East Windsor Township Sponsors New Year’s Food Drive Which Kicks off January 1 at Reorganization Meeting at Township Senior Center at 11 AM
Published on December 24, 2013
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that the Township is sponsoring a “New Year’s Food Drive,” which will kick off at the Township Reorganization meeting, and continuing through January 31, 2014.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members are encouraging residents and businesses who attend the Township Reorganization meeting on Wednesday, January 1 at 11 a.m. at the East Windsor Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard) to bring non-perishable food items for donations to local food pantries. This largely ceremonial annual meeting will include the administration of the oaths of office to re-elected Council Members Hector Duke, Alan Rosenberg and Perry Shapiro, and various appointments and recognitions. Mayor Janice Mironov and Council members warmly welcome the public to join them at the January 1 reorganization meeting. A reception and refreshments will follow.
Throughout the remainder of January, non-perishable food item donations can be dropped off at the East Windsor Township Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or at the East Windsor Police Building at 80 One Mile Road at any time and the East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 2 at 73 Twin Rivers Drive.
According to Mayor Mironov, “As the holiday season and its special focus on good deeds passes, we want to remind everyone that the need for assistance to people in our area continues, and call upon our community’s proven spirit of generosity. As we begin a New Year, let us remember our neighbors who need our help and support, especially during the winter months.” Mayor Mironov added, “Typically, we understand that donations drop off after the holidays, and we hope that this special effort will help feed area people.”
All food will be given to the Food Pantry at RISE and the Green House Food Pantry at St. Anthony’s Church, for distribution to local individuals and families. Both are area-based organizations providing assistance to local individuals and families. Questions by the public can be directed to 609-443-4000, ext. 237.