Silver Level Sustainable Jersey Certification
Published on December 16, 2024
FOR RELEASE: December 16, 2024
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and the East Windsor Green Team members, once again for the 4th time, were awarded the Sustainable Jersey Silver Level Certification in a recent ceremony by Sustainable Jersey at the NJ League of Municipalities Conference.
Launched in 2009, Sustainable Jersey is a 100% voluntary certification program for municipalities in New Jersey that want to go green, save money and take steps to sustain their quality of life over the long term.
East Windsor was honored for the fourth time with Silver Level Sustainable Jersey Certification with 33 actions in 13 categories for a total of 370 points. East Windsor Township previously earned Silver Level Sustainable Jersey Certification, which is a three year certification, in 2015, 2018 and 2021. East Windsor earned silver certification action points for many Township initiated programs and actions undertaken by Mayor Mironov and Council Members, including creation of a Green Team, community outreach programs, emergency communications planning, farmland preservation plan, community garden, business recognition programs, open space preservation, environmental assessment ordinance, green grounds and maintenance policy, pest management, community recycling/paper shredding events and backyard composting program. East Windsor is one of only 25 municipalities statewide that achieved Sustainable Jersey Silver Level Certification in 2024.
Mayor Mironov stated, “This certification recognizes the Township’s pro-active sustainability efforts in developing community partnerships and outreach, recycling, emergency management, open space and farmland preservation, sustainable land use practices, energy conservation, and furthermore enables East Windsor Township to be eligible for future grants and funding opportunities. We are extremely proud of the substantial achievements of our municipality and this prestigious statewide recognition, and the dedicated efforts of our many volunteers. “Mayor Mironov added, “‘Green’ programs such as open space and farmland preservation and tree replacement efforts have always been a priority of East Windsor Township. We appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate our level of achievement with Sustainable Jersey, and we are honored to be recertified as a statewide Silver Level municipality.”
The members of the East Windsor Green Team are: Chairperson Ronald Balint; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member John Zoller; East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority Executive Director Richard Brand; Joseph Y. Miczak; Kevin Norris; Walter Schmidlin; William Egbert; Richard Eland; Raymond Wang, and Student Member Frost Gill.
Sustainable Jersey Executive Director Randall Solomon presented Sustainable Jersey Silver Certification plaque to Mayor Janice Mironov and East Windsor Green Team Chairman Ronald Balint. Pictured (from left to right) are: Randall Solomon, Executive Director, Sustainable Jersey; Joseph Miczak Green Team member, Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ronald Balint, Chairperson, East Windsor Green Team; Council Member John Zoller and Gary Sondermeyer; Chairperson Sustainable Jersey Board of Trustee.