East Windsor Township Launches Year Two of Community Garden on Disbrow Hill Road Open Space

East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township is launching year two of the Community Garden located on Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. Applications for participation in the Community Garden are now available, with initial planting projected to take place in April 2015.

The East Windsor Township Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. Gardeners will be assigned a plot which will be identified by a numbering system. Since the Community Garden pilot program will include only 20 plots, a lottery will be held if needed to determine participants.

Mayor Mironov stated, “The Community Garden, which is an exciting opportunity for local residents to reap the benefits of planting their own produce, is further affirmation of East Windsor’s commitment to a greener environment and sustainable community. The Community Garden is an environmentally friendly initiative which offers unique benefits and educational opportunities to residents of all ages to learn basic business principles and to share valued community goals.” Mayor Mironov added, “We encourage residents to participate in this fun community program by planting their own garden.”

Detailed information regarding the Community Garden will be provided to participants in writing and during an orientation where there will be a full review of the rules and guidelines, information for access to their plot, and guidance regarding how to start their new garden. For an application or additional information, visit the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.usor call the Municipal Clerk’s office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 248. Applications should be returned by March 13, 2015.

The Community Garden represents another example of East Windsor’s continued sustainable community efforts. The Township recently achieved Sustainable Jersey Bronze Level Re-Certification for several green initiatives including creation of a farmland preservation plan, inventory and upgrade of municipal buildings for energy efficiency, community recycling/paper shredding events, Buy Local campaign, “Cut it and Leave it” program, backyard composting program, tree protection ordinance, environmental assessment ordinance, sustainable land use commitment, green building policy and community outreach programs. Sustainable Jersey is a certification program that supports community efforts to enhance the environment by providing New Jersey municipalities with tools and training, and financial incentives to support and reward communities as they pursue sustainability programs.

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