East Windsor Township Kicks-Off “Bike at Night - Use a Light” Initiative Bicycle Safety Program

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that, as part of a multi-month bicycle safety initiative, the Township is launching "Bike at Night – Use a Light", on Tuesday August 4 which will continue through Friday September 11.

According to Mayor Mironov, "'Bike At Night, Use a Light', the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, is geared to safe biking at night and will be a directed effort, through public education and personal contact to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. Those who bicycle at night without proper lights are a danger not only to themselves, but to motorists using the roadways."

During this phase, which will run from August 4 through September 11, the Township will be distributing, at no cost, to East Windsor residents the required pair of bike lights along with safety information literature, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. During this period, East Windsor residents can go to the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours.

Mayor Mironov underscored the program goals stating, "I believe it is a worthy goal of our Township to launch a full public program to focus on and improve the safe use of bicycles within the Township by undertaking a pro-active education and outreach campaign." The Township multi-month bicycle safety initiative included Phase 1 "Use Your Head" a focus on the importance of wearing bicycle helmets, Phase 2 involved distribution of form summonses recognizing children wearing helmets and asking the young person to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades," which enabled them to be entered in a drawing for prizes. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a $10,000 grant from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.

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