East Windsor Township Presents 2018 "Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders" $1000 Scholarship to East Windsor 2018 High School Graduate Ali Raza Husaini
Published on July 09, 2018
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, at the June 26 Council meeting, presented the 2018 New Jersey League of Municipalities “Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders” $1,000 Scholarship to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School 2018 graduate ALI RAZA HUSAINI, who was one of the three statewide winners. The New Jersey League of Municipalities statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. East Windsor resident Ali Raza Husaini will be attending Franklin and Marshall College and has also been a student member of the East Windsor Economic Development Committee.
Mayor Mironov stated, “The League of Municipalities sponsored Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition provides a unique opportunity for area high school students to demonstrate an interest in their local elected officials and municipal operations. We are very proud of Ali for his excellent efforts in achieving this statewide recognition, and his thoughtful observations about our local government.” Mayor Mironov added, “Ali Raza Husaini is a bright young student who understands the value and importance of being involved in the community and we are excited that this $1,000 scholarship will assist in supporting his educational goals.”
In a portion of his winning essay Ali Raza Husaini writes, “As a Student Member of the Economic Development Committee, I have been placed on the forefront of economic development undertakings while involving the relevant departments within my high school to aid the process.” His essay further notes, “My Township has been instrumental in challenging me to be a leader that seeks out unique solutions to better the community around me. Not only have I been exposed to key policy issues on the local level, but I have been prompted to make these policy points part of the education and daily lives of youth. As one who intends to study business and policy, East Windsor Township has inspired in me the leadership skills necessary to be on the front lines of change and not take a backseat, to satisfy challenges through innovative methods that make youth the most integral part of the solution.”
The New Jersey State League of Municipalities, by way of its municipalities, promotes this opportunity for three high school juniors or seniors throughout New Jersey to be awarded the $1,000 scholarship through the Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov makes presentation to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School 2018 graduate Ali Raza Husaini, winner of the 2018 New Jersey League of Municipalities “Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders” $1,000 Scholarship award.