Innovative Logistics Relocates to Wyckoffs Mill Road in East Windsor Township

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that Innovative Logistics, a company which provides support and distribution services for the publishing industry, has relocated to an available 84,000 square foot building at 406 Wyckoffs Mill Road. The site is located just north of Route 33, near the redesigned East Windsor Interchange 8 of the New Jersey Turnpike.

Innovative Logistics, owned and operated by Robert Hughes for 6 years, is relocating from Lakewood to the 10.6 acre property in East Windsor. The 84,000 square foot building will be utilized as a distribution center with accompanying office and storage space. The company, which currently has approximately 30 employees, plans to add approximately 15 employees soon after moving to East Windsor.

Mayor Mironov stated, “East Windsor’s exemplary location with easy access to major transportation networks is a huge attraction to the successful operations and growth of business. The Wyckoffs Mill Road location also allows Innovative Logistics to take full advantage of the redesigned East Windsor Interchange 8 of the New Jersey Turnpike, which will greatly assist them with their focus on worldwide distribution.” Mayor Mironov continued, “The relocation of Innovative Logistics, an effective support company for the publishing industry, to East Windsor will add local jobs and tax dollars to our community.”

According to company President Robert Hughes, “We are extremely excited about moving our company to East Windsor Township. We chose East Windsor because of their business friendly atmosphere and outstanding location.” Mr. Hughes added, “We look forward to expanding our business in East Windsor and maintaining a long lasting relationship with Township officials and the entire community.”

Innovative Logistics is a global distribution company which processes the shipping and receiving of hundreds of thousands of books annually. Innovative Logistics specializes in delivering sales and fulfillment services covering all aspects of book distribution for publishers who do not have their own infrastructure. The company offers credit and collections, sales, marketing and developed technology for warehousing, logistics and distribution. Their customer base consists of 63 worldwide publishers of art, architecture, children’s and topical books. In addition to servicing the publishing industry, Innovative Logistics also services the office equipment industry and provides replenishment of books and supplies for the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center. For additional information, see Innovative Logistics’ website at

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