township Encourages Support for Womanspace “Communities of Light” On December 7
Mayor Janice Mironov announced that East Windsor once again will be participating in Womanspace “Communities of Light” event on Monday, December 7 at 5 P.M. and encouraged residents and local business to support this event -- to light up the Township Municipal Building and the streets of East Windsor as a powerful symbol of hope for men, women and children impacted by domestic violence and human trafficking.
Residents are encouraged to participate from their homes by lighting purchased candles on their front porches. Local business owners are encouraged to participate by lighting purchased candles in front of their business. Alternatively, citizens can drop off purchased luminary kits at the East Windsor Police/Court Building or the Municipal Building which will be used to light up town hall.
Luminary kits of six candles can be purchased 24/7 for $10 at the East Windsor Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road. All proceeds will go 100% to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County Organization providing a comprehensive array of services to support victims and families impacted by domestic violence. Checks of Support, payable to Womanspace, also can be mailed to East Windsor Municipal Building, ATTN: Mayor Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help raise funds, while focusing public attention on the important human subject of domestic violence and expand awareness of the support resources available to assist affected victims and families. As a community, we wish to express our strong support for effective caring organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” She added, “the lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
East Windsor Township Participates In U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, October 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Recognizes 2019 Employees of The Year
At the February 11 Council Meeting, prior to the current health emergency, Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognized 2019 East Windsor Township Employees of the Year: Laurie Finger, Finance Director; Jose Jaramillo, Public Works Custodian and Laborer, and Randi Gruntzel, Secretary to the Chief of Police. Mayor Mironov presented the three employees with Proclamations at a public ceremony, stating, “We are very proud of the outstanding service, excellent positive attributes and demonstrated commitment of our 2019 Employees of the Year, who are tremendous assets to the municipal government and to our entire community.”
Laurie Finger has managed the financial affairs of the Township since becoming Finance Director on August 10, 2015, including overseeing all local funds, directing the preparation of the municipal budget and evaluating the Township’s financial condition. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Laurie Finger is an invaluable resource to the Township, elected officials and other employees due to her extensive experience and knowledge, demonstrated dependability to see every task through to completion, and her ability to think outside of the box to address any situation. She exemplifies what it means to be a public servant with her willingness to assist all around her with the highest level of consideration and professionalism, often stopping what she was doing to help others. She has dedicated herself to achieving high quality results in everything she does, has displayed exceptional commitment to East Windsor Township and is deserving of this recognition.”
Jose Jaramillo was hired as a seasonal employee with the Public Works Department in June 2008 and in March 2009, due to his strong work ethic, was promoted to a full time Custodian. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Jose Jaramillo is highly regarded by his colleagues for his diligent and professional work ethic, positive attitude, sense of humor, dependability, and demonstrated willingness to go out of his way to assist his fellow co-workers whenever needed without hesitation. His commitment and integrity have contributed to a positive work environment, and he has dedicated over eleven years of outstanding service to East Windsor Township, truly earning him this recognition.”
Randi Gruntzel has served as Secretary to the Chief of Police since joining the Police Department in July 2007. She performs a variety of important duties including helping employees with payroll and benefits, providing residents with information when needed, and assisting the Chief of Police and the entire Police Department with any issues or concerns that arise. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Immediately upon her hiring, Randi Gruntzel distinguished herself amongst her peers as highly professional with an outstanding positive attitude and kind demeanor. She always remains professional under the most trying of circumstances, embodies patience in difficult situations and demonstrates compassion to everyone she encounters. Randi is highly regarded by her peers as an example for her willingness to always lend a hand to fellow employees when they become overwhelmed, her ability to jump into any assignment regardless of the task, and her strong dedication to provide the very best service to the Township, the Police Department and residents.”
NOTE: This photo was taken on February 11, 2020 prior to Covid-19 and the introduction of state guidelines regarding face coverings and social distancing.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes and presents Mayoral Proclamations to East Windsor Township 2019 Employees of the Year. Pictured (from left to right) are: Randi Gruntzel, Secretary to the Chief of Police; Laurie Finger, Finance Director; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Jose Jaramillo, Custodian and Laborer with Public Works.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution In March
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program kicks off March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Program for March, as police officers demonstrate proper use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sergeant Matthew Oehling; Chief of Police James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Police Officer Joseph Amejka.
East Windsor Township Proclaims Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart, issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, offers support and services for survivors of human trafficking.
Mayor Mironov said “every year East Windsor has taken the opportunity to recognize Human Trafficking Awareness Month because we believe that awareness is key in regards to combating this human tragedy. Unfortunately statistics show that this is an issue that is prevalent in all communities, states and nations. We express our unity and solidarity against this appalling issue and encourage everyone to be vigil and to take action when they suspect this is happening.”
Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart stated, ““Human trafficking often involves victims who are hiding in plain sight, and we may see them and have no idea what they are experiencing. We are continuing to raise awareness so victims know that they can come to Womanspace in order to receive support.”
The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes that “human trafficking is a borderless horrific crime against especially vulnerable children and woman that violates the most basic human rights and deprives victims of every shred of personal freedom. The United Nations’ International Labour Organization has estimated that nearly 24.9 million people are trapped in forced labor including 4.8 million people are in forced sexual exploitation.” Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states that the, “Township of East Windsor is resolved to support the goals and ideals by observing annually a Month of Human Trafficking Awareness to support all efforts by individuals, businesses, organizations and governing bodies to raise awareness of and opposition to human trafficking.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov issues Mayoral Proclamation declaring January as Human Trafficking Awareness month to Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace (center), along with Chief of Police James Geary.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Lieutenants and Sergeants and Two New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oaths of office to promoted police officers, new Police Lieutenant Jason Hart, new Police Lieutenant Ryan Mattek, new Police Sergeant Scott Brown and new Police Sergeant Matthew Oehling, and new police officers Tyler M. Clark and Thomas J. Nicola, to fill existing openings in the police department, in front of a packed room of police, support staff, family and friends at a recent Council meeting.
Mayor Mironov stated prior to administering the oaths of office, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, where we recognize the accomplishments and leadership of several outstanding officers in the department and welcome two new officers as well. We have established very high standards and a rigorous hiring process for new officers, so we can ensure we have the very best police department in New Jersey. We have brought on officers who are qualified, professional, caring and motivated to be part of a strong and effective team in East Windsor. We also have the opportunity to recognize officers who have made their mark in the department and to promote them to new levels of leadership. Tonight is a tremendous celebration for the Police Department and an opportunity to focus on the outstanding leadership and effective efforts of our East Windsor police.”
New Police Lieutenant Jason Hart, hired in January 2004, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer and Secondary Officer-in-Charge, and in April 2011, he was assigned to Investigative Services as a Detective. In July 2015, Officer Hart was promoted to Sergeant serving in Uniform Services as a Platoon Supervisor, Traffic Safety Unit Supervisor and Investigative Services Supervisor. Lieutenant Hart also served as a defensive tactics instructor, evidence technician, firearms instructor, precision rifle operator, press information officer, humane law enforcement officer, child abduction team liaison, municipal counter terrorism coordinator and member of the Internal Affairs Unit. During his career, Lieutenant Hart has received several recognitions including the Life Saving Medal, the Samaritan Officer of the Year Award, two Unit Citation Medals, several Awards of Merit and numerous Letters of Recognition from both his superior officers and members of the community. Lieutenant Hart graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2003, and received a Bachelor of Science degree from Albright College and a Master of Education from The College of New Jersey. Lieutenant Hart is assigned as the Commander of Investigative Services.
New Police Lieutenant Ryan Mattek, hired in September 2003, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer-in-Charge and a Firearms Instructor, and in May 2011, he was assigned to Investigative Services as a Detective. In December 2016, Officer Mattek was promoted to Sergeant serving in Uniform Services as a Platoon Supervisor, and thereafter in February 2019, he was assigned to Investigative Services where he has served as the Training Coordinator and Supervising Firearms Instructor. During his career, Lieutenant Mattek has received several recognitions including the Meritorious Service Medal, Several Unit Citation medals, numerous Letters of Recognition, and was named the 2010 East Windsor Township Law and Public Safety Employee of the Year. Lieutenant Mattek graduated from the Cape May County Police Academy in January 2002, and received his Bachelors and Masters degree in Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickenson University. Lieutenant Mattek is assigned as the Commander of Support Services.
New Sergeant Scott Brown, hired in June 2000, has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer-in-Charge and Primary Officer-in-Charge, and in August 2017, he was assigned to Investigative Services as a Detective. Sergeant Brown has been awarded two Unit Citation Awards, two Life Saving Awards, a Samaritan Award for Officer of the Year in 2006, several Awards of Merit and numerous Letters of Recognition. Sergeant Brown graduated from the Burlington County Police Academy in June 1998, earned an Associate of Arts Degree from Burlington County College and is continuing his education at Farleigh Dickinson University. Sergeant Brown is assigned as a Platoon Supervisor in Uniform Services.
New Sergeant Matthew Oehling, hired in January 2006, has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Traffic Safety Officer, Secondary Officer-in-Charge, Primary Officer-in-Charge and as a Firearms Instructor. Sergeant Oehling has been awarded two Unit Citation Awards, three Life Saving Awards, Field Training Officer Award, several Awards of Merit and numerous Letters of Recognition. Sergeant Oehling graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2005, and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in law and Justice from The College of New Jersey and a Master of Administrative Science Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Sergeant Oehling is assigned as a Platoon Supervisor in Uniform Services.
Police Officer Tyler M. Clark, who graduated from the Cape May County Police Academy in June 2018, obtained an Associate of Science degree from Mercer County Community College and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in National Security Services at New Jersey City University. He previously worked as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Sea Isle City Police Department and as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer and a fully certified Police Officer with the Lambertville Police Department prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, and is assigned to the Uniform Services Division.
Police Officer Thomas Nicola, who grew up in East Windsor and graduated from East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2019 and has attended Mercer County Community College in pursuit of an Associate of Science degree. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, he worked as a Class I and a Class II Special Law Enforcement Office with the Bay Head Police Department and as a full time police officer with Montgomery Township Police Department. Officer Nicola is assigned to the Uniform Services Division.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to two newly promoted Lieutenants, two newly promoted Sergeants, and two new police officers. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sergeant Matthew Oehling; Lieutenant Jason Hart; Police Officer Thomas Nicola; Police Officer Tyler Clark; Chief of Police James A. Geary; Lieutenant Ryan Mattek, and Sergeant Scott Brown.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to two newly promoted Lieutenants and two newly promoted Sergeants. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Lieutenant Jason Hart; Lieutenant Ryan Mattek; Sergeant Scott Brown; Sergeant Matthew Oehling, and Chief of Police James A. Geary.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to two new police officers. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Thomas Nicola; Police Officer Tyler Clark, and Chief of Police James A. Geary
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oaths of Office To Four New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Michael A. Pidhorecki Jr., Joshua B. Pohl, Christopher W. McDermott, and Evan T. McNamara who fill police department vacancies resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions. All four police officers Pidhorecki, Pohl, McDermott and McNamara will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the police department.
Police Office Michael A. Pidhorecki Jr., who graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2018, is currently pursuing an Associate’s degree from Brookdale Community College. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, he worked as a Class I and Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Point Pleasant Police Department.
Police Officer Joshua B. Pohl graduated from the Cape May Police Academy in June 2019 and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice at Arcadia University. Officer Pohl, who grew up in East Windsor and graduated from East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School, also serves as a volunteer firefighter with the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company #2 where he was recognized as the 2017 “Firefighter of the Year.” Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, he worked as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the North Wildwood Police Department.
Police Officer Christopher W. McDermott, who graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy in May 2019, obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and Justice at Rowan University. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, he worked as a Class I and Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Spring Lake Police Department.
Police Office Evan T. McNamara, who graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy in May 2019, possesses an Associate’s degree in Business Administration from Brookdale Community College. Prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, he worked as a Class I and Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Bradley Beach Police Department and as an Emergency Medical Technician with the Wall Township Police Department.
Mayor Mironov “welcomed the large number of police officers in attendance to support these new police officers,” and stated, "I congratulate these new police officers who have the good career fortune to join an outstanding, professional and community caring organization of police officers under the leadership of Chief Geary and our superior ranked officers. We have established very high standards and a rigorous hiring process for new officers, so we can ensure we have the very best police department in New Jersey. These new officers have successfully passed the selection process to become part of a high quality and effective team in East Windsor. ”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Michael A. Pidhorecki Jr., Joshua B. Pohl, Christopher W. McDermott, and Evan T. McNamara who are filling police vacancies. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Christopher W. McDermott; Police Officer Michael A. Pidhorecki Jr.; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Joshua B. Pohl; Police Officer Evan T. McNamara, and Police Chief James A. Geary.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Michael A. Pidhorecki Jr. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Michael A. Pidhorecki Jr and his mother Dorothy Pidhorecki.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Joshua B. Pohl. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Joshua B. Pohl, and his parents Scott and Linda Pohl.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Evan T. McNamara. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Evan T. McNamara, and his parents Deborah and Jeffrey McNamara.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Christopher W. McDermott. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Christopher W. McDermott, and his mother Anna McDermott.
East Windsor Township Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October Kicks Off Participation In Womanspace December 2 “Communities Of Light”
Mayor Janice Mironov, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Domestic Violence Victim Response Team volunteers, proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, praising Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team “for their commendable efforts in focusing attention on the important community subject of domestic abuse and providing support and resources for abuse victims.”
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor was the first municipality in Mercer County to step up and establish a Domestic Violence Victim Response Team with the help of Womanspace and the East Windsor Police Department, for which East Windsor received the Womanspace President’s award for the initiative.” Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart stated that East Windsor then became the model for the other municipalities in Mercer County as well as the State.
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, "The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers. The pro-active commitment by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that we are united in combating domestic violence and that it is unacceptable to our entire community."
Mayor Mironov and Township officials further kicked off East Windsor Township’s participation in Womanspace “Communities of Light” to take place on Monday, December 2, encouraging residents and local groups to join in and support this event, geared to raise funds and awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts available to victims and families. As a community, we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” She added, “the lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
Mayor Mironov called on all residents and businesses to participate by purchasing candles and gathering with local officials and police on Monday, December 2 at 5 p.m. to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments.
Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits, containing six candles each, for $10 at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go 100% directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizes Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team (DVVRT) for their outstanding work and support for abuse victims. Pictured (from left to right) are: Salim, DVVRT volunteer member; Shaila, DVVRT volunteer member; Linda, DVVRT volunteer member; Jen, DVVRT volunteer member; Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Chief of Police James Geary.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov kicked off East Windsor Township’s participation in Womanspace “Communities of Light,” slated for Monday, December 2, proclaiming Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizing Womanspace for their outstanding work and support for abuse victims. Pictured (from left to right) are: Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Chief of Police James Geary.
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, October 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Sergeant and Two New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oaths of office to promoted new Police Sergeant David Oleksy and new police officers Bryan M. Butchon and Nicole M. Orbin, to fill existing openings in the police department, in front of a packed room of police, support staff, family and friends at a recent Council meeting.
Mayor Mironov stated prior to administering the oaths of office, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, as we recognize the accomplishments and leadership of an outstanding officer in the department and welcome two new officers as well. We have established very high standards and a rigorous hiring process for new officers, so we can ensure we have the very best police department in New Jersey. We have brought on officers who are qualified, professional, caring and motivated to be part of a strong and effective team in East Windsor. We also have the opportunity to recognize a police officer who has made his mark in the department and to promote him to a new level of leadership.” Mayor Mironov added, “Tonight is a tremendous celebration for the Police Department and an opportunity to focus on the outstanding leadership and effective efforts of our East Windsor police.”
New Police Sergeant David Oleksy, hired in January 2006, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer, Traffic Safety Officer, Secondary Officer-in-Charge, and Primary Officer-in-Charge. During his career, Sergeant Oleksy has received several recognitions including two Unit Citation awards, two Life Saving Awards, an Educational Achievement Award, a Field Training Officer Award, an award from Mothers Against Drunk Driving for excellence in DWI Detection, several Awards of Merit, and numerous Letters of Recognition from both his superior officers and members of the community. Sergeant Oleksy graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in April 2005 and received his Bachelor’s of Arts degree and Master’s of Administrative Science Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Sergeant Oleksy will be assigned as a platoon supervisor in Uniform Services.
Police Officer Bryan M. Butchon, who graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in July 2019, obtained an Associate of Arts Degree from Mercer County Community College and a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Law & Justice Studies from Rowan University. He previously worked as a Class I Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Avalon Police Department prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, and will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division.
