East Windsor Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Township Senior Citizens Center

Mayor Janice Mironov announced that East Windsor Township is holding a 10th Anniversary Celebration for the East Windsor Township Senior Center on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. The event will be at the Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard.

Mayor Mironov stated, "We enthusiastically invite our senior citizens to join us for this special milestone celebration. Our modern center has enabled use for many diverse interests, from computer and dance, to health programs and discussions, movies and parties, and just hanging out to socialize, read or watch TV." Mayor Mironov added, "Our seniors and many others in the community refer to our center as ‘a blessing’ and ‘a second home’."

The 10th Anniversary celebration will feature a formal program, including seniors, elected officials and senior organization representatives. A ceremonial tree planting commemorating the 10th year then will take place. Food and entertainment will follow the scheduled program.

The approximately 11,000 square feet Senior Center replaced the former one room center on Dutch Neck Road. The Center, which is over four times the size of the former building, was designed to accommodate a wide range of activities for seniors with separate rooms for computer use, arts and crafts, health screenings, card playing and billiards, reading, and watching television. The Center’s largest room, a multi-purpose room of almost 2,300 square feet can be partitioned and provides ample space for meals, exercise programs, dance classes, and special events and other activities.

The approximately $2 million Center, including furnishings, was funded by governmental grants and private donations. No Township tax dollars were used for the project. Governmental grants for construction of the Center included a $400,000 Small Cities CDBG grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, a $400,000 State legislative appropriation, a $500,000 grant from Mercer County, and a $145,000 federal legislative appropriation. Other funds for the center included $280,000 in proceeds from a prior CDBG grant recaptured in the sale of the prior center and over $100,000 from private donations including through "The Giving Tree" program.

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