April 24, 2020
- REMINDER: Effective Monday, April 13 through May 9, 2020, Changes to Township Garbage Collection and Related Service Changes. (CLICK HERE)
- NO TAX INCREASE Again in 2020 East Windsor Municipal Budget Adopted by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members on April 21. The 2020 municipal tax rate component remains the same for eight consecutive years -- 2013 through 2020, at the rate of 43 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. This means that for the average current residential assessment of $258,747, the 2020 municipal tax is $1,120. The 2020 Municipal Budget contains additional funds allocated for health department and other extra expenses associated with the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) circumstances. The East Windsor municipal component remains at less than 15% of the total local property tax bill, and is among the lowest amounts in the entire region and well below the statewide average. The 2020 municipal tax levy also is well below the available state cap levy amounts. The fiscally conservative and responsible budget document will continue to deliver a high quality level of services to residents and respond to the needs of the community. The NO TAX INCREASE municipal budget is a result of the Township's commitment to continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, a significant increase in new businesses and ratables, a low debt level, and pro-active efforts to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year.
- Quarterly Property Tax Payment Due May 1. Over the past few weeks, many Township residents have inquired about the May 1, 2020 property tax payments. The laws of New Jersey set the due dates, including the May 1 payment, and allow up to a ten day grace period for the payment of property taxes. East Windsor has always allowed the ten day grace period. No changes have been made by the State of New Jersey regarding property tax payment dates, provision of additional time or waiver of interest. Therefore, payments are due on May 1 and must be received by May 11 to avoid any interest payments. While many taxpayers prefer to pay property taxes by cash, this method requires additional procedures and safeguards during this health emergency. WE ASK THAT PROPERTY TAXES BE PAID ONLINE, OR BY CHECK, OR BY MONEY ORDER, AND TO MAKE CASH PAYMENTS WHEN IT IS YOUR ONLY OPTION.
- PAY ONLINE: by e-check or debit card or credit card, 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us/pay-a-tax-bill. Online payments are subject to a convenience fee of $1.05 for e-check payments, and 2.95% for all other credit and debit card payments. This service also allows a taxpayer online access to the current year's tax bill as well as their tax account history for the prior three years..
- MAIL: to East Windsor Township, Attn: Tax Office, 16 Lanning Blvd., East Windsor, NJ 08520-1999. If a receipt is required, include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
- DROP-OFF BOX: located outside the East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard.
- CASH PAYMENTS: will be accepted on the following dates and times at the East Windsor Police/Court Building, located at 80 One Mile Road:
- Friday, May 1 (1 P.M - 3 P.M.)
- Monday, May 4 (11 A.M - 1 P.M.)
- Wednesday, May 6 (1 P.M - 3 P.M.)
- Friday, May 8 (11 A.M - 1 P.M.)
- Monday, May 11 (1 P.M - 3 P.M.)
- NOTE: The Homestead Credit initially authorized has been rescinded by the State of New Jersey, and no Homestead Credit will be issued for the May 2020 tax quarter. For more information, contact the Tax Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 231.
- Earth Day Marked a 50th Anniversary on April 22. Earth Day is an international celebration that launched the modern environmental movement and also the 50th Birthday of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. In East Windsor, Earth Day is celebrated with several environmental activities, a highlight being an annual Elementary School Poster Contest to promote the "4 Rs" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled; REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCE materials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY buy goods that use recycled materials. While the health emergency necessitated cancellation of the poster contest, the following two posters were received and represent the important interest of local students in improving and preserving our environment.

Farrah Schack

Madeline Kate Hayston
2nd Grade
- REMINDER ALERT: You Haven't Missed Your Chance to Participate in the 2020 CENSUS. If you have not responded, a paper form is on the way. Watch your mailbox this week for your opportunity to bring important resources to support education, health care, housing, and political power to the community. If a paper form doesn’t work for you, there are so many ways to count yourself in the 2020 CENSUS -- do it now! To respond online, visit my2020Census.gov. To respond by phone, call toll-free (844) 330-2020.

Visit 2020census.gov/en/response-rates to see how many have accepted the challenge.
- East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority (EWMUA) Will Begin Semi-Annual Hydrant Flushing to remove sediment from pipes, monitor water flows and pressures, and provide visual inspection of the hydrants during the overnight hours between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. on the following dates:
- April 27 through May 1: Twin Rivers and Centex areas.
- May 4 through May 8: Windsor Regency, Georgetown, Cranbury Manor and sections of Route 130.
- May 11 through May 15: Hickory Acres, Brooktree area, Renaissance area, Princeton East, Oak Creek Estates and sections of Route 130.
This schedule is subject to change due to conflicting work that must be done by EWMUA personnel. According to the EWMUA, customers may notice a drop in water pressure or may experience discolored water. At no time will the water quality be compromised, and the water is safe to use. Check www.eastwindsormua.com for updates, or call the East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority at (609) 443-6000 with any questions.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed April 20, 2020 Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust, known Internationally as Yom HaShoah. The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes Yom HaShoah, "in memory of the victims, survivors and their liberators, and in furtherance of the hopes that we, as a Township and as individual citizens, will strive to overcome prejudice, hatred and indifference through education, tolerance, vigilance and remembrance."
- East Windsor Recreation Department is Accepting Applications for 2020 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, lifeguards, before and after care camp staff, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or online at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
- East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Is Open for Township Residents. Recreational day camps will be offered for students entering grades Kindergarten through 6. The Explorer camp is designed for campers entering grades Kindergarten and 1 and the Adventure camp is designed for campers entering grades 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Our 2020 Travel camps are offered for campers entering grades 5 through 9. Camp Care for before and after care of campers is also available for an additional fee. Online registration and payment is available at (CLICK HERE). Program information is available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.