East Windsor Township Honors Volunteers on Boards and Committees

Volunteers to Township boards and committees were honored at the East Windsor Annual Reorganization Meeting for their service to East Windsor Township. Mayor Janice Mironov provided Certificates of Appreciation to these individuals recognizing and thanking these Township outstanding volunteers.

Mayor Mironov praised the Township volunteers, noting that “they represent an important source of ideas for the municipal government and manpower to implement programs and activities for the community. We are pleased in East Windsor to have so many people willing to give their time to support and assist our efforts for our residents.”



Township volunteers were honored at the reorganization meeting and presented by Mayor Janice Mironov with Certificates of Appreciation. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Milly K. Brown (Local Assistance Board); Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ondina Jeffers (Commission on Aging Chairperson); Walter Schmidlin (Planning Board); (back row) Edward Kelley (Planning Board Chairperson, Environmental Commission); Rochelle Shifman (Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairperson); Michael Baskin (Recreation Commission); Lenox Ng (Environmental Commission).

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