July 4, 2020 Message From Mayor Janice S. Mironov  Today we celebrate the Fourth of July, the 244th Birthday of our Nation's Independence and the ratification of the Declaration of Independence forming our great United States of America. In that document, our founders powerfully declared these universally well-known words, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These foundational ideals and values must remain at the core of our common aspirations as a country and instruct our daily lives in our communities. As individuals and as a country, we have much more work to do as we strive together to a more perfect union of advancing these promises for every single person. On this day, as we proudly fly the American flag, we recognize our blessings, even in the midst of these unprecedented times and challenges, that we live in a country which affords us great freedoms and great opportunities. As citizens, we are vested with shared responsibilities to engage, to be vigilant and to actively work to preserve and advance the values which represent the best of our American ideals. As the compassionate spirit of America remains a living faith, and drawing on the courage of our Founding Fathers and the resolve of our citizens, we willingly embrace the challenges before us. On behalf of your elected officials and our entire community, today, we honor and thank the many men and women who put their lives on the line every day here and abroad, and through the course of our history, to defend our Nation and to protect our American vision of liberty and equality for all. In time, not too far in the future, we will resume the more traditional ways of coming together, through ceremonies, parades, music and fireworks, to observe our great Nation’s birth. We all have learned to do many things ‘virtually’ over the last several months. In the spirit of the Fourth of July holiday, let’s share a ‘virtual’ fireworks display from a prior year celebration in East Windsor Township Etra Lake Park set to America the Beautiful. Be Strong, Be Hopeful for America and for Our Future! Mayor Janice S. Mironov 