East Windsor Township Recognized for Sustainable Jersey Bronze Level Certification

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced that East Windsor Township was recognized for achieving Sustainable Jersey Bronze Level Certification at the annual Sustainable Jersey special recognition ceremony on January 29. Sustainable Jersey is a certification program that supports community efforts to improve the environment by providing New Jersey municipalities with tools and training, and financial incentives to support and reward communities as they pursue sustainability programs.

East Windsor Township exceeded the minimum 150 action points, including priority actions and creation of a municipal Green Team, to be certified. East Windsor received action points for many Township initiated programs and actions undertaken by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members, including creation of a farmland preservation plan, inventory and upgrade of municipal buildings for energy efficiency, community recycling/paper shredding events, Buy Local campaign, “Cut it and Leave it” program, backyard composting program, tree protection ordinance, environmental assessment ordinance, sustainable land use commitment, green building policy and community outreach programs.

Mayor Mironov stated, “Sustainable Jersey is a certification program available to municipalities in New Jersey that want to ‘go green’, save money, and take steps to sustain long term environmental quality for their community. The certification recognizes the Township efforts in recycling, environmental resource protection, energy conservation, sustainable land use practices and furthermore enables East Windsor Township to be eligible for future grants and funding opportunities.” Mayor Mironov added, “East Windsor is proud to be a part of this successful program and we look forward to working with Sustainable Jersey on additional green initiatives into the future.”

Launched in 2009, Sustainable Jersey is a certification program for municipalities in New Jersey. New Jersey is the first state in the nation to have a comprehensive sustainability program for communities that links certification with strong state and private financial incentives, and a fully resourced program of technical support and training. Sustainable Jersey is 100% voluntary, and each town can choose whether it wishes to get certified and the actions it wants to do in order to achieve their goal.

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Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Green Team Members accept award at Sustainable Jersey special recognition ceremony, in recognition of East Windsor Township’s Bronze Level Certification. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sustainable Jersey Co-Director Donna Drewes; Sustainable Jersey Chairperson Pam Mount; Council Member/Green Team Member John Zoller; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Planning Board Chairperson/Green Team Member Edward Kelley, and Sustainable Jersey Co-Director Randall Solomon.

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