East Windsor Township Mayor Mironov Recognizes Student Members on Township Boards and Commissions During National Volunteer Week

Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed National Volunteer Week April 10 to 16 and recognized the Student Member volunteers on Township Boards and Commissions for their service and interest.

Mayor Mironov noted, “The East Windsor Mayor and Council created a program of appointing high school students to Township boards and committees in an effort to involve young people in their municipal government, and have been excited by the results of the program. The program in general was to help provide some fresh ideas and new input from young people in the community, by having them share their classroom experiences, by way of their school clubs and activities. It has really been a lot of fun in addition to very informative and educational for all of us who have served with our students on the different boards and committees.”

Mayor Mironov continued, “It was our hope that the program would provide an opportunity for young people to learn more about their local government and how it works. We also hoped that as they grow in their lives and as citizens in the community, they would be interested in continuing that involvement, be it by volunteering on a board or committee or a township project or perhaps even running for local office.”

Environmental Commission/Green Team Student Member Jay Vaingankar, a senior and student body president, noted the Environmental Commission and Green Team Committee have worked to get recognition from Sustainable NewJersey for efforts to increase sustainability of the town. This is a really diverse group of people with every grade represented here, all different academic levels, all different interests. It has definitely given me a great insight into politics and government, and that’s definitely something that I’d like to pursue in the future. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you for literally giving us a seat at the table.”

Mayor Mironov thanked and presented Certificates of Appreciation to Student Members: Chirayu Gupta, Clean Communities Committee; Sree Chinta, Commission on Aging; Yona Kornsgold, Economic Development Committee; Vaibhav Mehta, Economic Development Committee; Jasman Singh, Economic Development Committee; Ian Jurkiewicz, Economic Development Committee; Sarah Heyburn, Economic Development Committee; Virpartap Grewal, Environmental Commission and Green Team;Rithesh Neelamagam, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Jay Vaingankar, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Harish Rabindran, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Aditya Shah, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Aish Parulekar Health Advisory Board; Jack Krall, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for Prevention of Substance Abuse; Riya Parulekar, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for Prevention of Substance Abuse; Alexis Brandon, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for Prevention of Substance Abuse; Raveena Kumar, Recreation Commission, and Manas Sood, Recreation Commission.


Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed National Volunteer Week April 10-16, and presented Student Members of the Township Boards and Commissions with Certificates of Appreciation at recent Council meeting. Pictured from left to right are: Chirayu Gupta, Clean Communities Committee; Aditya Shah, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Jay Vaingankar, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Manas Sood, Recreation Commission; Alexis Brandon, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for Prevention of Substance Abuse; Sarah Heyburn, Economic Development Committee; Jasman Singh, Economic Development Committee; Virpartap Grewal, Environmental Commission and Green Team; Sree Chinta, Commission on Aging; and Rithesh Neelamagam, Environmental Commission and Green Team.

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