East Windsor Township Awarded $199,000 Post Sandy Mitigation Funds for Permanent Generators

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township was approved to receive two grants totaling $199,000 in Post Sandy Mitigation funds. The two grant awarded projects are $96,000 for a permanent generator for the East Windsor Public Works facility and $103,000 for a permanent generator for the East Windsor Senior Center.

The two grant funding awards were provided to East Windsor Township by Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes. Mercer County had received a total of $1,034,738 from the State of New Jersey Office of Mitigation, which could be allocated toward eligible projects as vetted under state criteria. Mayor Mironov and Council Member had submitted letters of intent to the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management to secure the funding for these projects.

Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor Township applied for funding for these two tremendously valuable projects from the New Jersey Office of Mitigation grant program, which was created in response to the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy. These grant awards will enable East Windsor to invest in permanent generators for two of our critical public buildings so the Township can effectively continue government operations and provide important services to our residents during power outages created by severe weather events or other emergency situations.” Mayor Mironov continued, “The generators also will allow the Township to ensure an available facility to our residents during these emergent for critical local needs including shelter, charging center for electronic devices and refrigeration for food and medical related products. We are appreciative to the State and to our County for their support of these community emergency management needs.”

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