Police Officer Nicole M. Orbin, who graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2018, obtained an Associate of Science Degree from Ocean County College and is pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Management at Kean University. She previously worked as a Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Pine Beach Police Department, the Seaside Park Police Department, and the Toms River Police Department prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department. She will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Sergeant and two new police officers. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sergeant David Oleksy; Mayor Janice S. Mironov: Police Officer Bryan M. Butchon; Police Officer Nicole M. Orbin, and Chief of Police James A. Geary.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Sergeant David Oleksy, while his wife Dana Oleksy (right) holds the Bible.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Police Sergeant David Oleksy. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Sergeant David Oleksy, and his wife Dana Oleksy.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Bryan M. Butchon, while his sister Tara Butchon (right) holds the Bible.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Bryan M. Butchon. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Office Byran M. Butchon, and his sister Tara Butchon
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Nicole M. Orbin, while her parents Kellyanne Orbin and Michael Orbin (right) hold the Bible.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Police Officer Nicole M. Orbin. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Nicole M. Orbin; her mother Kellyanne Orbin, and her father Michael Orbin.
East Windsor Township Celebrates National Night Out
East Windsor Township celebrated “National Night Out” on August 6, at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields, which was attended by well over 2,000 people. Approximately 75 organizations and businesses hosted booths and displays. The event was to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township in promoting a cooperative partnership among police, local government officials and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation which was presented to the Neighborhood Crime Watch members, reading “National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local programs to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals notifying them that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which had much to interest adults and children, featured police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There were demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses hosted booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas were set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities included a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments were available.
Mayor Mironov stated, “National Night Out was a tremendous success and we thank our local police department especially Chief of Police James Geary, and all of our volunteer fire company and rescue squad volunteers, and businesses and organizations for their support and participation in helping to make our National Night Out such an outstanding event.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Proclamation for 2019 “National Night Out” to East Windsor Neighborhood Crime Watch members during the event held at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Chief James Geary; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Richard Labone; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Stacy Labone; Neighborhood Crime Watch Chairperson Vincent Citarella; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman; Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Denise Daniels, and Council Member Peter Yeager.
East Windsor Township to Hold Ceremony to Remember Anniversary of 9/11
East Windsor Township will hold a program and wreath-laying ceremony to remember and honor the Anniversary of September 11 on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, at 5:30 P.M. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township municipal building. Participants will include elected officials, community clergy, police, fire company members, rescue squad members, the school district, scout troops and other community groups. The public is encouraged to attend.
East Windsor Township Holds “National Night Out” Event Tuesday August 6
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Geary and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 6 from
6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national campaign that provides a unique opportunity for our citizens and local government to come together to build positive and cooperative relationships while enhancing drug and crime prevention and encouraging residents to get involved in local community programs. All East Windsor residents are invited to join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Officer
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered an oath of office to new police officer John J. Cate, who fills a police department vacancy resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions. John J. Cate will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the Police Department.
Police Officer John J. Cate, who graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2017, is pursuing an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice from Ocean County College. He previously served as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Lacey Township and Point Pleasant Beach police departments, and as a telecommunications officer with Ocean Township.
Mayor Mironov “welcomed the large number of police officers in attendance to support this new officer,” and stated, “I congratulate John J. Cate who has the good career fortune to join an outstanding, professional and community caring organization of officers under the leadership of Chief Geary and our superior ranked officers.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officer John J. Cate, who is filling a police vacancy resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer John J. Cate, and Chief of Police James A. Geary.
East Windsor Township Launches Grant Funded Child Passenger - Car Safety Seat Initiative
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is launching a Child Passenger - Car Safety Seat initiative to run from June through September 2019, underwritten by a $6,000 New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. The Township program is designed to outreach and educate motorists about properly securing children passengers in child seats as required by State law.
Pursuant to this program, residents for free can have their child car seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding use of child car seats and current child restraint laws. These inspections for Township residents will be held at the Target parking lot, located at 70 Princeton-Hightstown Road on Saturday, June 15 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M., at the East Windsor Police/Court building located at 80 One Mile Road on Wednesday, July 17, Thursday, August 22, and Friday, September 13 from 3 to 7 P.M., and during the Township National Night Out event at the East Windsor PAL complex, 30 Airport Road, on Tuesday, August 6 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. A complete inspection of a child passenger safety seat takes less than 10 minutes and will be conducted by nationally certified child passenger safety seat technicians.
According to Mayor Mironov, “Statistics from all groups including the American Automobile Association and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety underscore that having a properly installed child car safety seat is extremely important to ensure the safety of our young children in motor vehicles. It is noteworthy that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for young children and that four out of five child safety seats are incorrectly installed. The proper use of child safety seats is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect young children passengers.” Mayor Mironov added, “This pro-active initiative is to focus publicly on the high value of using child safety seats and importantly using them properly. East Windsor’s grant-funded program will allow residents, at no cost, to have their child safety seats inspected and ensure that they are properly installed. Residents also will be given educational literature offering tips on child safety in vehicles. All East Windsor residents with child car safety seats are encouraged to attend one of these free events.
Motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under in the United States. Properly installed child safety seats, can prevent injuries and save lives. Young children restrained in child seats have an 80 percent lower risk of fatal injury than those who are unrestrained. Child safety seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants less than one year old and by 45 percent in toddlers ages one through four years. National studies have determined that most child safety seats are improperly installed or misused, thus negatively impacting the safety value of these devices.
East Windsor Township Participates In U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Kicks Off Grant Funded Distracted Driver Campaign
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township has kicked off a pro-active Distracted Driver campaign to run April 1 through April 21, underwritten by a $5,500 NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. The “U Drive, U Text, U Pay” grant is for enforcement of distracted driving violations, such as texting, using a cell phone, and using other electronic devices while driving.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This initiative is geared to promote the responsible operation of motor vehicles for everyone through increased public awareness and education, as well as enforcement of distracted driving laws. Motorists should put their phones away while driving and give their full attention to the road, to do their part to help keep our roadways safe. April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month to call attention to the dangers of behavior as using cell phones and texting while driving. We urge all motorists to commit to the safe operation of their vehicles by pledging to not use electronic devices while driving.”
Distracted driving is a dangerous behavior to engage in, and is responsible for the deaths of 3,166 people nationally in 2017 alone. In New Jersey, driver inattention was listed as a contributing circumstance in 51% of all motor vehicle accidents in 2017. Additionally, it is the youngest and most inexperienced drivers that are most at risk, with 10% of all distracted driving crashes involving drivers under the age of 20, according to distraction.gov, the US government official website for distracted driving.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and the police department kick off "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" Campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Gregory Hager; Police Officer Sebastian Marin; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Sergeant Ryan Ballard, and Police Officer Michael Greco.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath Of Office To New Police Lieutenant And Sergeant And Two New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oaths of office to promoted police officers, new Police Lieutenant Eric Lion and new Police Sergeant Phillip Melhorn, and new police officers Sebastian Marin and Dylan Barlow, to fill existing openings in the police department, in front of a packed room of police, support staff, family and friends at a recent Council meeting.
Mayor Mironov stated prior to administering the oaths of office, “This is an exciting evening for East Windsor Township and our Police Department, where we recognize the accomplishments and leadership of several outstanding officers in the department and welcome two new officers as well. We have established very high standards and a rigorous hiring process for new officers, so we can ensure we have the very best police department in New Jersey. We have brought on officers who are qualified, professional, caring and motivated to be part of a strong and effective team in East Windsor. We have also had the opportunity on many occasions to recognize officers who have made their mark in the department and to promote them to new levels of leadership. Tonight is a tremendous celebration for the Police Department and an opportunity to focus on the outstanding leadership and effective efforts of our East Windsor police.
New Police Lieutenant Eric Lion, who was hired in January 1995, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer-in-Charge, Primary Officer-in-Charge, and as a Firearms Instructor. In May 2006, Lieutenant Lion was assigned to Investigative Services as a Detective, until May 2012 when he was promoted to Sergeant serving in Uniform Services as a Platoon Supervisor and Field Training Officer Program Coordinator. During his career, Lieutenant Lion has received several recognitions including the Samaritan Medal for being named Police Officer of the Year in 2006, two Meritorious Service Medals, a Unit Citation medal, numerous Letters of Recognition and was named the Law and Public Safety Employee of the year in 2015. Lieutenant Lion graduated from Burlington County Police Academy in April 1994 and received his Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration in 2009. Lieutenant Lion will be assigned as the Commander of Investigative Services.
New Sergeant Philip Melhorn, hired in July 2006, has served in Uniform Services as a Field Training Officer, Evidence Technician, Secondary Officer-in-Charge and Primary Officer-in-Charge. In January 2017, Sergeant Melhorn was assigned to Investigative Services as a Detective. Sergeant Melhorn has been awarded a Unit Citation Award, an Educational Achievement Medal, several Awards of Merit, numerous Letters of Recognition from both his superior officers and members of the community and was recognized as the 2017 Law and Public Safety Employee of the year. Sergeant Meyers earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from the College of New Jersey, and a Master of Science Degree, graduated from Somerset County Police Academy in June 2002. Sergeant Melhorn will be assigned as a Platoon Supervisor in Uniform Services.
Police Officer Sebastian Marin, who graduated from the Essex County Police Academy in August 2018, obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice at Kean University in August 2017. He previously worked as a Deputy Sheriff at the Essex County’s Sheriff’s Office prior to joining the East Windsor Police Department, and will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division.
Officer Dylan Barlow, who grew up and attended public schools in East Windsor, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2018 and obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice at Stockton University in December 2018. He previously worked as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Point Pleasant Beach, and will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Lieutenant and Sergeant and two new police officers. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Dylan Barlow; Police Officer Sebastian Marin; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sergeant Philip Melhorn; Lieutenant Eric Lion, and Chief of Police James A. Geary.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Lieutenant Eric Lion, while his wife Tonia Lion (right) holds the Bible.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Lieutenant Eric Lion. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Lieutenant Eric Lion, and his wife Tonia Lion.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Sergeant Phillip Melhorn, while his wife Sara Melhorn (right) holds the Bible.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Sergeant Phillip Melhorn. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sergeant Phillip Melhorn, and his wife Sara Melhorn.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Program for March, as police officers demonstrate proper use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Michael Scalese; Chief of Police James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Peter Yeager, and Police Sergeant Thomas Meyer.
East Windsor Township Recognizes 2018 Employees of the Year
Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognized 2018 East Windsor Township Employees of the Year: Allison Quigley, Deputy Municipal Clerk; Guillermo Lopez, Driver/Laborer in Public Works and Police Officer Joseph Zucchero. Mayor Mironov presented the three employees with Proclamations at a public ceremony, stating, “We are very proud of the outstanding service, excellent positive attributes and demonstrated commitment of our 2018 Employees of the Year, who are tremendous assets to the municipal government and to our entire community.”
Allison Quigley began her career with East Windsor Township in October 2014 as a part-time assistant in the Recreation Department, and thereafter in January 2015, she was promoted to the fulltime position of Planning and Zoning Board Secretary. Due to her exemplary performance and abilities, Allison Quigley was appointed by Mayor and Council as Deputy Municipal Clerk on September 24, 2018, where she assists the Clerk on all day to day operations and performing all duties in the absence of the Municipal Clerk and is currently taking courses to earn her certification as Registered Municipal Clerk. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “She is an invaluable resource with extensive knowledge and problem-solving abilities and is constantly relied upon by multiple Township departments including the Clerk’s Office, Planning and Zoning and Health Department. Allison exemplifies dependability, patience, enthusiasm, professionalism, and strives to provide the very best service to residents and colleagues and elected officials regardless of the task. Her consistently positive attitude, always going above and beyond what is required and her exceptional commitment helps to create a positive professional work environment in East Windsor Township, and she is truly deserving of this earned recognition.”
Guillermo Lopez began his career with East Windsor Township in October 2014 as a Seasonal Employee, and due to his strong work ethic he was promoted in December 2015 to a full time Driver/Laborer in the Sanitation Division. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Guillermo Lopez performs a variety of important duties for our residents, including maintenance of all Township owned facilities, operation of a variety of heavy-duty municipal vehicles, trash and bulk collection, yard waste collection, wood chipping, tree trimming, road repair work and line striping. He is highly regarded by his colleagues for his positive attitude, dependability, and demonstrated willingness to go out of his way to assist residents and his fellow co-workers with the highest level of enthusiasm and professionalism. Guillermo Lopez, whose commitment and loyalty have contributed to a positive work environment, has dedicated over three years of outstanding service to East Windsor Township and has truly earned this recognition”
Police Officer Joseph Zucchero began his career with the East Windsor Township Police Department in January 2017 in the Uniform Services Division, where he performs extremely effectively in his general patrol duties. Police Officer Joseph Zucchero, who earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from Stockton University in 2014 and graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in 2016, continuously seeks to develop his knowledge, skills, and abilities in order to better serve the municipal government and residents of East Windsor. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Police Officer Joseph Zucchero’s actively seeking out additional responsibilities, tremendous work ethic, positive attitude, and willingness to help out his fellow officers make him a model employee. His professional and courteous demeanor while assisting residents and exceptional handling of service calls has resulted in the receipt of numerous letters of compliment and commendation from Township residents. Police Officer Joseph Zucchero, who takes pride in his work and contributions to the East Windsor community as a Police Officer, always represents East Windsor Township and the Police Department in an enthusiastic and admirable manner and provides outstanding service, earning him this recognition.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes and presents Mayoral Proclamations to East Windsor Township 2018 Employees of the Year. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Joseph Zucchero; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Allison Quigley, Deputy Municipal Clerk, and Guillermo Lopez, Driver/Labor in Public Works.
East Windsor Township Announces Launch of Nixle Communications System
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township has launched the Nixle communications system which can provide immediate notifications to residents who register, of emergency alerts, important advisories or significant community announcements.
The Nixle Communications system enables immediate text messages to registered cell phones and email addresses, to alert residents and businesses about safety and health subjects of concern, such as severe weather conditions, traffic disruptions, road closures, flooding conditions, power outages, and important health notices, as well as significant community updates and announcements. This communications tool will assist the Township in notifying residents in real time concerning conditions or issues affecting safety and travel.
Residents can now register their cellular phone numbers and email addresses for the East Windsor Township Nixle communication system. To register, residents can text “08520” to the number 888-777 from their cell phone. Alternatively, residents can go to the East Windsor Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us/nixle and register to receive notifications via mobile phone and/or email. To receive Township Nixle messages, citizens must register under zip code “08520,” regardless of actual zip code address.
Mayor Mironov stated, “The Nixle communications system is an important new tool that enables Township officials to provide residents and businesses rapid notification of noteworthy and immediate situations within East Windsor Township. Registration for Nixle is simple and offers residents a valuable opportunity to connect in real time to public interest information in our community. We encourage everyone to take advantage of Nixle alerts, in addition to our existing communications means through weekly E-News updates and viewing ‘Spotlight East Windsor.’”
East Windsor Township Participates in Womanspace Communities of Light
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor John Zoller, Council Members Dense Daniels, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, and Peter Yeager, Chief of Police James Geary, police officers, and members of the East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team participated with students from the Peddie School and residents in the 2018 Township “Communities of Light” event at the East Windsor Municipal Building on December 3. The purpose of “Communities of Light” is to raise funds and public awareness of domestic violence and resources and services available to abuse victims. Participants purchased luminary kits at and joined together at the municipal building to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the municipal building.
Mayor Mironov expressed excitement at the tremendous turnout for the East Windsor event, which exceeded 100 people including lots of Peddie School students. She stated, “‘Communities of Light’ is intended to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and families who are impacted by the dreadful situation of domestic violence. Our participation is to demonstrate our support of victims and their families, as well as recognition that domestic violence knows no boundaries and impacts every community regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.”
Mayor Mironov added, “As a community we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence. We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts and resources available to victims and families.”
Communities of Light, benefiting victims of domestic violence, is sponsored by Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life for women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members issue a proclamation for “Communities of Light” to Womanspace and members of the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team during the East Windsor Township “Communities of Light” event held at the Municipal Building on Monday, December 3, to raise funds for Womanspace as well as focus public awareness on the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Peddie School students light the first luminary as part of the East Windsor Township “Communities of Light” event at the Municipal Building.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov is joined by Chief of Police James Geary and East Windsor Township police officers who participated in the Womanspace-sponsored “Communities of Light.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Peddie School students light luminaries along the pathways and perimeters of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building for “Communities of Light.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Peddie School students light luminaries along the pathways and perimeters of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building for “Communities of Light.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members light luminaries along the pathways and perimeters of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building for “Communities of Light.” Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Council Member Peter Yeager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Council Member Denise Daniels.
East Windsor Township Proclaims "Knock Out Opiate Abuse Day"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a Proclamation recognizing “Knock Out Opiate Abuse Day,” joined by the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Coordinator and Council Member Peter Yeager and Municipal Alliance Members.
