October 16, 2020 - REMINDER: Mercer County Holds Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, October 17 from 9 A.M. to 12 Noon, rain or shine, in Parking Lot 4 across the street from 640 South Broad Street (Mercer County Administration Building), Trenton. Residents may bring up to eight boxes or bags of paper; no commercial businesses are permitted. Proof of residency such as a driver's license is required. For further information, visit www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
- East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority (EWMUA) Is Conducting Semi-Annual Hydrant Flushing to remove sediment from pipes, monitor water flows and pressures, and provide visual inspection of the hydrants during the overnight hours between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. on the following dates: This schedule is subject to change due to conflicting work that must be done by EWMUA personnel. According to the EWMUA, customers may notice a drop in water pressure or may experience discolored water. At no time will the water quality be compromised, and the water is safe to use. Check www.eastwindsormua.com for updates, or call the East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority at (609) 443-6000 with any questions.
- October 19 through October 23: Twin Rivers and Centex areas.
- October 26 through October 30: Windsor Regency, Georgetown, Cranbury Manor and sections of Route 130.
- November 2 through November 6: Hickory Acres, Brooktree area, Renaissance area, Princeton East, Oak Creek Estates and sections of Route 130.
- East Windsor Will Participate in Operation Medicine Cabinet on Saturday, October 24 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M., a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reducing possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs. The Township has a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building at 80 One Mile Road for the collection of these various medications. This special one-day collaborative event with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is intended to focus community attention on the importance and opportunity for secure and responsible disposal of medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the DEA on the next business day for final disposal. The Township maintains a year-round 24/7 accessible permanent medicine drop box in the lobby of the police/court building.
 - Vote By Mail Ballots Were Mailed to All Registered Voters for the November 3 General Election. If you have not yet received your VBM Ballot, contact the Mercer County Clerk at (609) 989-6494. Voters can return the completed VBM ballot by mail in the pre-paid envelope or place it in any secure drop box, one is located in front of the East Windsor Municipal Court Building (80 One Mile Road) up to 8 P.M. on Election Day. Voters also can return their own VBM Ballot personally to their polling location on Election Day. You can track the receipt of your VBM ballot online (CLICK HERE). Voters who choose to vote in person on Election Day will vote by provisional paper ballot. A voter with disabilities will vote on an ADA-accessible voting machine. If questions, call the Mercer hotline at (609) 278-2719 or the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237. Polling locations have been consolidated for the General Election, and voters will receive mailed notice of their polling place.
 - East Windsor Will Hold Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners on Saturday, November 7 from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 14 from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination to receive a vaccination of three year duration; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. All persons attending the rabies clinic are required to wear a face covering over their mouth and nose at all times and must maintain social distancing of six feet minimum, per CDC guidelines. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or (CLICK HERE).
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) REMINDERS: Due to rising numbers of COVID-19 cases in New Jersey and locally, East Windsor Township Officials remind residents to follow the advice and directives of health care professionals and government officials. Continue to protect yourself with the following precautions in an effort to avoid being exposed to this virus:
- Wear a Face Covering, over your nose and mouth in public spaces where there are other people.
- Social Distance by staying at least six feet away from other people.
- Wash Your Hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If soap and water are not accessible, Use a Hand Sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose and Mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid Close Contact with people who are sick.
- Stay Home if you are sick, except to get medical care.
- Cover Your Mouth and Nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
For additional information and safety resources visit covid19.nj.gov.