September 11, 2020 Message from Mayor Janice S. Mironov  Today marks nearly two decades since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, at the Pentagon and in the fields of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Today, we all pause to remember and reflect on the life changing and unforgettable events of that painful and powerful day, which personally and directly impacted each of us who lived through that time. The piercing events of that day are forever inscribed in our hearts and souls. In East Windsor, we have gathered at the municipal building 9/11 memorial 30 days after and every year since to remember those who perished and their families and friends, to honor our many heroes and to rededicate ourselves to this Nation's treasured values and freedoms. As a people and Nation, we responded to the events of that day with the very best that America has to offer as we turned to one another to give help and support. We remember and honor the many individuals who bravely stepped up to assist their fellow citizens and the many acts of true heroism and kindness generated by so many individuals around us during those unthinkable events and the days following. On this 19th anniversary of 9/11, let us remember how we came together in the immediate aftermath of that day, finding strength and resolve to recover and move forward. In remembering the fateful events of September 11, 2001, let us remember our collective strength and determination that has allowed our Nation to persevere in the most challenging of circumstances. We celebrate today officially as “Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.” May the memory of 9/11 empower us with a renewed sense of purpose, a heightened love of country and a belief in what it really means to be an American. This day, we commit to renewing our support and respect for the important values, institutions, and freedoms which this awesome nation, which we are thankful to call our home, represents and which truly unite us, and to actively work to ensure their preservation. A video of the East Windsor Township September 11, 2020 Observance Ceremony can be viewed by clicking here. Mayor Janice S. Mironov 