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Knock Out Opiate Abuse Day,” in partnership with other groups for a Drug-Free New Jersey, is a statewide event geared to raise public awareness for individuals and families, professionals, and community leaders of the concerns and drug abuse links of the potential dependency on prescribed pain medicine. The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes, “New Jersey faces a life threatening opiate abuse epidemic. In New Jersey alone, over 2.75 million prescriptions for highly addictive opioids were prescribed to children, friends and family members, many times without any information of their addictive qualities. ‘Knock Out Opiate Abuse Day’ is an outreach to raise awareness of citizens and professionals of opiates while considering safer treatment options.”
Mayor Mironov stated, “‘Knock Out Opiate Abuse Day’ brings focus to this important community concern that exists in all of our communities and particularly affects young people or people who have suffered an illness or injury where they find themselves in need of prescription drugs. In the past month, through a partnership among several different levels of government and concerned volunteers, a new office location was opened to provide community-based mental health and substance abuse counselling. These counseling services opened last October and were located at the YMCA of Western Monmouth and were provided by Family Guidance Center. As a result of the efforts of the number of people who played different parts, we were able to relocate the service and brought on Jewish Family and Children’s Services as the new provider. We are very excited to ensure this community based service would continue for East Windsor and Hightstown residents from a highly qualified provider in an easily accessible space.”
Council Member Peter Yeager, who serves as the coordinator for the East Windsor Municipal Alliance, thanked the Mayor and Council and the Municipal Alliance Members for “keeping this issue in the forefront and for addressing it in such a proactive way. If each family in the community does something even as small as keeping perscription drugs out of the hands of those that shouldn’t have them, that would go a long way toward stopping this crisis.”
Mayor Mironov noted that “an achievement of the local Municipal Alliance has been to establish a drop off box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building where residents can dispose 24/7 of prescriptions that are expired or no longer needed in an environmentally responsible and secure way.”
Mayor Mironov proclaimed “Knock Out Opiate Abuse Day” and presented a Mayoral Proclamation to members of the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Pictured (from left to right) are: Deputy Mayor John Zoller; Council Member and Coordinator for the East Windsor Municipal Alliance Peter Yeager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Al Gruper, and Police Detective Joseph Gorski.
East Windsor Township Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October Kicks Offs Participation in Womanspace Communities of Light on December 3
Mayor Janice Mironov, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Domestic Violence Victim Response Team volunteers, proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, praising Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team “for their commendable efforts in focusing attention on the important community subject of domestic abuse and providing support and resources for abuse victims.”
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor was the first municipality in Mercer County to step up and establish a Domestic Violence Victim Response Team with the help of Womanspace and the East Windsor Police Department, for which East Windsor received the Womanspace President’s award for the initiative.” Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart stated that East Windsor then became the model for the other municipalities in Mercer County as well as the State.
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, "The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers. The pro-active commitment by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that we are united in combating domestic violence and that it is unacceptable to our entire community."
Mayor Mironov and Township officials further kicked off East Windsor Township’s participation in Womanspace “Communities of Light” to take place on Monday, December 3, encouraging residents and local groups to join in and support this event, geared to raise funds and awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts available to victims and families. As a community, we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” She added, “the lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
Mayor Mironov called on all residents and businesses to participate by purchasing candles and gathering with local officials and police on Monday, December 3 at 5 p.m. to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits, containing six candles each, for $10 at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go 100% directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizes Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team (DVVRT) for their outstanding work and support for abuse victims. Pictured (from left to right) are: Susan, DVVRT volunteer member; Linda, DVVRT volunteer member; Police Chief James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace; Donna, DVVRT volunteer member; Anne, DVVRT volunteer member; Salim, DVVRT volunteer member; Shaila, DVVRT volunteer member, and Police Detective Joseph Gorski.
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, October 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Celebrates National Night Out
East Windsor Township celebrated “National Night Out” on August 7, at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields, which was attended by well over 2,000 people. Approximately 75 organizations and businesses hosted booths and displays. The event was to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township in promoting a cooperative partnership among police, local government officials and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation which was presented to the Neighborhood Crime Watch members, reading “National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local programs to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals notifying them that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which had much to interest adults and children, featured police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There were demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses hosted booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas were set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities included a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments were available.
Mayor Mironov stated, “National Night Out was a tremendous success and we thank our local police department especially Chief of Police James Geary and Detective Joseph Gorski, and all of our volunteer fire company and rescue squad volunteers, and businesses and organizations for their support and participation in helping to make our National Night Out such an outstanding event.”
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Proclamation for 2018 “National Night Out” to East Windsor Neighborhood Crime Watch members during the event held at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Council Member Marc Lippman; Council Member Denise Daniels; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Neighborhood Crime Watch Chairperson Vincent Citarella; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Richard Labone; (back row) Council Member Perry Shapiro; Deputy Mayor John Zoller; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Police Detective Joseph Gorski; and Police Chief James Geary.
East Windsor Township Holds "National Night Out" Event Tuesday August 7
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Geary and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 7 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Township Launches Grant Funded Child Passenger - Car Safety Seat Initiative
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is launching a Child Passenger - Car Safety Seat initiative to kick off on Saturday, June 30 and run through September 2018, underwritten by a $7,000 New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. The Township program is designed to outreach and educate motorists about properly securing children passengers in child seats as required by State law.
Pursuant to this program, residents can have their child car seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding use of child car seats and current child restraint laws. These free inspections for Township residents will be held on the following dates and locations:
- Saturday, June 30: East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No.2, 69 Twin Rivers Drive from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. during an open house fire safety event
- Saturday, July 7: Etra Lake Park from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. in the Disbrow Hill Playing Fields parking lot, coinciding with the Township Independence Day Celebration
- Saturday, July 21: Etra Lake Park from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. in the Disbrow Hill Playing Fields parking lot, coinciding with the Township Family Night in the Park event
- Tuesday, August 7: East Windsor PAL Complex located at 30 Airport Road from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. in the main parking lot, during the Township National Night Out event
- Thursday, Sept. 13: East Windsor Police/Court Building located at 80 One Mile Road from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M.
A complete inspection of a child passenger safety seat takes less than 10 minutes and will be conducted by nationally certified child passenger safety seat technicians.
According to Mayor Mironov, “Statistics from all groups including the American Automobile Association and NJ Highway Traffic Safety underscore that having a properly installed child car safety seat is extremely important to ensure the safety of our young children in motor vehicles. It is noteworthy that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for young children and that four out of five child safety seats are incorrectly installed. The proper use of child safety seats is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect young children passengers.” Mayor Mironov added, “This pro-active initiative is to focus publicly on the high value of using child safety seats and importantly using them properly. East Windsor’s free program will allow residents to have their child safety seats inspected and ensure that they are installed properly. Residents will also be given educational literature offering tips on child safety in vehicles. All residents with child car safety seats are encouraged to attend one of these free events.”
Motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under in the United States. Properly installed child safety seats, can prevent injuries and save lives. Young children restrained in child seats have an 80 percent lower risk of fatal injury than those who are unrestrained. Child safety seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants less than one year old and by 45 percent in toddlers ages one through four years. National studies have determined that most child safety seats are improperly installed or misused, thus negatively impacting the safety value of these devices.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oath of Office to Three New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Robert M. Galvin, Nicholas A. Hoffmann, and Brian T. Rust, who fill police department vacancies resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions. All three police officers Galvin, Hoffmann and Rust will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the police department.
Police Officer Robert Galvin, who graduated from the Cape May Police Academy in June 2016, obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice at Stockton University. He was previously employed at a private personal security company.
Officer Nicholas Hoffmann, who graduated from the Essex County Police Academy in December 2017, obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at Pennsylvania State University in May 2010. He previously was a membership counselor at The New Jersey Athletic Club.
Officer Brain Rust, who graduated from the Gloucester County Police Academy in May 2014, obtained an Associates in Science Degree at Burlington County Community College in August 2010 and a Bachelor of Science Degree from Rutgers University in January 2013. He was previously a police officer in Gibbsboro Township.
Mayor Mironov “welcomed the large number of police officers in attendance to support these new police officers,” and stated, "I congratulate these new police officers who have the good career fortune to join an outstanding professional and community caring organization of officers under the leadership of Chief Geary and our superior ranked officers.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Robert M. Glavin, Nicholas A. Hoffmann and Brian T. Rust, who are filling police vacancies. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Nicholas A. Hoffmann; Police Officer Robert M. Galvin; Police Officer Brian T. Rust, and Chief of Police James Geary.
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Kicks Off Grant Funded Distracted Driver Campaign
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township has kicked off a pro-active Distracted Driver campaign, underwritten by a $6,600 NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. The “U Drive, U Text, U Pay” grant is for enforcement of distracted driving violations, such as texting, using a cell phone, eating or drinking, grooming, reading, using a navigation system, and using other electronic devices while driving.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This initiative is geared to promote the responsible operation of motor vehicles for everyone through increased public awareness and education, as well as enforcement of distracted driving laws. Motorists should put their phones away while driving and give their full attention to the road, to do their part to help keep our roadways safe.”
Distracted driving is a dangerous behavior to engage in, and is responsible for the deaths of 3,450 people nationally in 2016 alone. Additionally, it is the youngest and most inexperienced drivers that are most at risk, with 10% of all distracted driving crashes involving drivers under the age of 20, according to distraction.gov, the US government official website for distracted driving. The program is intended to educate motorists about the dangers of distracted driving, provide increased public awareness of this important issue, and conduct enforcement activities during the grant period. All motorists are urged to commit to the safe operation of their vehicles by pledging to not use electronic devices or engaging in other distracting behaviors while driving.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and East Windsor Police Department kick off "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" Campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Giuston DeBlasio; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Sergeant Ryan Ballard; and Police Officer Robert Davison.
East Windsor Township Recognizes 2017 Employees of the Year
Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognized 2017 East Windsor Township Employees of the Year: Susan Protonentis, Technical Assistant to the Construction Official; Anna Eaves, Administrative Assistant to the Department of Public Works and Police Detective Philip Melhorn. Mayor Mironov presented the three employees with Proclamations at a public ceremony, stating, “We are very proud of the outstanding service, excellent positive attributes and demonstrated commitment of our 2017 Employees of the Year, who are tremendous assets to the municipal government and to our entire community.”
Susan Protonentis began her career with East Windsor Township in March 2016 as a part-time assistant in the Recreation Department, and thereafter in October 2016, she was hired as the fulltime Technical Assistant to the Construction Official. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Susan Protonentis continuously seeks to develop her knowledge, skills, and abilities in order to better serve the municipal government and residents of East Windsor, as evidenced by her successful completion of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Technical Assistant professional certificate program in December 2016. Susan, who stepped into a very busy and demanding Department, consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty in order to ensure that the Construction Department is running smoothly and efficiently, and ensuring the job gets done. Susan demonstrates a professional and helpful attitude, displays exceptional work ethic, and strives to provide the very best service she can. Susan always maintains an up-beat and pleasant attitude, is known for always assisting residents and contractors with an efficient and friendly demeanor, good humor, and a smile. Susan, who provides consistently dedicated service to East Windsor Township with a positive attitude and exceptional willingness to serve the public and her fellow employees, is deserving of this recognition.”
Anna Eaves began her career with East Windsor Township in September 2011 as the Administrative Assistant to the Department of Public Works and has continuously sought to develop her knowledge, skill, and abilities in order to better serve the municipal government and residents of East Windsor, as regularly evidenced by her willingness to assume responsibilities above and beyond her job description. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Anna Eaves performs a variety of important duties for our residents, including organizing and executing Recycling Day events, aiding in planning the annual Adopt-A-Spot wrap-up event, responding to the public regarding any inquiries or requests, managing service contracts, coordinating repairs and service for Township buildings and parks, and assisting with bid specifications for capital projects. Anna is instrumental in ensuring that the Department of Public Works operates efficiently on a day-to-day basis, is highly regarded by residents for her helpful and professional attitude, and is readily available when any need arises. Anna is an invaluable resource with extensive knowledge and problem-solving abilities who is constantly relied upon by the Department of Public Works and East Windsor Township. Anna, who helps create a professional and positive work environment, has dedicated over six years of outstanding service to East Windsor Township and has truly earned this recognition.”
Police Detective Philip Melhorn began his career with the East Windsor Township Police Department on July 11, 2006 in Uniform Services, was appointed as Secondary Officer in Charge in May 2013 and Primary Officer in Charge in April 2016, and ultimately was selected to serve as a Detective in Investigative Services in January 2017. Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation states, “Detective Philip Melhorn, who is currently assigned to the Investigative Services Division, is responsible to conduct follow-up investigations on offenses committed by both adults and juveniles, and does so with great enthusiasm and dedication to his work. Detective Melhorn, is a proven asset in all situations due to his tremendous knowledge and positive attitude, and serves as a role model for younger members of the Police Department. Detective Melhorn is an outstanding employee who continuously displays professionalism and deep dedication in his position as a Detective in Investigative Services, earning him widespread respect and admiration among his colleagues and the community. Detective Phillip Melhorn always represents East Windsor Township and the Police Department in a positive and professional manner and provides outstanding service, earning him this recognition.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents East Windsor Township 2017 Employee of the Year Awards. Pictured (from left to right) are: Anna Eaves, Administrative Assistant to Department of Public Works; Susan Protonentis, Technical Assistant to the Construction Official; Mayor Janice S Mironov, and Police Detective Philip Melhorn.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov (left) presents a proclamation to Susan Protonentis, Technical Assistant to the Construction Official, an East Windsor Township 2017 Employee of the Year.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov (left) presents a proclamation to Anna Eaves, Administrative Assistant to Department of Public Works, an East Windsor Township 2017 Employee of the Year.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents a proclamation to Police Detective Philip Melhorn, an East Windsor Township 2017 Employee of the Year.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Program for March, as police officers demonstrate proper use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Lieutenant Christopher Jackson, Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Chief of Police James Geary and Sergeant Ryan Mattek.
East Windsor Township Proclaims Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Womanspace Board Member/retired East Windsor Chief of Police Bill Spain, issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month and further made a special presentation recognizing this important issue.
Mayor Mironov said “human trafficking is a global issue whose victims can be found throughout the world and even close to home. It is important to recognize this issue annually to raise awareness and to be vigilant in fighting this crime that dehumanizes its victims and subject so many people to a life of servitude and abuse. Again, Womanspace is out there as an advocate for and local resource of support and assistance to survivors of human trafficking.”
Mayor Mironov also presented Womanspace with a poster for its 40th Anniversary that featured a photo she took of a billboard near the border of Myanmar and Thailand, in Southeast Asia, that was an anti-human trafficking public service announcement. Mayor Mironov stated that human trafficking is a major issue in that part of the world and shows the global nature of the problem and the importance that organizations such as Womanspace combat it here at home.
The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes that “human trafficking is a borderless crime against individuals that violates the most basic human rights and deprives victims of every shred of personal freedom. The United Nations’ International Labour Organization has estimated that nearly 24.9 million people are trapped in forced labor including 4.8 million people are in force sexual exploitation.”
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation stated “to raise awareness about the signs and consequences of human trafficking, to promote reporting mechanisms and opposition to human trafficking in all of its forms, to encourage support for the survivors of human trafficking throughout the State of New Jersey and across the world and to put an end to this abhorrent criminal activity and restore freedom and dignity to its survivors.” The Proclamation further stated that the, “Township of East Windsor is resolved to support the goals and ideals of observing a National Month of Human Trafficking Awareness each year to support all efforts by individuals, businesses, organizations, and governing bodies to raise awareness of and opposition to Human Trafficking.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Mayor Mironov presented Womanspace with a sign commemorating its 40th Anniversary that features a picture of an anti-human trafficking billboard she saw near the border of Myanmar and Thailand, during a recent trip to Southeast Asia. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace, and Retired East Windsor Police Chief Bill Spain.
East Windsor Township Recognizes 40th Anniversary of Womanspace Presents Proclamation and $17,000 in Community Contributions
Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing the 40th Anniversary of Womanspace and presented the organization with a ceremonial check of $17,000 representing private funds raised for Womanspace from businesses and individuals on behalf of the East Windsor community.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We honor Womanspace and all of its staff, volunteers and supporters on this milestone 40th Anniversary, for four decades of meaningful and effective support and advocacy for victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Womanspace, launched in 1977 with the mission to prevent abuse, protect families and change lives through empowerment and a safety net of supportive services for victims of abuse, has over these years greatly expanded its operations and services.” She further noted, “Womanspace has provided 40 years of extraordinary dedicated advocacy and service support on behalf of countless victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, turning around the lives of innumerable people and effectively promoting public support, education and awareness about those in these unacceptable situations.”
In presenting $17,000 in local private contributions to Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Board of Directors members, Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is proud of our longstanding partnership with Womanspace, including that East Windsor in 1998 launched the first Domestic Violence Victim Response Team in Mercer County serving as the model for other teams. On this 40th anniversary milestone, it is a notable remarkable achievement that for forty years Womanspace has and continues to serve as a brightly shining beacon of hope and opportunity making a real diference in the lives of so many individuals and families throughout the communities of Mercer County.”
