Alcohol Awareness Month

FOR RELEASE: May 29, 2024


Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Council Member Johnnie Whittington, proclaimed the month of April Alcohol Awareness Month and presented a Mayoral Proclamation and an $ 1,100 grant check from the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse grant to the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee, represented by After Prom Committee President Ed Hirschman and After Prom Party Committee Member Heather Ruina Isaacs.

Mayor Mironov stated, “Each year for Alcohol Awareness Month, we focus on the good work of our high school After Prom Committee which sponsors the After Prom event, providing students, on their special night, a fun and safe prom evening. Underage drinking is a serious and prevalent problem in all our communities, and it is important that we come together as a community to underscore the dangers of underage drinking and to enhance the safety of our citizens. The caring parents and community members of the After Prom Committee work hard to make this event a success and provide a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.” 

The Mayoral Proclamation commends the East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee noting, “the After Prom Committee has been providing an after prom event for over thirty years, and during those years there have been no alcohol or drug related incidents on prom night.” 

Mayor Janice S. Mironov, thanked the After Prom Committee for all of their work, stating, “I know how much work goes into this event, not just the day of the event but all of the preparation that really begins the year before and all of the volunteers that help set everything up for a safe and fun event. Thank you for your good work for our high school students.

Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members present Proclamation recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month and an $1,100 East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (EWMAPSA) grant check to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee, praising them for their excellent efforts in offering a safe substance free environment for students After Prom event. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Johnnie Whittington, Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ed Hirschman, President, After Prom Committee, and Heather Ruina Isaacs, After Prom Party Committee Member.

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