July 24, 2020 - REMINDER: East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding Event on Wednesday, July 29 from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M., Rain or Shine, at the East Windsor Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). NO OTHER DROP-OFFS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS EVENT. This Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, will offer Free document shredding to East Windsor residents (no commercial drop-offs are permitted), with a limit of ten boxes per household. All drop off shall be "Contact-less" and residents must remain in their vehicles at all times. Trained staff wearing masks and gloves will remove items from the trunk and rear seat of the vehicle. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215
- ALERT: New Jersey Department of Transportation Roadway Milling And Repaving Project for Route 133 Continues with Milling and Paving of Westbound Lanes during overnight hours, 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Route 133 will remain open during non-work hours. Upcoming scheduled work includes milling and paving of shoulders and ramps westbound, with ramp and partial lane closures during overnight hours, 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Residents should be alert to posted road closures and detours.
- East Windsor Roadway Improvements to Charred Oak Lane and Shagbark Lane Continues with Concrete Repairs to Curbs and Driveway Aprons. Upon completion of the concrete work, milling and resurfacing will follow, with anticipated project completion by July 31, weather permitting.
- East Windsor Township Announces Winners of 4th of July Home Decorating Contest! Stephanie Hondorp, Karen Klingaman, and Donald and Marlana Rokose were chosen as the winners. Each will receive a Barnes and Noble Gift Card. We hope everyone who participated enjoyed showing off their creative talents and had some fun together. Thank you to all who took part!