The Mayoral Proclamation notes that, “Since its founding in 1977, Womanspace has helped over 67,778 women, 13,007 children and 4,639 men, educated 133,826 professionals and community members, and responded to over 271,401 crisis hotline telephone calls.
Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace, thanked East Windsor and Mayor Mironov for the generous contributions and their continued support of Womanspace. She noted her appreciation to the Township for its support of the organization and inviting her out regularly throughout the year to focus on their various programs and awareness activities. Executive Director Hart also presented the Township with a plaque to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team, the first team in Mercer County, and spoke of the tremendous efforts of East Windsor officials and police in launching this initiative. Patricia Hart said, “20 years ago we jointly developed the model that was used statewide. The amazing thing is at the time, everyone told us we couldn’t do it and obtain the support and volunteers.”
Womanspace Board Member and retired East Windsor Chief of Police William Spain said, “We started out 20 years ago when partnerships between social service agencies and police departments were unheard of.” He credited the unique and caring nature of the East Windsor community in helping the program succeed and spread statewide.
Womanspace was founded in 1977 pursuant to the vison of then Mercer County Freeholder Barbara Boggs Sigmund who worked with 50 local organizations to create the organization. Womanspace is the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Its first woman’s shelter opened in 1978, accommodating up to eight families in an undisclosed location to provide a safe haven and provide crisis intervention, advocacy and counseling services. In 1998, Womanspace launched the first Domestic Violence Victim Response Team in East Windsor, later expending to all 13 municipalities in Mercer County and then throughout New Jersey. In 2002 the Sexual Assault Support Services Program began to provide aid, comfort and information to victims and survivors while also accompanying them to hospitals, police interviews and court responses. In 2011a new facility in Lawrence Township opened allowing Womanspace to offer expanded counseling and a therapeutic children’s program to assist the youngest victims to overcome the trauma they have experienced.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov issues and presents a Mayoral Proclamation in honor of the 40th anniversary of Womanspace, to Womanspace Executive Director and Board of Directors. Pictured (from left to right) are: William Spain, Womanspace Board Member and Retired East Windsor Police Chief; Jigna Rao, Womanspace Board Member; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Patricia Hart, Womanspace Executive Director; Danielle Coppola, Womanspace Board Member; Michelle Bajwa, Womanspace Board Member; Linda Cooper, Womanspace Board Member, and Salim Manzar, Womanspace Board Member.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents a ceremonial check of $17,000 representing private funds raised for Womanspace from businesses and individuals on behalf of the East Windsor community, to Patricia Hart, Executive Director of Womanspace (center) and William Spain, Womanspace Board Member and Retired East Windsor Chief of Police.
Womanspace presents plaque to East Windsor Township in recognition of the 20th Anniversary of East Windsor Township's Domestic Violence Victim Response Team, the first team in Mercer County. Pictured (from left to right) are: Womanspace Board Member Jigna Rao; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart, and Womanspace Board Member Danielle Coppola.
East Windsor Township Participates in Womanspace Communities of Light
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Council Members Dense Daniels, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager and John Zoller, Chief of Police James Geary, retired Township Chief of Police/Womanspace Board Member William Spain, police officers, and members of the East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team participated with students from the Peddie School and residents in the 2017 Township “Communities of Light” event at the East Windsor Municipal Building on December 4. The purpose of “Communities of Light” is to raise funds and public awareness of domestic violence and resources and services available to abuse victims. Participants purchased luminary kits at and joined together at the municipal building to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the municipal building.
Mayor Mironov expressed excitement at the tremendous turnout for the East Windsor event, which well exceeded 200 people including lots of students. She stated, “Communities of Light” is intended to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and families who are impacted by the dreadful situation of domestic violence. Our participation is to demonstrate our support of victims and their families, as well as recognition that domestic violence knows no boundaries and impacts every community regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.”
Mayor Mironov added, “As a community wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence. We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts and resources available to victims and families.”
Communities of Light, benefiting victims of domestic violence, is sponsored by Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life for women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes and thanks members of the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team during the Township "Communities of Light" held at the Municipal Building, to raise funds for Womanspace as well as focus public awareness on the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov is joined by Chief of Police James Geary and police officers who participated in the Womanspace-sponsored "Communities of Light."
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Peddie School students light a luminary as part of Womanspace "Communities of Light" at the Township Municipal Building.
Peddie School students light luminaries along the walkways and perimeters of the Township Municipal Building for "Communities of Light."
Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members issues Proclamation for "Communities of Light" and present to Womanspace Board Member/Retired East Windsor Chief of Police William Spain. Pictured (from left to right) are: Womanspace Board Member/Retired East Windsor Chief of Police William Spain; Council Member Denise Daniels; Council Members Alan Rosenberg; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Council Member Peter Yeager, and Township Manager/Retired Police Lt. James Brady.
East Windsor Township Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October Kicks Offs Participation in Womanspace Communities of Light on December 4
Mayor Janice Mironov, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Domestic Violence Victim Response Team volunteers, proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, praising Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team“ for their commendable efforts in focusing attention on the important community subject of domestic abuse and providing support and resources for abuse victims.”
Mayor Mironov continued noting that, “East Windsor was the first municipality in Mercer County to step up and establish a Domestic Violence Victim Response Team with the help of Womanspace and the East Windsor Police Department, for which East Windsor received the Womanspace President’s award for the initiative.” Pat Hart stated that East Windsor then became the model for the other municipalities in Mercer County as well as the State.
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, "The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers. The pro-active commitment by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that we are united in combating domestic violence and that it is unacceptable to our entire community."
Mayor Mironov further kicked off East Windsor Township’s participation in Womanspace “Communities of Light” to take place on Monday December 4, encouraging residents and local groups to join in and support this event, geared to raise funds and awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of domestic violence and to encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts available to victims and families. As a community, we wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” She added, “the lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
Mayor Mironov called on all residents to participate by purchasing candles and gathering with local officials and police on Monday, December 4 at 5 p.m. to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits, containing six candles each, for $10 at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go 100% directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizes Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team (DVVRT) for their commendable efforts in focusing attention on the important community subject of domestic abuse and providing support and resources for abuse victims. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Detective Joseph Gorski; Lisseih, DVVRT volunteer member; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Patricia Hart, Executive Director, Womanspace; Sarah, DVVRT volunteer member; Salim, DVVRT volunteer member, and Chief of Police James Geary.
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration “Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, October 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Announces New Body Worn Camera Program for Township Police Department
The East Windsor Township Police Department will be implementing a new Body Worn Camera program starting on Monday, October 2, 2017, assisted by a $15,000.00 grant from the New Jersey Attorney General’s Body Worn Camera Grant Program.
The Watchguard Video "Vista Wearable Body Worn Camera" was selected for this program because it incorporates seamlessly with the Police Department's existing in-car audio/video digital recording system, also by Watchguard Video. The cameras are black in color, about 3 inches tall and 2 inches wide, and display a red light when recording. The camera will be worn on the officers outer most layer of clothing. All patrol officers and supervisors assigned to patrol duties will be issued a Body Worn Camera. The program will begin on October 2 and all Body Worn Cameras will be deployed shortly thereafter.
Locally Based Clinical Professional Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support Services Available
East Windsor Announces New Locally BasedClinical Professional Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support Services for East Windsor, Provided by Family Guidance Center and Funded by Mercer County, Commencing Tuesday, October 3.
East Windsor Township Announces at Township Knock Out Opioid Abuse Town Hall New Locally-Based Mercer County Supported Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support Initiative
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced, at the September 18 Township-sponsored “Knock Out Opioid” Town Hall a new locally-based Mercer County supported substance abuse initiative for East Windsor Township.
Mayor Mironov stated that, commencing Tuesday, October 3, new professional services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Support for individuals and families, provided by Family Guidance Center, will become available to local residents in East Windsor and Hightstown, as the two towns share the East Windsor Regional School District. The services will be offered at the Western Monmouth County YMCA facility, located at 230 Mercer Street (Route 33) in Hightstown. The agency’s clinician will be available on Tuesdays, from 2 to 7 pm and Thursdays, from 2 to 6 pm, by appointment. An appointment can be scheduled by calling (609) 731-2461.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov stated, “This new anti-substance abuse initiative which provides professional clinical services based right here in our community is an exciting highly needed step forward in making available local options to assist local individuals at risk. As so many individuals and families are and will be impacted by opiate abuse and addiction, it is important to offer professional support and resources in efforts to effectively address these mental health and substance abuse issues and situations.”
Mayor Mironov added, “We are extremely grateful to the Mercer County Department of Human Services for their on-going advocacy and support in identifying start-up funding and the needed steps to launch this important pro-active initiative. My thanks to the Western Monmouth YMCA and their CEO Cynthia Joy for enthusiastically stepping forward as a partner in housing this project. I also want to recognize and applaud the many concerned local citizens and parents who have made their voices heard and joined together with us at several meetings to push for implementation of these vital professional services and other support opportunities. And I urge them to remain pro-active as we have much work ahead of us to make these new service efforts widely known and successfully utilized and thereafter build on these initial steps to further serve the needs of our community.”
Mayor Mironov noted that, additionally, a regular program entitled “Parenting Wisely, by Mercer Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction (MCADA)” will be offered with weekly sessions starting in the evening on Wednesday, October 4. These sessions are “geared to increase parental communications and coping mechanisms for those with children who are at risk or exhibiting behavioral problems.” To register, people can contact (609) 396-5874, ext. 209.
On Wednesday, October 11, from 5 pm to 7 pm, an Open House will be hosted by Family Guidance Center and partner organization at the new offices at the Western Monmouth County YMCA building at 230 Mercer Street. This event is an opportunity to meet the staff, tour the facilities and obtain information and answers to questions concerning these new local initiatives and programs. The Mayor strongly urged “people to stop by and become informed about the new programs, so we can best refer those at risk and in need and make valuable use of these new resources.”
The remainder of the September 18 Town Hall program, moderated by Council Member Peter Yeager, Coordinator of the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, included panels and presentations on overview of the epidemic seen through public health and law enforcement perspectives, overview of responses through prevention strategies and legislative approaches, and challenges to treatment and recovery, as well as information on local East Windsor initiatives. Speakers included: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri; Tammy Leigh, Manager of Emergency Services, RWJ./Barnabas Health Systems; Assemblyman Daniel Benson; Barbara Sprechman, Prevention Coalition of Mercer County; John Mincarelli, Recovery Advocates and Joel Pomles, NJ Addiction Recovery Public Advocacy Program. The public participated in a Q & A following the speakers.
The Town Hall was sponsored by East Windsor Township, Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office, Mercer Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Lieutenant and Sergeant
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oaths of office to promoted police officers, new Police Lieutenant Scott Bodnar and new Police Sergeant Thomas Meyer, to fill existing openings in the police department, in front of a packed room of police, support staff, family and friends at a recent Council Meeting.
Mayor Mironov stated prior to administering the oaths of office, “These promotions are a special day of celebration for the Township and the police department, providing an occasion to recognize and promote two dedicated, skilled and experienced police officers who have earned these opportunities. In East Windsor, police promotions are very competitive especially in light of the high caliber of officers, and these officers should be proud of this achievement in their careers.”
Police Lieutenant Scott Bodnar, who was hired by East Windsor in July 1994, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer in Charge and Primary Officer in Charge. Lieutenant Bodnar was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in January 2011, and in April 2014 was assigned to the Traffic Safety Bureau where he has served as the Traffic Safety Supervisor for the past three years. During his career, he has received several recognitions, including a Samaritan Medal for being named Police Officer of the Year, a Life Saving Medal, two Honorable Service Medals, three Unit Citation Medals, three Awards of Merit and numerous letters of recognition. Lieutenant Bodnar graduated from Gloucester County Police Academy in June 1994 and will be assigned as Operations Commander of Uniform Services Division.
Sergeant Thomas Meyer, who joined the East Windsor Police Department in August 2006, has served in Uniform Services including as a Field Training Officer and Secondary Officer in Charge. Sergeant Meyer has been awarded a Unit Citation Medal, an Educational Achievement Medal, two Officer of the Year Medals, several Awards of Merit and numerous Letters of Recognition. Sergeant Meyer earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Masters of Administrative Science Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University, graduated from Cape May County Police Academy in 2006, and will be assigned as a Platoon Supervisor in Uniform Services.
Mayor Mironov noted, “I congratulate the officers in their new positions and look forward to working with them as they continue in our tradition of excellence at the East Windsor Township Police Department.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to newly promoted Lieutenant and Sergeant in the police department. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; newly promoted Police Sergeant Thomas Meyer; newly promoted Police Lieutenant Scott Bodnar, and Chief of Police James Geary.
East Windsor Township Holds "Knock Out Opioid Abuse" Town Hall on Monday, September 18 at 7 PM
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is holding a “Knock Out Opioid Abuse” Town Hall on Monday, September 18 at 7 pm at the East Windsor Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard).
The Town Hall program will include panels and presentations on overview of the epidemic seen through public health and law enforcement perspectives, overview of responses through prevention strategies and legislative approaches, and challenges to treatment and recovery, as well as information on local East Windsor initiatives. Speakers will include: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri; Tammy Leigh, Manager of Emergency Services, RWJ./Barnabas Health Systems; Assemblyman Daniel Benson; Barbara Sprechman, Prevention Coalition of Mercer County, and representatives of various groups including Recovery Advocates and NJ Addiction Recovery Public Advocacy Program.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov stated, “Opioid abuse has risen dramatically as a growing public health emergency in all of our communities across the state and nation. As so many individuals and families have and will be impacted by opiate abuse and addiction, it is important to help raise awareness of this growing health crisis and to provide support to those battling its effects. This event is an opportunity for citizens to demonstrate their unity in formulating strategies to fight this disease.” Mayor Mironov urges everyone “to attend, to join Township officials and other residents to hear advocates and professionals, to have your voice heard and be part of the solution to end opioid abuse in our community.”
Council Member Peter V. Yeager, Coordinator of the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, stated, “This event is a great opportunity for our residents to become better educated on the risks and signs of abuse and to learn more about the treatment options available to those suffering from addiction. We must work together as a community to educate our citizens about the dangers of opiate abuse and support those suffering from this addiction and their families.”
The Town Hall is open to everyone. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the formal program. The Town Hall is being sponsored by East Windsor Township, Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office, Mercer Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, and the Prevention Coalition of Mercer County.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oath of Office to Three New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Giuston De Blasio, Michael Scalese, and Michael Whalen, who fill police department vacancies resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions. All three police officers De Blasio, Scalese and Whalen will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the police department.
Police Officer Giuston De Blasio, who graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2016, obtained an Associate of Arts Degree at Brookdale Community College and is currently attending Rutgers University to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He was previously a Police Officer in North Hanover Township.
Officer Michael Scalese, who graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2015, obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at East Stroudsburg University in August 2013. He previously was a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer with the Stafford Township Police Department.
Officer Michael Whalen, who graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in May 2015, obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice at Kean University in May 2013. He was previously a Police Officer in Riverton Borough.
Mayor Mironov “welcomed the large number of police officers in attendance to support these new police officers,” and stated, "I congratulate these new police officers who have the good career fortune to join an outstanding professional and community caring organization of officers under the leadership of Chief Geary and our superior ranked officers.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Giuston De Blasio, Michael Scalese and Michael Whalen, who are filling police vacancies. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Michael Whalen; Police Officer Michael Scalese; Police Officer Giuston De Blasio, and Chief of Police James Geary.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov; New Police Officer Giuston De Blasio, and Police Chief James Geary.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov; New Police Officer Michael Scalese, and Police Chief James Geary.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov; New Police Officer Michael Whalen, and Police Chief James Geary.
East Windsor Township Holds "National Night Out" Event Tuesday August 1
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Geary and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 1 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Township Announces Implementation of New Addiction Assistance Recovery Program
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township has implemented East Windsor C.A.R.E. (Community Addiction Recovery Effort), a new addiction recovery assistance program designed to provide important resources, support, guidance, access to treatment and counseling to individuals suffering from the disease of addiction.
Mayor Mironov explained, The East Windsor C.A.R.E. program is a partnership between our police department and members of the local opiate task force, specifically Recovery Advocates of America and City of Angels, initiated as an effort to provide individuals in need with the treatment essential to begin a recovery process. The East Windsor C.A.R.E. program is now a standard operating procedure followed by Township police officers when they encounter individuals suffering from addiction, whether those contacts come by way of arrest, being involved in an incident or walking into police headquarters and requesting assistance. The police department will provide to the individual, on a voluntary basis, a representative from a participating recovery agency and a safe, private setting to meet and discuss pathways to begin the recovery process.
