East Windsor Township Proclaims Boy Scouting Anniversary Week
Published on February 22, 2017
Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing Boy Scouting Anniversary Week, February 5 to 11, 2017. Mayor Mironov presented the Proclamation accompanied by private checks of support to each of the local boy scout troops: Boy Scout Troop 59 represented by Assistant Scoutmaster Brian Reiss and former Scoutmaster and Eagle Scout Coordinator Sandy Tootleman, Boy Scout Troop 5700 represented by Scoutmaster Greg Charache, Boy Scout Troop 6284 represented by Committee Members Alice Hillary, Amie Kirschner and Stephanie Muller, and Cub Scout Pack 53 represented by Cub Scoutmaster Pete Kecskes.
The Mayoral Proclamation, noting that the Boy Scouts of America was officially founded in 1910 and celebrating its 107th anniversary, praised boy scouting as a “youth program of character development, value-based programs and leadership training” and further stated “the Boy Scouts have continued to set an excellent example for all through their volunteerism, commitment to others, and dedication to bettering themselves and their communities." The Proclamation "expressed appreciation to and commended the outstanding work of the Boy Scout organization, their scout members, leaders and volunteers in our community."
Mayor Mironov expressed her “enthusiastic support of the local boy scout organizations,” noting “the local boy scout organizations are among the very positive forces here in our community, teaching young people important basic values including respect for others, leadership skills, the importance of service to community and other people, all while offering a great opportunity to make friends and have a fun experience. We are especially blessed here in our community to have dedicated, positive and caring adults who have stepped up into leadership and support roles on behalf of young people in East Windsor and Hightstown.”
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented the Proclamation for Boy Scouting Anniversary Week along with private checks of support to local Boy Scout troops – Boy Scout Troop 59, Boy Scout Troop 5700, Boy Scout Troop 6284, and Cub Scout Pack 53. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) Alice Hillary; Brian Reiss, Boy Scout Troop 59 Assistant Scoutmaster; Brendan Reiss; Greg Charache, Boy Scout Troop 5700 Scoutmaster; Pete Kecskes, Cub Pack 53 Scoutmaster; Sandy Tootleman, former Scoutmaster and Eagle Scout Coordinator, Boy Scout Troop 59; Amie Kirschner; (middle row) Stephanie Muller; Ryan Ketterer; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Prathush Neelagiri; Andrew Kirschner; Charlie Hillary; (front row) Noah Schwartz, and Jonathan Kecskes.