Windsor Nissan Donates $1500 Grant To East Windsor Senior Center

Mayor Janice S. Mironov, along with Senior Center Coordinator Karen Theer and senior volunteers, accepted a $1500 grant donation from the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation to the East Windsor Township Senior Center from Marcy Maguire, CEO of Windsor Nissan/Maguire Automotive Group, and Trustee of the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation. Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation distributes more than $250,000 to organizations in the public and private sectors each year, supporting a variety of causes, from emergency and medical services to educational programs.

Mayor Janice Mironov stated “The seniors are grateful to Windsor Nissan and the Maguire Group companies for their generous support of the East Windsor Senior Center. The Senior Center is an important focal point for senior citizens in our community providing diverse educational and health programs, exercise and dance classes, speakers, movies and social activities. It is anticipated that the funds will help underwrite audio-visual equipment to enhance the quality of some of the programming and presentations.” Mayor Mironov added, noting that the Center originally was constructed and equipped by way of grants and private donations, “the Township is fortunate to have valued private partners such as Windsor Nissan which enable East Windsor to provide a wider variety of opportunities for our treasured senior citizens.”


Marcy Maguire presents Mayor Janice Mironov with $1500 donation to the Senior Center from the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation. Pictured (from left to right), are: Karen Theer, Senior Center Director; Joan Gordon, Senior Center Volunteer; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Marcy Maguire, CEO, Windsor Nissan/Maguire Automotive Group, and Caryl Schienvar, Senior Center Volunteer.

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