According to Mayor Mironov, “The presence of drug abuse and addiction sadly is a reality in all of our communities, and the goal is to intervene as early as possible to provide support and professional options to these individuals to turn their lives to a more positive direction. This program recognizes that addiction is a disease and that key resources, guidance, and support are needed at the earliest opportunity to assure individuals of available options and assist toward a successful recovery. East Windsor C.A.R.E. makes those resources available at the most opportune time, when addicted individuals have had contact with the police department and may be most receptive to assistance in their recovery.”
East Windsor Chief of Police James Geary added, “All of the members of the East Windsor Police Department are proud of the East Windsor C.A.R.E. partnership. It is our goal to help as many individuals as we can and do our part to help eliminate the disease of addiction and all of the negative consequences addiction has on individuals and families.”
East Windsor Township Launches Grant Funded Child Passenger - Car Safety Seat Initiative
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is launching a Child Passenger - Car Safety Seat initiative to run from June through September 2017, underwritten by a $6,000 New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant. The Township program is designed to outreach and educate motorists about properly securing children passengers in child seats as required by State law.
Pursuant to this program, residents can have their child car seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding use of child car seats and current child restraint laws. These free inspections for Township residents will be held at the East Windsor Police/Court building located at 80 One Mile Road on Wednesday, June 14, Saturday, July 22, and Thursday, September 14 from 3 to 8 P.M. An additional session will take place on Tuesday, August 1 during the Township National Night Out event at the East Windsor PAL complex, 30 Airport Road, from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. A complete inspection of a child passenger safety seat takes less than 10 minutes and will be conducted by nationally certified child passenger safety seat technicians.
According to Mayor Mironov, “Statistics from all groups including AAA and NJ Highway Traffic Safety underscore that having a properly installed child car safety seat is extremely important to ensure the safety of our young children in motor vehicles. It is noteworthy that motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for young children and that four out of five child safety seats are incorrectly installed. The proper use of child safety seats is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect young children passengers.” Mayor Mironov added, “This pro-active initiative is to focus publicly on the high value of using child safety seats and importantly using them properly. East Windsor’s free program will allow residents to have their child safety seats inspected and ensure that they are installed properly. Residents will also be given educational literature offering tips on child safety in vehicles. All residents with child car safety seats are encouraged to attend one of these free events.
Motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths among children ages 14 and under in the United States. Properly installed child safety seats, can prevent injuries and save lives. Young children restrained in child seats have an 80 percent lower risk of fatal injury than those who are unrestrained. Child safety seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants less than one year old and by 45 percent in toddlers ages one through four years. National studies have determined that most child safety seats are improperly installed or misused, thus negatively impacting the safety value of these devices.
East Windsor and Hightstown Mayors Host Better Beginnings "Shining Star" Charity Gala
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Hightstown Borough Mayor Lawrence Quattrone on May 20 hosted the Mayors Shining Star Gala, a standing room only charity event to raise funds for Better Beginnings, a local child development center.
Mayor Mironov stated, “The gala is to honor our ‘Shining Stars’ who help contribute to and better our community and to raise money for Better Beginnings which provides an important opportunity for high quality affordable child care for working families in our community. The enormous turnout and support is a meaningful tribute to the many lives which have been touched and enriched over these many years by receiving a ‘better beginning’ and the good works of this organization.” The Mayoral Proclamation congratulates Better Beginnings on celebrating a milestone 50th Anniversary and “recognizes this exceptional child care facility for providing affordable quality care for families and their children in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment for the past 50 years.” It further notes, “Better Beginnings has continued to advance their important mission of providing the children of working parents with an affordable enriched early childhood educational program that will provide a pathway for strong, healthy, self-reliant children and families.”
The Mayors Better Beginnings Gala honored individuals/groups/businesses as 2017 Shining Stars for their contributions to the community: Jacqueline K. Bodin, Lifetime Achievement Award; Ellen Ogintz, Individual Award; CCL Label, Business Award; Princeton Area Community Foundation, Organization Award, and the Peddie School Better Beginning Club, Youth Award.
Better Beginnings, a non-profit organization, has been serving children and families in East Windsor and Hightstown since 1967. Better Beginnings was founded as a facility to provide economical disadvantaged children of the community with the opportunity and resources to reach their full academic potential. Over the years, Better Beginnings has expanded their program to a licensed capacity of ninety-nine children and has evolved into an early childhood education center accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children..
East Windsor Mayor Mironov and Hightstown Mayor Quattrone recognize 2017 “Shining Star” honorees at the Mayors Better Beginnings Charity Gala. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jacqueline K. Bodin, Lifetime Achievement Award; Jeffery Vega, President and CEO of Princeton Area Community Foundation, Organization Award; Ellen Ogintz, Teacher at McKnight Elementary School, East Windsor Regional School District, Individual Award; Dan Richardson, Human Resource Manager and Paul Byrnes, Quality Assurance Technician of CCL Label, Business Award; Peter Le, President, Peddie School Better Beginnings Club, Youth Award, and Hightstown Mayor Lawrence Quattrone.
East Windsor Mayor Mironov and Hightstown Mayor Quattrone kick-off the 2017 Mayors Better Beginnings “Shining Star” Charity Gala, presenting a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing the 50th Anniversary of Better Beginnings Child Development Center. Pictured (from left to right) are: Hightstown Mayor Lawrence Quattrone; Dennis McCleary, President of Better Beginnings Board of Directors; East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Luz Horta, Executive Director of Better Beginnings.
East Windsor Township Launches "Use Your Head" Bicycle Helmet Giveaway for Bicycle Safety Month - May
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed May 2017 “Bicycle Safety Month” and announced a multi-month bicycle safety program, to be launched in two phases, with a kick-off on Wednesday, May 10 of “Use Your Head,” a pro-active safety initiative focused on proper use of bicycle helmets.
Use Your Head is a bicycle helmet giveaway program, with sessions on Wednesday, May 10, Wednesday, May 24 and Wednesday, June 7, all from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building. East Windsor residents ages 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet at no cost. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This bicycle safety program entitled ‘Use Your Head,’ geared to children under 17 years old, is intended to enhance safety by increasing awareness of the laws requiring helmet wear, promoting helmet usage and instructing on correct helmet usage and fit.” Mayor Mironov added “It is not only the law for young bicyclers, but it is good common sense for all people riding bikes to protect themselves by wearing a helmet. The statistics are profound as to the results of wearing bicycle helmets on reductions in injuries and fatalities.”
The Township will follow-up with the implementation of a further component of this multi-month bicycle safety initiative. Phase 2 will begin on June 7 and run through July 31, during which Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Township police officers will distribute mock summonses to young people. The summonses will positively recognize children wearing helmets and ask them to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades,” which will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, to take place on Tuesday August 1 at the Township “National Night Out”.
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking this pro-active education and outreach campaign.”
East Windsor Township Hosts Tree Lighting Ceremony in Recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov, in recognition of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), hosted a tree lighting ceremony in conjunction with Womanspace. Participants included Womanspace counselor Alana Goebel, Chief of Police James Geary and Township police officers, and Council Members Perry Shapiro, Alan Rosenberg, and John Zoller.
The tree, which sits along One Mile Road outside the East Windsor Police/Court Building, was decorated with teal lights to symbolize the community’s commitment to sexual assault awareness, deterrence and prevention. This year’s theme for the lighting is “Choose Respect”. Womanspace, a not-for-profit agency, is the primary Mercer County – based organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the important subject of sexual assault and domestic violence present in all communities throughout our state and nation, and encourage residents to become more aware of support systems and resources available to victims and families. This year’s efforts are geared to involve new groups and individuals in expanding sexual assault prevention efforts in our communities and promote attitudes for healthy relationships, equality and respect.”
Womanspace counselor Alana Goebel stated that, “ the ceremony of lighting the tree sends publicly the message that victims are not alone and demonstrates a strong coordinated community response that can make a substantial difference in the lives of victims and their families.” She thanked all attending for their support and joining with Womanspace to raise awareness in the community and for demonstrating support to victims of sexual assault.
East Windsor Township, joined by elected officials, police officers, Womanspace, and local volunteers light local tree teal lights in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Pictured, (from left to right) are: Deputy Mayor Perry Shapiro; Susan Strober; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Police Lieutenant Cory Paieda; Police Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian; Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson; Council Member John Zoller; Chief of Police James Geary; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace counselor Alana Goebel; Womanspace volunteer Samir; Womanspace volunteer Lisseth; Womanspace volunteer Linda; Police Detective Joseph Gorski, and Womanspace volunteer Salim.
East Windsor Township Participates in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township will participate in the New Jersey Division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored program “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road) for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor is partnering again with the local DEA office in this special event to promote and focus on the importance of disposing of expired and unneeded medications in a safe and responsible non-hazardous manner. This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people. We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local and convenient opportunity.”
Mayor Mironov noted, “In addition to the ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ one day event, East Windsor Township provides residents with a year round 24/7 opportunity to dispose of medications in a permanent drop box installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road).” The permanent drop box was obtained by Mayor Mironov and Council Members from The American Medicine Chest Challenge.
East Windsor Township Kicks Off Grant Funded Distracted Driver Campaign
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township has kicked off a pro-active Distracted Driver Campaign, to run through April 21, underwritten by a $5,500 NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety grant as part of a statewide initiative. The “U Drive, U Text, U Pay” grant is for targeted enforcement of distracted driving behaviors, such as texting, holding a cell phone, grooming, reading, and using other electronic devices while driving.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This initiative is geared to promote the responsible operation of motor vehicles for everyone through increased public awareness, education, and enforcement of existing state distracted driving laws. Motorists should give their full attention to the roadway while driving and do their part to help keep our roadways safer for all drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Distracted behavior as texting and hand held smartphones is a general concern in our communities but especially among younger less experienced drivers.”
The program is intended to educate motorists about the dangers of distracted driving, provide increased public awareness of this important issue, and conduct enforcement activities during the grant period. Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary talk of driving. According to the Division of NJ Highway Traffic Safety, distracted driving is a contributing factor in over 817,000 motor vehicle crashes in New Jersey from 20101 to 2014. In 2015 alone, there were 3,477 lives lost and 391,000 injuries nationally involving distracted driving.
The Division of NJHTS, while expressing concern over all distracted behavior, notes that texting, which requires visual, manual and cognitive attention from the driver, is by far the most alarming activity. Five seconds is the average time a driver’s eyes are off the road while texting, enough time while travelling 55 m.p.h. to cover the length of a football field. Additionally, it is the youngest and most inexperienced drivers that are most at risk, with 10% of all crashes involving drivers under the age of 20 attributable to distracted driving.
East Windsor officials kick-off Distracted Driver Campaign to educate the public and discourage distracted behavior as texting and cell phone use while driving. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Michelle McCandrew; Police Sergeant Jason Hart; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chief of Police James Geary, and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson.
East Windsor Township Completes & Turns Switch On New Police/Court Building Solar Project
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the new Solar Photovoltaic System for the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road has been completed, energized and is now in full operation. The system consists of a 448-kilowatt solar array, to the rear of the building on land donated to the Township for this purpose by McGraw Hill.
Mayor Mironov explained, “The solar array is designed to generate 577,093 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, offsetting nearly 100% of the police/court building’s energy use, and resulting in a savings to the Township of approximately $527,933 over the fifteen year term of the agreement. The Township selected this site noting it is the most energy intensive municipal building user as it operates on a 24/7 basis, and therefore provides the greatest opportunity to realize financial savings.” Mayor Mironov underscored, “This project, completed at no cost to our taxpayers and delivering more than a half-million dollar cost reduction, is a prime example of ‘going green and saving green.’”
The solar system was designed and built by Dobtol Construction in conjunction with Altus Power America, which will operate and maintain the solar system, at its own expense, during the term of the agreement. Under the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement with Altus Power America, East Windsor will pay Altus $0.0585/kilowatt-hour, approximately half of the rate the Township currently pays to Jersey Central Power & Light. After the initial fifteen year period, the Township retains the option to renew the Agreement for two additional terms of five years each. If the Township chooses to extend the Agreement, savings to East Windsor taxpayers could exceed $1 million.
During the review, Mayor Mironov and Council Members required the project be well buffered from surrounding views and aesthetically agreeable to the neighborhood, by ensuring the height and angling of the panels was well addressed and sufficient landscaping was installed. A substantial landscape buffer, comprised of twenty-four Norway Spruce, twenty-five Colorado Spruce and twenty-eight Green Giant Arborvitae as well as other plantings was put in place, along with a six foot high black vinyl coated fence around the solar array system.
PHOTOGRAPH #1 and #2:
East Windsor officials “turn switch” on newly constructed solar system array to power the Township police/court facility. Pictured (from left to right) are: Chief of Police James Geary; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Council Member John Zoller; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Office Danny Fernandez, and Police Officer Gregory Hager.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident, during the month of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility, located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
East Windsor Township Officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Program for March, as police officers demonstrate proper use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Karl Johnston III; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Chief James Geary, and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oath Of Office To New Police Officer
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office at the January 31, 2017 Council meeting to new police officer Joseph Zucchero, who fills a police vacancy resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions.
Police Office Joseph Zucchero, who will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division, graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in April of 2016. He graduated from Steinert High School in Hamilton Township, and obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice at Stockton University. Prior to joining East Windsor Township, Police Officer Zucchero was a police officer with Mansfield Township.
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new police officer Joseph Zucchero. Pictured (from left to right): Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Police Officer Joseph Zucchero and Chief James A. Geary.
Lt. James Geary Sworn In As New East Windsor Township Chief Of Police
Lieutenant James Geary was sworn in as East Windsor Township’s new Chief of Police by East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, at a ceremony in the Municipal Courtroom, attended by large numbers of Township officials, police, volunteers and family members. Chief Geary’s promotion comes after former Chief Harry Marshall, who had served 22 years with the police department, retired January 1, 2017.
Mayor Mironov detailed Chief Geary’s career and accomplishments with the Township department. Chief Geary joined the East Windsor police department in 1995, after graduating from the Somerset County Police Academy. He has since risen through the ranks of the department, as a police officer, then sergeant and most recently was promoted in 2012 to lieutenant. As a Lieutenant, Chief Geary served as Operations Commander and then as Administrative Commander of Uniform Services, in addition to serving as the Internal Affairs Commander and the Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management.
Geary earned his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Geary also recently completed the fourteen week West Point Command and Leadership Academy.
Chief Geary he has earned many awards and recognitions, including two Unit Citations, an Educational Achievement Medal, many letters of commendation, and in 2007 was named East Windsor Township Law and Public safety Employee of the Year Award.
Mayor Mironov stated, “Lt. Jim Geary comes to this top position with an extremely wide breath of law enforcement and related experience, substantial training and credentials, and demonstrated skillful application of this background to day to day policing. He is a highly respected leader among his peers and within the community and the region.”
Mayor Mironov added, “I am excited to administer the oath of office to Lt. Geary as the next East Windsor Township Chief of Police. We are confident that Jim Geary brings to the position the highest level of skills, experience, intelligence, temperament and judgment which will enable him to be a terrific Police Chief and to continue the outstanding history and high caliber performance of our department.”
Chief James Geary, after taking the oath of office administered by Mayor Mironov, with the assistance of Geary's wife, Nicole, and their three children, Jessica, Nicholas and Courtney, expressed his gratitude to the Mayor and Council and to all of his fellow police officers and former department police chiefs. Chief Geary stated, “I am very excited and truly honored to have been granted the opportunity to serve as East Windsor Township’s chief of police. I look forward to many years of continued service with the men and women of dedicated men and women of our police department on behalf of the entire community.”
Mayor Mironov and newly appointed Police Chief James Geary at the January 4 swearing-in ceremony.
East Windsor Township Remembers 15th Anniversary of 9-11
East Windsor Township held a 9/11 ceremony including a wreath laying to remember the 15th Anniversary of 9/11 on Sunday, September 11 at 5:00 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building grounds, at the 9/11 Memorial. East Windsor Township held and dedicated a 9/11 Memorial 30 days after the events of 9/11 and annually has honored and remembered this day.
Participants in the ceremony included: East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1; East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2; East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 1; East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2; Volunteer Firefighters Harvey Bailey and William Kerr; Boy Scout Troops 59, 5700 and 6284; American Legion Post 148; Specialist Mark Seiden Post #444 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States; East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School, Advanced Choir and Brass Ensemble; Reverend Suzanne Schaffer-Coates, First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury; Reverend James Egan, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church; Police Lieutenant James Geary and Police Department, and Mayor Janice Mironov and Township elected officials.
East Windsor remembers Township residents Colleen Barkow, Lorraine Bay, Debbie Bellows, Anil Bharvaney, Neil Lai, and Ruth Lapin, and Joseph Pycior, and All Others Lost September 11, 2001.
East Windsor Fire Company and Rescue Squad Volunteers joined elected officials and citizens at the municipal 9/11 memorial. Pictured laying a wreath at the municipal 9/11 memorial (from left to right) are: President Arlen Forst, East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2; Chief Robert Manlio, East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 1; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chief Steven Genthe, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2, and Chief James McCann, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1.
