East Windsor Farm Preserved on Cedarville Road through Mercer County/State Program

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that another East Windsor Township farm, consisting of 20.6 acres at 130 Cedarville Road, has been permanently preserved as farmland by Mercer County and the State pursuant to the New Jersey Agriculture Retention and Development Program.

Mayor Mironov stated, “We are excited to announce the addition of another permanently preserved farm in our agricultural rural zone, bringing our East Windsor totals to 16 preserved farms totaling approximately 1000 acres. East Windsor Township has always identified open space and farmland preservation as a top policy priority for our community, and pro-actively sought to maintain an environmentally healthy and green balance of land uses. The permanent preservation of this farm is consistent with the planning goals and efforts of East Windsor to pro-actively seek to balance positive economic growth with the preservation of open space and farmland throughout our community. Mayor Mironov noted, “We strongly support ensuring agriculture retains its important role as a thriving contributor to the Garden State’s economy, environment and quality of life. The Township farmland preservation efforts guarantee that a significant amount of East Windsor land will always be available for the enjoyment of future generations.”

The purchase of development rights and permanent preservation of this farm by Mercer County was unanimously endorsed by Mayor Mironov and Council Members by Resolution in July 2013 “as consistent with the planning goals and objectives of the municipality.” This farmland parcel is bordered to the north by a 20 acre Qualified Farm and a 64 acre preserved open space tract, and to the south by a 22 acre Qualified Farm.

Mayor Mironov added, “I applaud the staunch efforts of Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes in supporting our farmland preservation efforts, and the support of the Mercer County Freeholder Board and the County Agricultural Development Board in making possible the preservation of this strategically located East Windsor farm.”

Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes stated, “The preservation of this farm on Cedarville Road not only adds to the more than 5,000 farm acres preserved by Mercer County throughout the county, it represents another in a string of preserved farmland and open space parcels in East Windsor, and builds on the approximately 1000 farm acres already preserved in this vibrant municipality.”

Under the New Jersey Agriculture Retention and Development Program, landowners voluntarily agree to sell the development rights and a permanent deed restriction is placed on the property, ensuring it may be used only for agricultural purposes. The landowner retains ownership of the deed restricted land, and the easement purchase cost is shared by the State and County.

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