Boy Scouting Anniversary Week

FOR RELEASE:  April 10,2024


Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing Boy Scouting Anniversary Week, February 4 to 10, 2024.  Mayor Mironov presented the Proclamation, accompanied by personal donations of support, to each of the three local boy scout troops and their Troop leaders; Boy Scout Troop 6284 Scoutmaster Gayle Wilton, Cub Pack 53 Scoutmaster Dan Burak, and Boy Scout Troop 5700 Scoutmaster Bruce Kramer.

 The Mayoral Proclamation, noting that the Boy Scouts of America was officially founded in 1910 and celebrating its 114th anniversary, praised Boy Scouting as a “youth program of character development, value-based programs and leadership training.” The Proclamation further states, “the Boy Scouts have continued to set an excellent example for all through their volunteerism, commitment to others, and dedication to bettering themselves and their communities."  Mayor Mironov’s Proclamation "expressed appreciation to and commended the outstanding work of the Boy Scout organization, their scout members, leaders and volunteers in our community." Mayor Mironov expressed her “enthusiastic support of the local Boy Scout organizations,” noting “We are proud to recognize our local Boy Scout Troops during Scouting Anniversary Week and touting the great opportunities scouting provides young people in East Windsor.  We are very proud of our local Boy Scouts and the terrific adults who volunteer their time and abilities to provide young people with the opportunity to learn new skills and make friends, while instilling in them strong values.  For the young people who join Boy Scouts, we commend you on making a wise choice which will enhance your life experiences.   The Township has been proud to partner with so many Scouts for their Eagle Projects, which have been a great service and benefit to the community.  We appreciate all of the scouts and leaders who have contributed to the success of such a vibrant organization in East Windsor.”

Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented the Proclamation for Boy Scouting Anniversary Week, along with a personal donation of support, to local Boy Scout Troop 5700.- Pictured (from left to right) are: Scoutmaster Bruce Kramer, Mayor Janice Mironov, Connor Suk, Joshua Conner, Cody Lisk, Cash Colleton, Jack Conner, Joey Nielsen, Joey Rogers and Assistant Scoutmaster Jess Colleton.

Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented the Proclamation for Boy Scouting Anniversary Week, along with a personal donation of support, to local Boy Scout Troop 6284.- Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Benjamin Burak, Aiden Wilton, Scoutmaster Gayle Wilton, Committee Member Alice Hillary, and Assistant Scoutmaster David Yasko.

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