East Windsor Township to Hold Ceremony to Remember 15th Anniversary of 9/11
East Windsor Township will hold a wreath-laying ceremony to remember and honor the Anniversary of September 11 on Sunday, September 11, 2016, at 5:00 P.M. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township municipal building. Participants will include elected officials, police, fire company members, rescue squad members, the school district and community clergy. The public is invited to attend.
East Windsor Township Installs Permanent Medicine Drop Box
EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township, in partnership with non-profit corporation American Medicine Chest Challenge, has installed a permanent medicine drop box to provide residents with a safe, convenient and legal option to dispose of unwanted, unused or expired medications on a year-round basis. The permanent drop box has been installed in the lobby of the Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) and is accessible to residents on a 24/7 basis. In the past, East Windsor Township participated in special sponsored events during the year for prescription drop-offs.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We encourage our residents to take advantage of this expanded program to dispose of unused and unneeded prescription medications in a safe environmentally responsible manner and reduce possible access and misuse by unauthorized persons and young people. The installation of the permanent drop box provides residents the opportunity to securely dispose of unwanted and expired medications year-round at any time of the day or night when it is most convenient for them.”
Mayor Mironov thanked Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, coordinator of the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (EWMAPSA), and Council Member John Zoller for their work in researching the program and securing the collection box. Deputy Mayor/EWMAPSA Coordinator Yeager added, “The Municipal Alliance was gratified to be involved in this new initiative and believes this is another tool to help keep people in our community safe from these unneeded discarded drugs.”
East Windsor Township officials kick-off permanent medicine drop box program. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member John Zoller; Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and East Windsor Chief of Police Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Township Celebrates National Night Out
EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. East Windsor Township celebrated “National Night Out” on August 2, at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields, which was attended by well over 2,000 people. The event was to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township in promoting a cooperative partnership among police, local government officials and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation which was presented to the Neighborhood Crime Watch members, reading “National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals letting them know that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime.”
Mayor Mironov stated, “National Night Out was a tremendous success and we thank our local police department especially Chief Marshall and Detective Joseph Gorski, and all of our volunteer fire company members, rescue squad volunteers and businesses and organizations for their support and participation in helping to make our National Night Out such an outstanding event.”
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Proclamation for 2016 "National Night Out" to East Windsor Crime Watch members during the event held at the East Windsor P.A.L. fields. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Council Member Denise Daniels; Council Member Marc Lippman; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Stacy Labone; (back row) Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Wayne Vega; Neighborhood Crime Watch Member Richard Labone; Event Coordinator Police Detective Joseph Gorski; Chief of Police Harry Marshall, and Council Member Perry Shapiro.
East Windsor Township Kicks-Off “Bike At Night – Use A Light” Initiative Bicycle Safety Program
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township has launched phase three ”Bike at Night – Use a Light”, of a multi-month bicycle safety initiative, on Tuesday August 2 which will continue through Friday September 9.
According to Mayor Mironov, “’Bike At Night, Use a Light’, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, is geared to safe biking at night and will be a directed effort, through public education and personal contact to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. Those who bicycle at night without proper lights are a danger not only to themselves, but to motorists using the roadways.”
During this phase, which will run from Tuesday, August 2 through Friday, September 9, the Township will be distributing at no cost to East Windsor residents the required pair of bike lights for the front and rear of the bicycle, along with safety information literature, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. During this period, East Windsor residents can go to the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours.
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, “We believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign.” The Township multi-month bicycle safety initiative included Phase 1 “Use Your Head” a focus on the importance of wearing bicycle helmets, Phase 2 involved distribution of form summonses recognizing children wearing helmets and asking the young person to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades,” which enabled them to be entered in a drawing for prizes. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a $10,000 grant from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
East Windsor Township officials Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Chief of Police Harry Marshall kick-off “Bike at Night – Use a Light,” Phase 3 of the Township’s bicycle safety program. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Chief of Police Harry Marshall; Logan Clarken; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Landon Clarken.
East Windsor Township Hold "National Night Out" Event on Tuesday, August 2nd
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall and the police department, will take place onTuesday, August 2 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Township Launches "Use Your Head" Bicycle Helmet Giveaway for Bicycle Safety Month - May
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed May 2016 “Bicycle Safety Month” and announced a multi-month bicycle safety initiative, to be launched in three phases, with a kick-off on Wednesday, May 11. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division grant.
Mayor Mironov announced that the Township will kick-off “Use Your Head”, a Bicycle Helmet giveaway program, on Wednesday May 11, with additional sessions on Wednesday, May 18 and Wednesday, May 25, all from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building. East Windsor residents ages 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet at no cost. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This bicycle safety program, entitled ‘Use Your Head’ and geared to children under 17 years old, is intended to enhance safety by increasing awareness of the laws requiring helmet wear, promoting helmet usage and instructing on correct helmet usage and fit.” Mayor Mironov added “It is not only the law for young bicyclers, but it is good common sense for all people riding bikes to protect themselves by wearing a helmet.”
The Township will follow-up with implementation of further components of this multi-month bicycle safety initiative. Phase 2 will begin on June 1 and run through July 31, during which Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Township police officers will distribute Form Summonses to youngsters. The summonses will recognize children wearing helmets and ask the young person to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades,” which will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, which will take place on Tuesday August 2 at the East Windsor Township “National Night Out”.
Finally, Phase 3, entitled “Bike At Night, Use a Light”, geared to safe biking at night, will be a directed effort, through public education, personal contact and ultimately police enforcement to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this phase, which will run from August 1 until September 1, the Township will be distributing the required pair of lights and safety information literature through the police building. New Jersey law requires that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. Mayor Mironov noted that, “Those who bicycle at night without proper lights are a danger not only to themselves, but to motorists using the roadways.”
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign.”
East Windsor Township Proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month
Recognizes East Windsor Regional School District
Hightstown High School After Prom Committee
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, accompanied by Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Coordinator, proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a Mayoral Proclamation and a $1,000 check from the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse grant to the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee, represented by After Prom Committee Co-Chairpersons Denise DiComo and Ulrica Infosino.
Mayor Mironov praised “the caring parents and community members of the After Prom Committee for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.” The Mayoral Proclamation commends the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee noting “the Committee consists of caring parents and community members who are dedicated to keeping young people in our community substance free.” The Proclamation continues, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for the past twenty-nine years, and during those twenty-nine years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month and recognizes East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee and presents $1000 check from the Township Municipal Alliance grant. Pictured from (left to right) are: After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Denise DiComo; After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Ulrica Infosino; Mayor Janice Mironov, and Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Coordinator, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse.
East Windsor Township Holds "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township will hold “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a drop box at the Police/Court Building.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe and secure manner. East Windsor Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we encourage our residents to take advantage of this local opportunity to dispose of unused and unneeded prescription medications in a safe and non-hazardous manner.” Mayor Mironov continued, “this program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people.”
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences on March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Officials kick-off Township Gun Safety Month for March, police officers demonstrate proper use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Joseph Carabelli; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Chief Harry E. Marshall, and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson.
East Windsor Township Proclaims Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October Praises Womanspace and Domestic Violence Victim Response Team
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov, accompanied by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and East Windsor Police Chief Harry Marshall, proclaimed Domestic Violence Awareness Month – October, and recognized the great work of Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team.
Mayor Mironov stated, “It is important to raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence, which exists in every town and state throughout our nation. Increased awareness about this important issue can help reduce and prevent abuse, and provide improved hope and support for the victims.” Mayor Mironov continued, encouraging “all citizens of East Windsor Township to become enlightened about and support efforts to address this issue in all of our communities, and further recognize and express appreciation for the special and invaluable contributions and extraordinary dedication of Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team volunteers which have improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety and support as well as accountability for abusers.”
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, “The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victims Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers.” The Mayoral Proclamation continues, “The continued commitment to human service by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that domestic violence is unacceptable and contrary to the welfare of the entire community.”
Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart thanked East Windsor Mayor Mironov and the police department, stating, “I like being part of this East Windsor tradition and value system,” noting that “the Response Team started in East Windsor and was our premier team from model to the current region-wide system. East Windsor not only had an amazing number of very special volunteers, but a police department which helped to use the East Windsor model to encourage and train all of the other County police departments. It is great that after all this time East Windsor is still saying wait a minute we want to recognize this is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and we have a great team.” Pat Hart noted that, “Volunteers go through an intense 80 hours of training then respond 247 to the police departments, so that in a year’s time our teams will see about 800 victims, those are people who might never have come to us and that’s incredible.”
Womanspace is the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life to women and their families.
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizes Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team. Pictured (from left to right) are: Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Holly Bushnell, Samir Dhindhwal, Lisseth Weeks, and Anne Ciemnecki; East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart; Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Rita Teubner and Betty Winkler; and Chief of Police Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Township Participates in “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township will participate in “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, September 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a drop box at the Police/Court Building.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a program sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired medications in a safe and secure manner. East Windsor Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the DEA on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we encourage our residents to take advantage of this local opportunity to dispose of unused and unneeded medications in a safe and non-hazardous manner.” Mayor Mironov continued, “this program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people.”
East Windsor Township Kicks-Off “Bike at Night - Use a Light” Initiative Bicycle Safety Program
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that, as part of a multi-month bicycle safety initiative, the Township is launching "Bike at Night – Use a Light", on Tuesday August 4 which will continue through Friday September 11.
According to Mayor Mironov, "'Bike At Night, Use a Light', the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, is geared to safe biking at night and will be a directed effort, through public education and personal contact to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. Those who bicycle at night without proper lights are a danger not only to themselves, but to motorists using the roadways."
During this phase, which will run from August 4 through September 11, the Township will be distributing, at no cost, to East Windsor residents the required pair of bike lights along with safety information literature, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. During this period, East Windsor residents can go to the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours.
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, "I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign." The Township multi-month bicycle safety initiative included Phase 1 "Use Your Head" a focus on the importance of wearing bicycle helmets, Phase 2 involved distribution of form summonses recognizing children wearing helmets and asking the young person to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades," which enabled them to be entered in a drawing for prizes. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a $10,000 grant from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to Promoted Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oaths of office to promoted police officers, new Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian and new Sergeant Jason Hart, to fill existing openings in the police department, in front of a packed room of police, support staff and family and friends at a recent Council meeting.
Mayor Janice Mironov stated prior to administering the oaths of office, “These promotions are a special day of celebration for the Township and the police department, providing an occasion to recognize and promote two dedicated, skilled and experienced police officers who have earned these opportunities. In East Windsor, police promotions are very competitive especially in light of the high caliber of officers, and these officers should be proud of this achievement in their careers.”
Police Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian, who was hired by East Windsor in February 1997, has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer in Charge and Primary Officer in Charge. In November 2007, Lieutenant Dorrian was assigned as a Detective to Investigative Services. Lieutenant Dorrian was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in June 2010, serving in Uniform Services. In July 2012 Lieutenant Dorrian was assigned to the Investigative Services where he has served as the Operations Supervisor for the past three years. During his career, he has received several recognitions, including an Honorable Service Medal, Life Saving Medal, and Educational Achievement Medal. Lieutenant Dorrian was recognized by the Attorney General for his part in an investigation which lead to the indictment of five individuals for gun trafficking. Lieutenant Dorrian graduated from Middlesex County Police Academy in 1995 and received a Bachelor’s Degree and Master of Administrative Science Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Sergeant Jason Hart, who joined the East Windsor Police Department in January 2004, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in 2003 and previously was a Special Police Officer in the Borough of Seaside Park. He has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, and Secondary Officer in Charge. Sergeant Hart has been awarded the Life Saving Medal, the Samaritan Officer of the Year Award, two Unit Citation Medals, and Educational Achievement Medal. Sergeant Hart earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Albright College and a Master’s of Education degree from The College of New Jersey.
Mayor Mironov noted, “I congratulate the officers in their new positions and look forward to working with them as they continue in our tradition of excellence at the East Windsor Township Police Department.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov; newly promoted Police Sergeant Jason Hart; newly promoted Police Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian, and Police Chief Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Township Holds “National Night Out” Event Tuesday August 4th
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall and the police department, will take place onTuesday, August 4 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help heighten awareness and deter crime and enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for many years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Area groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Detective Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231 or gorski@ewpd.com.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall, music and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Township Kicks Off “We Check for 21” Campaign
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, surrounded by local Township liquor license holders, issued a Proclamation recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month and kicking off the East Windsor “We Check for 21”initiative aimed at deterring underage drinking. As part of the Township “We Check for 21” Campaign, liquor license holders are required to sign the ‘We Check for 21” Pledge as a condition of receiving their liquor license renewal. The Pledge affirms each liquor license holder’s strong support of East Windsor Township’s “We Check for 21” Program. Various resource and informational materials and paraphernalia were distributed for use at these establishments.
Mayor Mironov publicly praised the license holders in attendance for their demonstrated interest and concern for this important community goal: Jugraj Parmar of Shoppes at East Windsor; Todd Borelli of Bottle King Discount Wine & Liquors; Kathy Vogel of Charlie Brown's Steakhouse; Ryan Quigley of City Streets Café; Edward Bogdan of David's Pub & Package; Jessica Sokol of Days Inn of East Windsor; Vijay Papaiya of Divya and Krisha and Divya and Krina, LLC; Patricia O'Brien of Hightstown Elks #1955; Alexis Seiferling and Samatha Natiello of Holiday Inn of East Windsor; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club; Ranganath Lingala of PST Associates, LLC; John Eisberg of TGI Friday's; Jimmy Manetes of Town Diner; and Commander Bruce MacDougall of VFW Post 5700.
Mayor Mironov stated “The Township supports and is proud to promote the‘We Check for 21’ Program, which is designed to heighten the awareness and prevention of underage drinking within all of our communities. There are many serious impacts to underage drinking including many young drivers under 21 who are involved in automobile accidents have blood alcohol levels above the legal limit. The ‘We Check for 21’ Program is an excellent vehicle to bring together municipal government leaders, young people, parents, key community and school leaders, policy makers and local businesses toward a common positive community effort. We appreciate and call on all businesses and citizens to become more aware of and more involved in efforts to reduce underage drinking in our community."
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes local liquor license holders for their participation in the 2015 “We Check for 21” campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member and Municipal Alliance Coordinator Peter Yeager; Ranganath Lingala of PST Associates, LLC; Commander Bruce MacDougall of VFW Post 5700; Todd Borelli of Bottle King Discount Wine & Liquors; Kathy Vogel of Charlie Brown's Steakhouse; Samatha Natiello of Holiday Inn of East Windsor; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Patricia O'Brien of Hightstown Elks #1955; Alexis Seiferling of Holiday Inn of East Windsor; John Eisberg of TGI Friday's; Jessica Sokol of Days Inn of East Windsor; Vijay Papaiya of Divya and Krisha and Divya and Krina, LLC; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club; Edward Bogdan of David's Pub & Package; Jimmy Manetes of Town Diner; Jugraj Parmar of Shoppes at East Windsor; and Ryan Quigley of City Streets Café.
East Windsor Township Launches “Use Your Head” Bicycle Helmet Giveaway for Bicycle Safety Month - May
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed May 2015 “Bicycle Safety Month” and announced a multi-month bicycle safety initiative, to be launched in three phases, with a kick-off on Wednesday, May 13. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a $10,000 grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Mayor Mironov announced that “Use Your Head”, a Bicycle Helmet giveaway program, will be kicked off on Wednesday, May 13, with additional sessions to be held on Wednesday, May 20 and Wednesday, May 27, all from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building. East Windsor residents ages 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet at no cost. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This bicycle safety program, entitled ‘Use Your Head’ and geared to children under 17 years old, is intended to enhance safety by increasing awareness of the laws requiring helmet wear, promoting helmet usage and instructing on correct helmet usage and fit.” Mayor Mironov added “It is not only the law for young bicyclers, but it is good common sense for all people riding bikes to protect themselves by wearing a helmet.”
In future months, the Township will implement further components of this multi-month bicycle safety initiative. Phase 2 will begin on June 1 and run through July 31, during which Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Township police officers will distribute form summonses to youngsters. The summonses will recognize children wearing helmets and ask the young person to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades,” which will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes to take place on Tuesday August 4 at the Township “National Night Out”.
Finally, Phase 3, entitled “Bike At Night, Use a Light”, geared to safe biking at night, will be a directed effort, through public education, personal contact and ultimately police enforcement to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this phase, which will run from August 1 until September 1, the Township will be distributing the required pair of lights and safety information literature through the police building. New Jersey law requires that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. Mayor Mironov noted that, “Those who bicycle at night without proper lights are a danger not only to themselves, but to motorists using the roadways.”
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign.”
East Windsor Township Holds “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township will hold “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a drop box at the Police/Court Building.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe and secure manner. East Windsor Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we encourage our residents to take advantage of this local opportunity to dispose of unused and unneeded prescription medications in a safe and non-hazardous manner.” Mayor Mironov continued, “this program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people.”
