East Windsor Township Holds Public Meeting Wednesday, February 24 for Input on Township Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study

Mayor Janice S. Mironov announced the Township will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, February 24 seeking input from East Windsor residents as part of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Study to review and enhance non-vehicular opportunities throughout the Township. The meeting will be held Wednesday, February 24 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor Township Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. Mayor Mironov, New Jersey Department of Transportation staff, and the study consultant will provide a brief presentation to introduce the project at the beginning of the meeting. Thereafter, the public is welcome to review study information and draft findings to date, and to informally provide input.

Mayor Mironov stated, “The Plan is intended to set out a master plan for the future to enhance the bicycle and pedestrian network in our community and to make East Windsor a safer place for walking and biking. Our goal is to supplement and enrich existing pathways, trails and sidewalks within the Township to provide additional opportunities which address needs and desires of our residents.” Mayor Mironov added, “Public input is an important key to this process, and it is my hope that our residents will take advantage of this opportunity”

East Windsor Township was accepted in late 2014 into the competitive Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Assistance Program, sponsored and funded through the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The program, coordinated through the NJDOT Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs, provides technical and planning assistance for development of a comprehensive local bicycle and pedestrian plan. A committee appointed by Mayor Mironov -- consisting of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Council Member Perry Shapiro, Planning Board Chairperson Edward Kelly, Environmental Commission and Green Team Chairperson Ronald Balint, Clean Communities Vice-Chairperson Gary Fournier, and Police Lieutenant Chris Jackson -- worked with the NJDOT and the state consultant, Parsons-Brinckerhoff to develop the Plan.

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