March 29, 2019 - NO TAX INCREASE Again in 2019 Municipal Budget Introduced by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members. The 2019 municipal tax rate component remains the same for seven consecutive years -- 2013 through 2019, at the rate of 43 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. This means that for the average current residential assessment of $258,825, the 2019 municipal tax is $1,120. The East Windsor municipal component remains at less than 15% of the total local property tax bill, and is among the lowest amounts in the entire region and well below the statewide average. The 2019 municipal tax levy also is well below the available state cap levy amounts. The fiscally conservative budget document will continue to deliver a high quality level of services to residents. The NO TAX INCREASE municipal budget is a result of the Township's commitment to continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, a significant increase in new businesses and ratables, a low debt level, and pro-active efforts to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year.
- Township Accepting Applications from Residents for Participation in the 2019 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application online (CLICK HERE) or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238 for further information.
- LAST CALL: Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to East Windsor Residents During March as part of Township-sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
 East Windsor Township is providing free Gun Safety Locks to residents during the month of March. - Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 30, from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M., rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located at 350 Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paints, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellants, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment, including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, televisions, stereos, and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MICA website at or call (609) 278-8086.
- East Windsor Kicks Off Distracted Driver "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" Campaign Underwritten by $5,500 Distracted Driving Enforcement Grant, to Run Through April 21. The $5,500 NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" grant, part of a statewide initiative, is for targeted enforcement of distracted driving behaviors, such as texting, holding a cell phone, grooming, reading, and using other electronic devices while driving. This initiative is geared to promote the responsible operation of motor vehicles for everyone through increased public awareness and education as well as enforcement of existing state distracted driving laws. Motorists should give their full attention to the roadway while driving and do their part to help keep our roadways safer for all drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
 Mayor Janice S. Mironov and police department kick off "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" Campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Gregory Hager; Police Officer Sebastian Marin; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Sergeant Ryan Ballard, and Police Officer Michael Greco. - Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, April 13 at 9 A.M., at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, April 14 at 1:30 P.M.). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes, and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.
- Mayor Janice S. Mironov Participated in Meals on Wheels of Mercer County "Community Champions Week". The Mayor joined local volunteers to deliver meals to program participants during the week of March 18, to generate public awareness about senior hunger and isolation, to celebrate the invaluable services provided by the various meals on wheels programs, and to recruit new volunteers and support for the program. Meals on Wheels of Mercer County helps homebound and elderly residents to maintain their independence, health and well-being through delivery of a meal Monday through Friday by volunteers in East Windsor and other Mercer County communities. Individuals with mid-day availability can volunteer according to their availability to deliver meals to local seniors. The program is made possible by the generous support of volunteers who deliver the meals and provide daily contact to the homebound and elderly. For more information regarding the Meals on Wheels program or to volunteer, contact Meals on Wheels of Mercer County at (609) 695-3483 or visit

Mayor Mironov joins program volunteers to deliver meals to area senior citizens during Meals on Wheels of Mercer County "Community Champions Week." - Join in the Stream Cleanup Co-Sponsored by East Windsor Township and The Watershed Institute on Saturday, April 13, from 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. at Etra Lake Park, Rain or Shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, T-shirts, and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit The Watershed Institute website at or contact Erin Stretz at or (609) 737-3735, ext. 17.
- East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nominations forms, due Thursday, April 11, are available at the municipal building, on Township website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
- East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, April 27 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M., Rain or Shine, at the East Windsor Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents. There is a limit of ten boxes per household, and no commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop off cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges, as well as used electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will have trucks on-site to collect clothing, shoes, blankets, housewares (plates, mugs, and related items) and working household appliances and electronics. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
- East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2019 Township Adopt-A-Spot Program. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up three times per month from April 1 through November 30. Adopt-A-Spot is a great program in not only ensuring public areas of our community are well-maintained, but also has been a wonderful educational tool for teaching young people social responsibility and community pride. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.
- East Windsor Recreation Department Offers 2019 Spring Break Camp for Students in Kindergarten through Second Grades. The Nature and Exploration Camp will be held at the Etra Lake Park Environmental Center, April 22 to April 26, 9 3 P.M. Campers will explore nature and investigate wildlife while engaged in hands-on art, science and outdoor activities. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.
- East Windsor Recreation Department is Accepting Applications for 2019 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, lifeguards, before and after care camp staff, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or online at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
- East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Open for Township Residents. Recreation day camps will be offered for students entering grades Kindergarten through 6. The Explorer camp is designed for campers entering grades Kindergarten and 1, the Adventure camp is designed for campers entering grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and the 2019 Travel camps are offered for campers entering grades 5 through 9. Camp Care for before and after care of campers is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.
- East Windsor Township Launches Nixle Communications System, implemented by Mayor and Council, to enable immediate text messages to registered cell phones and email addresses, to alert residents and businesses about safety and health subjects of concern, such as severe weather conditions, traffic disruption alerts, road closures, flooding conditions, power outages and important public health notices, as well as other significant community updates and important announcements. The Nixle communications tool will assist the Township in notifying large numbers of people in real time concerning conditions or issues affecting safety and travel issues. Residents are encouraged to register for the notifications by texting "08520" to the number 888-777 from their cell phone. Residents also can register online (CLICK HERE) to receive the notifications via email and/or mobile phone. IMPORTANT NOTE: Regardless of your zip code, you must register under the zip code 08520 to receive East Windsor related Nixle alerts.