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences on March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236. The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Chief of Police Harry E. Marshall kick-off the Township Gun Safety Program, through wish free gun locks are distributed throughout March. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Robert Davison; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Chief Harry E. Marshall, and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson.
East Windsor Township Proclaims Human Trafficking Awareness Month – January
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Regina Smith, Program Coordinator of Emergency Services for Womanspace joined Mayor Mironov to support action for Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, offers support and services for survivors of human trafficking.
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation expressed the need “to raise awareness about the signs and consequences of human trafficking, to promote reporting mechanisms and opposition to human trafficking in all of its forms, and to encourage support for the survivors of human trafficking throughout the State of New Jersey and across the world to put an end to this criminal activity and restore freedom and dignity to its survivors.” It further stated that the, “Township of East Windsor is resolved to support the goals and ideals of observing a National Month of Human Trafficking Awareness each year to support all efforts by individuals, businesses, organizations, and governing bodies to raise awareness of and opposition to Human Trafficking.”
The Mayoral Proclamation recognized that, “human trafficking is a borderless crime against individuals that violates the most basic human rights and deprives victims of every shred of personal freedom, and that the United Nations’ International Labour Organization has estimated that at least 12.3 million adults and children worldwide are currently in forced labor, bonded labor, or forced prostitution of whom approximately 80% are women and girls and 50% younger than age 18.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov (left) issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month, joined by Regina Smith (right), Program Coordinator of Emergency Services for Womanspace
East Windsor Township Sponsors New Year’s Food Drive Drop off Sites at East Windsor Municipal Building, Police Building and East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township is sponsoring a “New Year’s Food Drive,” kicking off January 1, 2015 and continuing through January 31, for distribution to local individuals and families.
Non-perishable food items can be donated through the Township food drive between January 1 through January 31, 2015. Food donations can be dropped off at the East Windsor Township municipal building at 16 Lanning Boulevard during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or at the East Windsor Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road at any time, and the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive.
According to Mayor Mironov, “As the holiday season and its special focus on good deeds passes, we want to remind everyone that the need for assistance to people in our area continues, and call upon our community’s proven spirit of generosity. As we begin a New Year, let us remember our neighbors who need our help and support, especially during the winter months.” Mayor Mironov added, “Typically, we understand that donations drop off after the holidays, and we hope that this special effort will help feed area people.”
All food will be given to the Food Pantry at RISE and the Green House Food Pantry at St. Anthony’s Church, for distribution to local individuals and families. Both are area-based organizations providing assistance to local individuals and families. Questions by the public can be directed to 609-443-4000, extension 237.
East Windsor Township Proclaims Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Kicks off Participation in Womanspace Communities of Light
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov proclaimed Domestic Violence Awareness Month, recognizing the great work of Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team, and kicked off the East Windsor Township participation in the Womanspace "Communities of Light" on Monday, December 8. Mayor Mironov announced that East Windsor would be gathering to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building on Monday, December 8 at 5 p.m, followed by refreshments. The event is geared to raise funds for Womanspace and public awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims.
Kicking off the Township participation with a private check donation to Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart for Communities of Light, Mayor Mironov called on residents to participate in purchasing candles and joining together at the Municipal Building on December 8 at 5 p.m. Luminary kits, containing 6 candles, can be purchased for $10 at Fulton Bank, located at the intersection of Princeton-Hightstown Road and Old Trenton Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We hope that our participation will help focus public attention on the subject of domestic violence and encourage residents to become more aware of support efforts available to victims and families. As a community, we also wish to express our strong support for organizations like Womanspace and our local Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and to recognize the important assistance they provide to victims of domestic violence.” Mayor Mironov continued, “The lighting of luminaries is a unique means of increasing local awareness of the ongoing presence of domestic violence in all of our communities and to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who struggle with violence in their homes.”
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, “The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victims Response Team and Womanspace, Inc. have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers.” The Mayoral Proclamation continues, “The continued commitment to human service by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace, Inc. visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that domestic violence is unacceptable and contrary to the welfare of the entire community.”
Mayor Mironov further recognized Patricia Hart for her 20 years of service as Executive Director of Womanspace and her passionate commitment and effective results in her devoted advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their families. As Executive Director, Pat Hart has implemented numerous programs to enhance sensitive and effective assistance and support for abused individuals and families, including creation of the Domestic Violence Victims Response Teams, provision of Sexual Assault Support Services Advocates, and the provision of shelter and short- and long-term residential housing for victims. The Mayoral Proclamation states, "It is an appropriate milestone time to express our appreciation to Patricia Hart for her longtime and countless hours of caring service, passionate commitment and effective results in her devoted advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their families."
Communities of Light, benefiting victims of domestic violence, is sponsored by Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life to women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov kicked off East Windsor Township participation in Womanspace “Communities of Light,” proclaiming Domestic Violence Awareness Month, recognizing Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victims Response Team. Mayor Mironov further recognized Patricia Hart for her 20 years of dedicated service as Executive Director of Womanspace. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart, and East Windsor Police Chief Harry Marshall.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed Domestic Violence Awareness Month and kicked off East Windsor participation in Womanspace "Communities of Light" with a private check donation to Womanspace. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart; Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Charter Member Rita Teubner, and Chief of Police Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Township Participates in "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township will participate in “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, September 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a drop box at the Police/Court Building.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a program sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired medications in a safe and secure manner. East Windsor Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the DEA on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we encourage our residents to take advantage of this local opportunity to dispose of unused and unneeded medications in a safe and non-hazardous manner.” Mayor Mironov continued, “this program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oath of Office to New Police Chief Harry Marshall
Lieutenant Harry Marshall was sworn in on August 1 as East Windsor Township’s new Chief of Police, by East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, at a ceremony in the Township courtroom, attended by large numbers of Township officials, police and family members. Chief Marshall’s promotion comes after former Chief James Monahan retired effective July 31.
Chief Marshall, most recently the Uniform Services Administrative Commander, joined the East Windsor Police Department in 1995 and is a 1990 graduate of the Ocean County Police Academy. During his career with East Windsor Township, Chief Marshall became attained the rank of detective in 2001, became a sergeant in 2006, and was promoted to lieutenant in 2010. Prior to East Windsor, he was a police officer for Eastampton Township for five years. Chief Marshall is also a retired Captain in the New Jersey Air National Guard with 20 years of service.
Mayor Mironov stated, “We are excited and proud to promote Lieutenant Marshall to be our new East Windsor Township Chief of Police. Throughout his 19 years serving East Windsor Township, Chief Marshall has earned the respect and admiration of his fellow officers and has demonstrated a strong commitment to local law enforcement, as underscored through his 2,700 hours of advanced law enforcement instruction. Mayor Mironov continued, “Chief Marshall possesses an outstanding combination of experience and leadership skills and educational background, including 20 years of service to our country as a captain in the New Jersey Air National Guard, which merits his selection as our next Chief of Police and to lead our outstanding police department.”
Chief Marshall also attended the prestigious West Point Command and Leadership Program and is the recipient of many awards, including the Highest Academic Achievement Award from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police West Point Command and Leadership Program, the Honorable Service Award, Educational Achievement Award, Unit Citation Medal and several Certificates of Merit and Letters of Recognition for distinguished service. He has a bachelor’s degree in sociology and criminology from the University of Southern Colorado and a master’s degree in administration from Central Michigan University.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov (right) administered the oath of office to new East Windsor Township Chief of Police Harry Marshall (center) as his wife Traci holds the Bible.
East Windsor Township Holds "National Night Out" Event Tuesday August 5
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Monahan and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 5 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor P.A.L. complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for 15 years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce, a rock climbing wall and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov Kicks off "We Check For 21" Campaign
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, surrounded by local Township liquor license holders, kicked-off the East Windsor “We Check for 21”Campaign, a local initiative to deter underage drinking. As part of the Township “We Check for 21” Campaign, liquor license holders are required to sign the ‘We Check for 21” Pledge as a condition of receiving their liquor license renewal. The Pledge affirms each liquor license holder’s strong support of East Windsor Township’s “We Check for 21” Program. Various materials and paraphernalia were distributed for use at these establishments.
Mayor Mironov publicly praised the license holders in attendance for their demonstrated interest and concern for this important community goal: Michael Little of East Windsor Recreation Center, LLC; Ranga Adavelly of PST Associates, LLC; Retha Page of Club 8; Matthew Falcone of T.G.I. Friday’s; Edward Bogdan of David’s Pub & Package; Jeneen Ryans of Holiday Inn East Windsor; Todd Borelli of Bottle King; Marc Citron of East Windsor Bistro, LLC; Kevin Quigley of City Streets Café; Brian Rodier of Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club, and Jimmy Manetas of Town Diner.
Mayor Mironov stated “The Township supports and is proud to promote the ‘We Check for 21’ Program, which is designed to heighten the awareness and prevention of underage drinking within all of our communities. The ‘We Check for 21’ Program is an excellent vehicle to bring together municipal government leaders, young people, parents, key community and school leaders, policy makers and local businesses toward a common positive community effort. We appreciate and call on all businesses and citizens to become more aware of and more involved in efforts to reduce underage drinking in our community."
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes local liquor license holders for their participation in the 2014 “We Check for 21” campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member and Municipal Alliance Coordinator Peter Yeager; Michael Little of East Windsor Recreation Center, LLC; Ranga Adavelly of PST Associates, LLC; Retha Page of Club 8; Matthew Falcone of T.G.I. Friday’s; Edward Bogdan of David’s Pub & Package; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jeneen Ryans of Holiday Inn East Windsor; Todd Borelli of Bottle King; Marc Citron of East Windsor Bistro, LLC; Kevin Quigley of City Streets Café; Brian Rodier of Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club, and Jimmy Manetas of Town Diner.
East Windsor Township Proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month
Recognizes East Windsor Regional School District
Hightstown High School After Prom Committee
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a Mayoral Proclamation and a $1,000 check from a grant awarded to the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse to members of the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. After Prom Committee Co-Chairpersons Carolyn Freedman and Nancy Solarski accepted the check. Mayor Mironov praised the caring parents and community members of the After Prom Committee “for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.”
The Mayoral Proclamation praises the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee stating, “the After Prom Committee provides for a safe and substance free evening of entertainment and activities for all high school seniors and their guests at no cost.” The Proclamation continues, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for the past twenty-seven years, and during those twenty-seven years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night."
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month
and recognizes East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School
After Prom Committee and presents check from a Township grant. Pictured from (left to right) are: After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Carolyn Freedman; After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Nancy Solarski; East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov; and East Windsor Council Member Peter Yeager, Coordinator, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse.
East Windsor Township Participates in "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township will participate in “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a drop box at the Police/Court Building.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a program sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired medications in a safe and secure manner. East Windsor Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the DEA on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, “we encourage our residents to take advantage of this local opportunity to dispose of unused and unneeded medications in a safe and non-hazardous manner.” Mayor Mironov continued, “this program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access to these drugs by unauthorized persons and young people."
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies. We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov Administers Oaths of Office to Three New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office at the January 28 Council meeting to new police officers Marcus Goode, Scott Russell, and Joseph Ianonne, Jr., who fill police department vacancies resulting from recent police department retirements and promotions. All three officers will be assigned to the Uniform Services Division of the police department.
Officer Goode graduated from the Atlantic County Police Academy in 2013 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Monmouth University. Officer Russell graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in 2012 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Monmouth University. He previously served as a police officer for the Point Pleasant Beach and Lakewood Township police departments. Officer Ianonne graduated from the Monmouth County Police Academy in 2012 and was most recently employed by the Roselle Park police department.
Mayor Mironov “welcomed the large number of police officers in attendance to support these new police officers,” and stated, "I congratulate these new police officers who have the good career fortune to join an outstanding professional and community caring organization of officers under the excellent leadership of Chief Monahan and our superior ranked officers. Mayor Mironov added, “East Windsor was recently ranked among the safest municipalities in New Jersey certainly in large measure to the good work of our police year-round.”
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered oaths of office to new police officers Marcus Goode, Joseph Ianonne, Jr. and Scott Russell. Pictured (from left to right): Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Joseph Ianonne, Jr; Police Officer Scott Russell; Police Officer Marcus Goode, and Chief of Police James Monahan.
East Windsor Township Honors 2013 State Champions and Eastern Regional Champions Girls 9/10 Softball All-Star Team East Windsor Police Athletic League Little League
Mayor Janice S. Mironov honored the East Windsor PAL Little League Girls 9/10 Softball All-Star Team, nicknamed "Thunder," for their 2013 New Jersey State Championship and 2013 Eastern Regional Championship achievements. Mayor Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation, as well as presenting team members with championship medals and furthermore unveiled a roadway sign reading, "East Windsor Township, Proud Home of 2013 New Jersey State and 2013 Eastern Regional Champions, Girls 9/10 Softball, East Windsor PAL Little League." The "Thunder" is the first East Windsor PAL team and the first New Jersey team in their age group to win the Eastern Regional Championship.
Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation reads, “The mighty East Windsor Police Athletic League Girls 9/10 Softball All-Star Team had an amazing run, emerging undefeated with an overall 15-0 tournament record, a combined score of 152-11, pitching 6 no-hitters, 1 perfect game, recording 161 strikeouts and 143 hits for a team batting average of .440.” The Mayoral Proclamation continues, “The East Windsor Little PAL Little League Girls 9/10 Softball All-Star Team’s championship triumphs demonstrate the Team’s extraordinary skills and training, persistence, dedication and effective teamwork, making their family and the entire community extremely proud.”
Mayor Mironov stated, "We extend our enthusiastic congratulations on this well earned championship season to the 2013 East Windsor PAL Little League Girls 9/10 Softball All-Star Team."
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents a Mayoral Proclamation and roadway sign to the East Windsor PAL Little League Girls 9/10 Softball All-Star Team congratulating them on their 2013 New Jersey State Championship and 2013 Eastern Regional Championship achievements. Pictured (from left to right) are: front row – Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Noelle Geroso; Melissa Weingast; Isabel Hulme; Maddie Frunzi, and Gina Zappola; back row – Emily Reinstein; Abby, Bell; Gina Bibens; Ashley Giampolo; Allison Bridgman; Jackie Masone; Meg Regan, and Manager Rob Bridgman.
East Windsor Township Celebrates National Night Out
East Windsor Township’s “National Night Out,” celebrated on August 6, was attended by over 2,000 people. The event was to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township in promoting a cooperative partnership between police, local government and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation stating, “National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals letting them know that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime.”
Mayor Mironov stated, “National Night Out was a great success and we thank our local police department, and all of our fire departments, rescue squads and businesses for help making National Night Out an outstanding event.”
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov presents a Proclamation for 2013 “National Night Out” to East Windsor Crime Watch members. Pictured (from left to right): Chief of Police James Monahan; Crime Watch Member Wayne Varga; Crime Watch Member Joseph LaMagna; event coordinator Police Detective Joseph Gorski; Crime Watch Chairperson Vincent Citarella; Council Member John Zoller; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Deputy Mayor Alan Rosenberg; Crime Watch Member Stacy Labone; Crime Watch Member Richard Labone; Council Member Marc Lippman; Council Member Peter Yeager; Council Member Perry Shapiro, and Council Member Hector Duke.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Kicks off "We Check For 21" Campaign
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, surrounded by local Township liquor license holders, kicked-off the East Windsor “We Check for 21” Campaign, a local initiative to deter underage drinking. As part of the Township “We Check for 21” Campaign, liquor license holders are required to sign the ‘We Check for 21” Pledge as a condition of receiving their liquor license renewal. The Pledge affirms each liquor license holder’s strong support of East Windsor Township’s “We Check for 21” Program. Various materials and paraphernalia were distributed for use at these establishments.
Mayor Mironov publicly praised the license holders in attendance – Michael Franke of Americana Diner; Jacob Smith of Bottle King; Kimberly Shulskie of Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse; Ed Bogdan of David’s Pub & Package; Michael Saporito of East Windsor Bistro, LLC; Patricia O’Brien of Elks Lodge #1955; Nick DeFilippo of Holiday Inn; John Krakowski of Legends Grille; John Lucs of Peddie Golf Club; Matthew Falcone of T.G.I. Friday’s; Joseph Sunyak of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5700, and Anupam Patel of Windsor Wines and Spirits.
Mayor Mironov stated “The Township promotes the ‘We Check for 21’ Program which is designed to prevent underage drinking and heighten the awareness of this issue within all of our communities. The ‘We Check for 21’ Program is an excellent vehicle to bring together municipal government leaders, young people, parents, key community and school leaders, policy makers and local businesses toward a common positive community effort.”
Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member and East Windsor Municipal Alliance Coordinator Peter Yeager; Ed Bogdan of David’s Pub & Package; John Krakowski of Legends Grille; Kimberly Shulskie of Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse; Mike Saporito of East Windsor Bistro; Anupam Patel of Windsor Wines and Spirits; Patricia O’Brien of Elks Lodge #1955; Matthew Falcone of T.G.I. Friday’s; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jack Wright of T.G.I. Friday’s; Joseph Sunyak of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5700; Tom McEvoy of T.G.I. Friday’s; Jacob Smith of Bottle King; Nick DeFilippo of Holiday Inn; John Lucs of Peddie Golf Club, and Michael Franke of Americana Diner.
East Windsor Township Holds "National Night Out" Event Tuesday August 6
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Monahan and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 6 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor PAL complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for 14 years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce and rock climbing wall. There will be live music by local bands, and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities."
East Windsor Township Participates in "Operation Medicine Cabinet"
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township will participate in “Operation Medicine Cabinet” on Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a drop box at the Police/Court Building.
Operation Medicine Cabinet is a program sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired medications in a safe and secure manner. East Windsor Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the DEA on the next business day for final disposal.
Mayor Mironov stated, "We encourage our residents to take advantage of this local opportunity to dispose of unused and unneeded medications in a safe and non-hazardous manner." Mayor Mironov continued, "This program provides an opportunity to securely dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications in an environmentally responsible manner and prevents possible misuse and access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs."
East Windsor Township Proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a Mayoral Proclamation and a $1,000 check from a grant awarded to the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse to members of the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. After Prom Committee Co-Chairpersons Linda Heller and Nancy Solarski accepted the check. Mayor Mironov praised the caring parents and community members of the After Prom Committee “for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.”
The Mayoral Proclamation praises the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee stating, “the After Prom Committee provides for a safe and substance free evening of entertainment and activities for all high school seniors and their guests at no cost.” The Proclamation continues, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for the past twenty-six years, and during those twenty-six years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night.”
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month and recognizes East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee and presents check from a Township grant. Pictured from (left to right) are: After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Nancy Solarski; After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Linda Heller; East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov; and East Windsor Council Member Peter Yeager, Coordinator, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse.
East Windsor Township Sponsors Gun Safety Program Free Gun Lock Distribution Program
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is sponsoring a Gun Safety Program, through which gun locks will be distributed free of charge to any East Windsor resident. The program commences March 1 and will run through the end of March.
According to Mayor Mironov, “This is a pro-active initiative, geared to promote and provide improved gun safety. These locks if properly used by lawful gun owners can help prevent accidental deaths or injuries in the home, as well as deaths and injuries caused by the intentional misuse of guns.”
Mayor Mironov added, “The use of gun locks is a no-brainer, which keeps guns out of the hands of children and helps prevent unnecessary tragedies.” She continued, “We hope that programs such as this will remind and educate lawful gun owners about their important responsibility to handle firearms safely and to store them in a secure manner.”
Township residents can obtain free safety locks at the Township police/court facility located at 80 One Mile Road, by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
The gun locks are made available to the Township at no cost, through Project ChildSafe. Project ChildSafe is the nation’s largest firearms safety program, and is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Chief of Police James Monahan kick-off the Township Gun Safety Program, through wish free gun locks are distributed throughout March. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Sergeant Eric Lion; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Chief James Monahan, and Police Lieutenant Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers Oath of Office to Promoted and New Police Officers
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to promoted police officers, to Sgt. James Geary — who was promoted to lieutenant, and Patrol Officer Cory Paieda — who was promoted to sergeant, and to newly hired Police Officer Michael Greco, at the September 5 meeting Township Council meeting. Mayor Mironov pointed out that, “the recent naming of former Lt. James Monahan as East Windsor Township Chief of Police (upon the retirement of Chief Spain) resulted in a domino sequence of vacancies, creating three vacancies for lieutenant, sergeant and patrolman, and three opportunities for dedicated and worthy officers who had excelled in their police service to move up and advance."
Mayor Janice Mironov stated prior to administering the oaths of office, “These promotions are a special day of celebration for the Township and the police department, providing an occasion to recognize and promote two very special, highly performing and skilled police officers. In East Windsor, police promotions and hirings are very competitive especially in light of the high caliber of officers. The attainment of the rank of Lieutenant is a very significant achievement, reached by very few officers, and reflecting proudly on Lt. Geary’s outstanding service and excellent qualifications.”
Police Lieutenant James Geary, who was hired by East Windsor in July 1995, has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer in Charge, and Primary Officer in Charge. In January 2006, Lieutenant Geary was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, serving as a platoon supervisor and supervisor of the Traffic Safety Unit, and in 2011 was transferred to Investigative Services as Detective Sergeant. During his career, Lieutenant Geary has been awarded a 15 year Department Honorable Service Medal, many other awards and recognitions, and was 2007 Township Law and Public Safety Employee of the Year. Lieutenant Geary received a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and a Master’s of Administrative Science Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Sergeant Cory Paieda, who joined the East Windsor Police Department in February 2001, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in 1998 and previously was a police officer with Lambertville City. He has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Evidence Technician, Secondary Officer in Charge, and Primary Officer in Charge. Sergeant Paieda has been awarded a 10 year Department Honorable Service Medal, two Unit Citation Medals, Educational Achievement Medal, Life Saving Medal, Honorable Service Medal, four Awards of Merit, and was named Police Officer of the Year in 2004. Sergeant Paieda received an Associate’s Degree of Administrative Science from Raritan Valley Community College and a Bachelor’s Degree of Administrative Science from Walden University.
New Police Officer Michael Greco, who is assigned to the Department’s Uniform Services, graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in January 2009 and earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Middlesex County Community College. Officer Greco previously served the New Jersey Institute of Technology Police Department.
Mayor Mironov noted, "I congratulate all of our officers in their new positions and look forward to working with them as they continue in our tradition of excellence at the East Windsor Township Police Department."
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov; new police officer Michael Greco; newly promoted Police Lieutenant James Geary; newly promoted Police Sergeant Corey Paieda, and new Police Officer Michael Greco.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Lieutenant James Geary and East Windsor Police Chief of Police James Monahan.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Sergeant Cory Paieda and East Windsor Chief of Police James Monahan.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; new Police Officer Michael Greco and East Windsor Chief of Police James Monahan.
East Windsor Township Launches Phase 3 of Bicycle Safety Program: "Bike at Night - Use a Light"
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township has launched “Bike at Night - Use a Light”, phase 3 of the Township bicycle safety initiative. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a $10,000 grant previously received from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety.
Mayor Mironov stated, "Bike at Night - Use a Light" is geared to safe biking at night and will be a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to encourage bicyclers to use proper lighting at night.” According to Mayor Mironov, during this phase, which commences on August 7 and continues through September 8, the Township will be distributing, at no cost, at the police building located at 80 One Mile Road, the required pair of front and rear bicycle lights along with safety information literature. East Windsor residents can go to the police building and request the set of lights for their bicycle.
New Jersey and municipal laws require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The Mayor added that this law applies to all bicyclers, not just younger people. Mayor Mironov noted, “Individuals who bicycle at night can significantly improve their safety and that of the motoring public by using the proper required bicycle mounted lights.”
In May, East Windsor Township launched a multi-month Bicycle Safety Program, with three phases. Phase 1, entitled “Use Your Head” and geared to children under 17 years old, was a free bicycle helmet giveaway, intended to enhance safety by increasing awareness of the laws requiring helmet wear, promoting helmet usage and instructing on correct helmet usage and fit. Phase 2, entitled “Helmet Use Enforcement”, involved distribution by Mayor and Council Members and Township police officers of mock summonses congratulating youngsters for compliance with the helmet laws and asking them to sign a pledge. Mayor Mironov stated, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign."
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township officials kicked-off “Bike at Night – Use a Light,” Phase 3 of the Township’s bicycle safety program. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee Student Member Yisroayl Peer; East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Police Lieutenant Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Township Holds "National Night Out" Event Tuesday August 7
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township again will participate in “National Night Out”. The Township event, sponsored by Mayor Mironov and Members of Council in conjunction with Chief of Police James Monahan and the police department, will take place on Tuesday, August 7 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at the East Windsor PAL complex at 30 Airport Road.
Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township is committed to strengthening neighborhood unity and police and community partnerships to help deter crime and to enhance our local quality of life.” Mayor Mironov continued, “the Township has participated in hosting ‘National Night Out’ for 14 years, during which we have provided thousands of citizens with information on crime prevention and community partnerships.”
This year’s East Windsor Township event, which has much to interest adults and children, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment, and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child car safety seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the Nation Night Out theme.
Additionally, at the Township “National Night Out”, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations and face painting. Further activities will include a moon bounce and rock climbing wall. There will be live music by local bands, and refreshments will be available.
Mayor Mironov stated “we are pleased to be a part of this national effort which provides an opportunity to enhance positive relationships between our citizens and local government. I encourage all East Windsor residents to stop by and join with us in this fun and positive evening of fellowship and activities."
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov Administers the Oath of Office to New Police Sergeant
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov administers oath of office to newly promoted Police Sergeant Eric Lion, who is filling an open vacant Township Sergeant position.
Sergeant Eric Lion, who began his employment with the East Windsor Township Police Department on January 3, 1995, graduated from the Burlington County Police Academy in August of 1994. He formerly served in the United States Air Force for over eight years being stationed in Ramstein Air Base in Germany as well as McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. He has earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Ashworth College, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from Walden University.
During his years of service in East Windsor, Sergeant Lion has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer and Officer-in-Charge. In June 2006, he was assigned to Investigative Services where he has been serving as a Detective. During his career, Sergeant Lion has been awarded three Honorable Service Medals, 15 Year Department Honorable Service Medal, Unit Citation Medal, Educational Achievement Medal, and has received numerous letters of recognition.
Sergeant Lion will be assigned as a Platoon Supervisor in Uniform Services.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov administered the oath to new East Windsor Township Police Sergeant Eric Lion. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Sergeant Eric Lion and his wife Tonia Lion.
East Windsor Township Kicks off "Use Your Head" Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program for Bicycle Safety Month - May
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov and East Windsor Police officers kicked off “Use Your Head”, a Bicycle Hemet Giveaway program, for Bicycle Safety Month (May). “Use Your Head” is the first phase of a multi-month bicycle safety initiative.
East Windsor is sponsoring the Bicycle Helmet Giveaway geared to East Windsor residents ages 5 through 16. East Windsor previously held sessions on May 8 and 15. There is one remaining session on Tuesday, May 22 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building at 16 Lanning Boulevard. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants are measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.
Mayor Mironov stated, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to sponsor ‘Use Your Head,’ a program which focuses on improving the safe use of bicycle helmets within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign.” Mayor Mironov added, “It is not only the law for young bikers, but it is good common sense for all people riding bicycles to protect themselves by wearing a helmet."
Pictured (from left to right) are: Rebecca Edgerly; Ryan Edgerly; Ashley Quezada and East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov.
Pictured (from left to right) are: Detective Sergeant James Geary; Emma Behrens; Danay Moody; Aileen Montalva and East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov.
Pictured (from left to right) are: Detective Sergeant James Geary; Meghan Lynch; East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov; Jillian Lynch; Misaal Singh and Quin Mullard.
Pictured (from left to right) are: Christopher Brink; Jeffrey Brink; Matthew Brink and East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov.
East Windsor Township Launches "Use Your Head" Bicycle Helmet Giveaway for Bicycle Safety Month - May
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed May 2012 “Bicycle Safety Month” and announced a multi-month bicycle safety initiative, to be launched in three phases, with a kick-off on Tuesday, May 8. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a $10,000 grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Mayor Mironov announced that “Use Your Head”, a Bicycle Helmet giveaway program, will be kicked off on Tuesday May 8, with additional sessions held on Tuesday, May 15 and Tuesday, May 22, all from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the East Windsor municipal building. East Windsor residents ages 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet at no cost. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This bicycle safety program, entitled ‘Use Your Head’ and geared to children under 17 years old, is intended to enhance safety by increasing awareness of the laws requiring helmet wear, promoting helmet usage and instructing on correct helmet usage and fit.” Mayor Mironov added “It is not only the law for young bicyclers, but it is good common sense for all people riding bikes to protect themselves by wearing a helmet.”
In future months, the Township will implement further components of this multi-month bicycle safety initiative. Phase 2 will begin on June 1 and run through July 31, during which Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Township police officers will distribute form summonses to youngsters. The summonses will recognize children wearing helmets and ask the young person to sign a pledge “to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades,” which will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, which will take place on Tuesday August 7 at the Township “National Night Out”.
Finally, Phase 3, entitled “Bike At Night, Use a Light”, geared to safe biking at night, will be a directed effort, through public education, personal contact and ultimately police enforcement to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this phase, which will run from August 1 until September 1, the Township will be distributing the required pair of lights and safety information literature through the police building. New Jersey law requires that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. Mayor Mironov noted that, “Those who bicycle at night without proper lights are a danger not only to themselves, but to motorists using the roadways.”
Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, “I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign.”
East Windsor Township Proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month
Recognizes East Windsor Regional School District
Hightstown High School After Prom Committee
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a Mayoral Proclamation and a $1,000 check from a grant awarded to the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse to members of the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. Mayor Mironov praised members of the After Prom Committee “for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.”
The Mayoral Proclamation praises the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee stating, “the After Prom Committee provides for a safe and substance free evening of entertainment and activities for all high school seniors and their guests at no cost.” The Proclamation continues, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for the past twenty-five years, and during those twenty-five years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night.”
Pictured from (left to right) are: After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Nancy Solarski; East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov; After Prom Committee Co-Chairperson Kathy Knauer and East Windsor Council Member Peter Yeager, Coordinator, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse.
East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Receives Mercer County Award
The East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (EWMAPSA) recently was recognized with an Appreciation Award from Mercer County for EWMAPSA’s “momentum, strength and results achieved on this year’s projects.”
The mission of the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse is to serve as the official Township coordinating body for planning awareness and prevention education for drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. The East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse is dedicated to increasing the level of community awareness and the prevention of problems related to alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse through the encouragement and development of safe, healthy and responsible lifestyles for residents of East Windsor Township.
Mayor Janice Mironov stated, “the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse is a key group in East Windsor Township’s program to make our community aware of the dangers and effects of substance abuse. The East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse works to discourage alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse, and make available information, support and outreach efforts for those suffering from addiction and their families through educational classes and community awareness programs. Working with the local school district, law enforcement, and community organizations, the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse continues to diligently work to combat alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse and to keep our community healthy.”
The East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse provides resource support to programs including: Better Beginnings ‘Super BBs’, which provides supervised activities and discussions for high risk children; Camp Fire USA New Jersey Council ‘Count On Me Kids’, a self-esteem program for first graders, and ‘Peer Proof’, a substance abuse awareness program for 7th grade students; RISE ‘Hightstown-East Windsor Learning Partners’ (H.E.L.P.), an after-school academic mentoring program; D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), provided through the Township Police Department for 5th graders; Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Poster/Essay Contest; Heroes and Ladies Mentoring Program; East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Event, and Next Level Youth , a sports and tutoring program.
The East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse receives Appreciation Award from Mercer County. Pictured (from left to right) are: front row – Next Level Youth Board Member Liz Taylor Farr; Community Member Bershane Grimsley; East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Better Beginnings Group Teacher/Supervisor of School Age Children Brenda Werner; Heroes and Ladies Mentoring Program Director Albert Werner; Better Beginnings Executive Director Luz Horta; back row – Next Level Youth Executive Director Keith Jackson and Next Level Youth Vice President Sheldon Millard.
East Windsor Residents Can Now Register Cellular Phone Numbers for East Windsor Reverse 9-1-1 System
Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township residents can now register their cellular phone numbers for the Reverse 9-1-1 system used to communicate in emergency situations.
The Reverse 9-1-1 System will send messages to wireless voice, text messaging and email devices which users have registered. The messages may be County-wide or may be limited to the area around the address you register, depending upon the nature of the event.
East Windsor Township uses the Mercer County Reverse 9-1-1 System to provide notifications to residents in case of emergency, as was done during Hurricane Irene. At that time, many residents inquired as to how they could be called on cellular phones. Mayor Janice Mironov asked Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes how that reasonable legitimate request could be accommodated, and he has just advised the Township that a system has been created on the Mercer County website to allow for registration by Mercer County residents and businesses of wireless cellular phones not in the database.
Mayor Mironov stated, “The Reverse 9-1-1 system is a useful tool that enables Township officials to provide residents and businesses rapid notification of urgent situations within East Windsor Township and Mercer County. In the event of an emergency, the Reverse 9-1-1 system allows us to identify the affected neighborhood or regions within the County and record and transmit a message regarding the situation and any advisories.”
To register, go to the Mercer County website at http://nj.gov/counties/mercerand at the very top click on ALERT – Mercer County Emergency Notification System. IMPORTANT NOTE: Regardless of your zip code, for Township residents and businesses, you must register East Windsor Township as your municipality to receive the proper notices.