East Windsor Township Adopts No Tax Increase 2023 Municipal Budget No Municipal Tax Increase for Eleven Consecutive Years from 2013 through 2023

FOR RELEASE:  September 13, 2023

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that, despite the unprecedented challenges and cost increases of the past few years, the adopted 2023 East Windsor Municipal Budget of $23,426,238 again contains NO TAX INCREASE.  Thus, the East Windsor municipal tax rate component has not increased for eleven consecutive years, remaining at the rate of 43 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for the years 2013 through 2023.  For the current average residential assessment of $259,455, the 2023 municipal tax is $1,123.

Although overall spending in 2023 has increased by almost $1 million over 2022, use of American Rescue Plan funds and sound Township fiscal planning enabling greater use of miscellaneous revenue accounts and fund balance, allow the 2023 budget to result in NO tax increase for East Windsor residents with NO reductions in services or employees.  There were numerous challenges in the 2023 budget due to significant gaps in budget anticipated municipal revenues for several categories especially municipal court and major expenditure increases in the 2023 municipal budget for the dramatic state-imposed 22% hike in the State Health Benefits Plan, state pension payment costs, as well as significant increases in salaries and wages, contract increases and general inflationary costs factors.

Mayor Mironov stated, “This no tax increase budget is a fiscally conservative budget document which well serves our community and retains all employee positions and all existing service levels.  East Windsor has worked hard to keep our spending levels tight and continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, and has maintained a very low debt level.  This positive budget no tax increase outcome results from the pro-active efforts of the Township to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year and into future years.”

The Township tax base has increased by over $1.4 million for 2023, as East Windsor continues to be highly pro-active and successful in seeking to expand business opportunities and attract new commercial rateables.  New business projects in 2022 and 2023 include Jersey Mike’s and Cinnaholic in Town Center Plaza, Primrose School of East Windsor on Dutch Neck Road in the former Rite-Aid building, Jim Carl’s Auto Body Repair on Route 130 North, AJ Madison’s newly constructed building, relocation of Vectornate USA’s global headquarters to Old Trenton Road, and the major modern Innovation Park complex. 

Mayor Mironov thanked all of the Council Members, Manager and staff for their diligent efforts on the 2023 municipal budget.

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