East Windsor Releases Final Route 33 Corridor Revitalization Plan and Endorses Report Concepts

East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov and the Township Council released and endorsed the final “East Windsor and Hightstown Route 33 Corridor Revitalization Plan” concepts, and voted to move forward in collaboration with the Township Planning Board and Hightstown Borough to implement the Plan’s vision.

The plan recommendations for the area along Route 33 from Route 130 in East Windsor to Summit Street in Hightstown include the establishment of four land use/zoning categories for Gateway Retail, Big Box Retail, Main Street Retail, and Planned Campus Development. The Plan further calls for establishment of a regional stormwater retention basin to serve as an aesthetic and recreational asset, and circulation improvements to minimize multiple trips and create a strong pedestrian/bikeway network. The overall circulation plan concepts include a primary focus on improvements to the intersection of Route 33 and Airport Road, as well as improvements to the intersection of Route 33 and Summit Street, and creation of an interconnected network of trails, bikeways and sidewalks, adding landscaped median, roadway edges, shared driveways, and shared parking with turn lanes at intersections and major driveways along various segments of Route 33.

According to Mayor Mironov, “the Plan is the culmination of a very successful productive joint planning effort between East Windsor and Hightstown. East Windsor elected officials have voted to endorse the concepts in the Route 33 Revitalization Plan and continue to work in collaboration with Hightstown officials to move forward and implement the Plan’s vision and recommendations.” Mayor Mironov added, “This Plan will provide a guide in the development of this high potential area of our two communities in a manner that is creative, pro-active and thoughtful for the benefit of our area. We are excited by many of the ideas and components set forth in the Plan and look forward to bringing many of them to reality.”

This planning initiative, funded by a $100,000 Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) Transportation and Community Development Initiative grant obtained by East Windsor Township, was undertaken to review current zoning and existing uses along Route 33, from Route 130 in East Windsor to Summit Street in Hightstown, with particular attention to the 38 acre former Minute Maid property divided between East Windsor and Hightstown (21 acres vacant land in the Township and 16 acres and the former plant facility in Hightstown), and to determine the most appropriate uses and zone changes to enhance development and redevelopment opportunities for this area. The study also was to examine traffic circulation, potential roadway and intersection improvements and available infrastructure to support development, with special focus on the Route 33/Airport Road intersection. The consultant Heyer Gruel & Associates was assisted by Urban Engineers and RES Advisors on this project, which kicked off in October of 2010.

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