East Windsor Township Promotes Memorial Tree Program for Arbor Day

Mayor Janice S. Mironov is encouraging residents and groups to honor Arbor Day celebrated on April 24, 2015, by planting a tree under the Township Memorial Tree Grove Program.

According to Mayor Mironov, “this Memorial Tree Program offers Township residents a unique opportunity to provide a living memorial to a deceased relative or friend or in remembrance or commemoration of a special person, group or event. The planting of a tree provides a special means to provide a living memorial to a deceased person or in honor of a special event while enhancing the environment of our community.”

The Township Memorial Tree Grove is located on the grounds of the East Windsor Municipal Building along Lanning Boulevard. A granite marker with the name of the deceased person or event to be remembered is provided with each tree.

Residents or groups can order a tree under the Memorial Tree Program through the Township Public Works Department. The cost includes the granite marker and tree planting. Memorial trees will be planted during a planting season, either Spring or Fall. Donors can indicate their preference for the kind of tree they would like planted.

Brochures describing the program, which include an order form, are available on-line at the Township website www.east-windsor.nj.us, or at the Township Municipal Building or by calling 443-4000, ext. 237.

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