Business News

This page shows local business news from around East Windsor Township

East Windsor Council Honors Senior Center Staff

  FOR RELEASE:  March 12, 2025                                                             EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP HONORS SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR KELLY ROMAN AND PROGRAM COORDINATOR REBECCA LIMING FOR SPECIAL SERVICE  Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members recognized Senior Center Director Kelly …

East Windsor Council Honors Senior Center Staff

  FOR RELEASE:  March 12, 2025                                                             EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP HONORS SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR KELLY ROMAN AND PROGRAM COORDINATOR REBECCA LIMING FOR SPECIAL SERVICE  Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members recognized Senior Center Director Kelly …

Students Scholarship Opportunity

FOR RELEASE: February 5, 2025 EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP AND NEW JERSEY STATE LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES OFFER JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township, in conjunction with the New Jersey State League …

Empower Pharmacy

FOR RELEASE: January 16, 2025 EMPOWER PHARMACY OPENING FACILITY ALONG PRINCETON HIGHTSTOWN ROAD IN EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that Empower Pharmacy, a provider of tailored specialized medications for individual patients, will be occupying 170,000 square feet of the exis…


FOR RELEASE: January 14, 2025 AUROBINDO BREAKS GROUND ON NEW 170,100 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING ON PRINCETON HIGHTSTOWN ROAD CAMPUS IN EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, along with Mercer County Executive Dan Benson, joined Aurobindo Chief Executive Officer Swami Iyer, Sen…

Global Life Science Company

FOR RELEASE: December 20, 2024  GLOBAL LIFE SCIENCE COMPANY GETINGE CELEBRATES GRAND OPENING IN EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP Mayor Janice S. Mironov, along with Deputy Mayor David Russell and Council Members Anthony Katawick, Johnnie Whittington and John Zoller, joined Getinge Logistics Americas executive…

Silver Level Sustainable Jersey Certification

FOR RELEASE: December 16, 2024EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP AGAIN ACHIEVES SILVER LEVEL SUSTAINABLE JERSEY CERTIFICATION Mayor Janice S. Mironov and the East Windsor Green Team members, once again for the 4th time, were awarded the Sustainable Jersey Silver Level Certification in a recent ceremony by Susta…

NJDOT Grant Award

FOR RELEASE:  December 12, 2024 EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP AWARDED NJ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION $490,932 GRANT FOR ABBINGTON DRIVE, LAKE DRIVE AND PORTION OF MILFORD ROAD EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP.   Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township has been awarded a $490,932 grant from the N…

Atul Bakery

FOR RELEASE: December 6, 2024 ATUL BAKERY OPENS IN TOWNE CENTER ON ROUTE 130-SOUTH IN EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor David Russell and Council Members Denise Daniels, John Zoller and Johnnie Whittington joined East Windsor franchisee store owners Hardik Bhilota and Rink…

Woman Space Communities of Light

FOR RELEASE: December 5, 2024EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP PARTICIPATES IN WOMANSPACE COMMUNITIES OF LIGHT EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP.   Mayor Janice S. Mironov, along with Council Members joined with Womanspace representatives, police officers and residents to participate in the 2024 Township Womanspace “Commu…

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