Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Anthony Katawick, Marc Lippman, David Russell, Johnnie Whittington and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!

March 18, 2021



COVID-19 vaccine supply levels and vaccination locations in New Jersey have been steadily increasing, however patience is asked of everyone still awaiting their opportunity to receive their vaccine. Federal officials have announced with great confidence that there will be enough vaccine delivered to the U.S. government by the end of May to vaccinate every eligible American. As an increasing number of Americans are fully vaccinated, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced recent changes to their recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals, as follows:

  • You can gather indoors with other fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask.
  • You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • If you have been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to quarantine.

According to the CDC, people are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after their second dose series, in the case of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, like the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The CDC has stated that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death.

The Township will continue to keep you informed of up to date information concerning the availability and accessibility to vaccines and updated vaccination locations.

Below are direct links to the various vaccine providers currently accepting appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations:

The List of Statewide Vaccination Locations, which includes State "Mega-Sites" and state-designated Mercer County sites, can be found at (CLICK HERE) The number of vaccines available may vary, so you may need to check back several times if you are seeking an appointment at a specific location.

Anyone seeking a COVID-19 vaccine is strongly encouraged to register with the New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System (NJVSS) (CLICK HERE). If you experience an error or need help registering with the NJVSS, you can complete an online form (CLICK HERE), or call toll-free (855) 568-0545. You will be notified when it is time for you to schedule an appointment. For State information about COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and phasing priority (CLICK HERE). Remember, the COVID-19 vaccine is FREE of charge.

Seniors aged 75 and older can call the Senior NJ COVID Call Center hotline (856) 249-7007 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily to receive assistance with registering, scheduling, and rescheduling appointments.


In our ongoing efforts to prepare and plan for the anticipated increase in vaccine availability, East Windsor Township initiated a Covid-19 Vaccination Pre-Registration System for Local Area Clinics for Residents 65 Years and Older. This pre-registration is intended for use by East Windsor Township residents who are 65 years of age and older and who have not received or scheduled a COVID-19 vaccination appointment. This form will be used in the event the vaccine supply and opportunities become available in our local area. (CLICK HERE) to access the form.

Rise Food Pantry To Co-Sponsor Drive-Thru Food Distribution Event. Rise Food Pantry, located at 133 Broad Street in Hightstown, will partner with Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) to host a drive-thru food distribution event in the Modway Warehouse parking lot located at 329 Wyckoff Mills Road, East Windsor. The event is scheduled for Sunday, March 21 at 10 A.M., and food will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Families will remain in their vehicles to drive through the contact-free distribution line to collect a variety of fresh and packaged goods. For more information, contact TASK Director of Development and Marketing, Michelle Wexler, at (609) 695-5456, ext. 117 or


The Mercer County Department of Human Services, Office on Homeless Services, in partnership with the Mercer County Board of Social Services, has launched the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) - to provide financial assistance toward unpaid rent or utility bills for renter households in Mercer County impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications will be accepted through April 5, 2021. For more information (CLICK HERE).


Governor Murphy announced (CLICK HERE), effective Friday, March 19, the following expanded gathering regulations:

  • Restaurants, recreational and amusement facilities, gyms and fitness clubs and barber shops, salons and other personal care businesses can increase indoor capacity from 35% to 50% capacity of their facilities.
  • Indoor gatherings that are not religious services or ceremonies, political events, weddings, funerals, memorial services or performances are capped at 25 individuals.
  • Outdoor gatherings that are not religious services or ceremonies, political events, weddings, funerals, memorial services or performances will be capped at 50 individuals.

As of March 15, the State expanded the categories of those eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, (CLICK HERE).

Beginning Monday, March 29, vaccine eligibility will be expanded for additional frontline essential workers in the restaurant, food processing and distribution industries, grocery personnel, warehouse workers, remaining eldercare workers, hospitality workers, election workers, clergy, postal and other shipping workers, and judicial system employees.

Mercer County has reported, as of March 17, 2021, there have been 107 new cases for a total of 27,525 confirmed COVID-19 Cases to date, and a total, sadly, of 852 deaths in Mercer County. All active cases are either at home self-isolating or admitted to the hospital. The State of New Jersey today reported 3,590 additional Confirmed COVID-19 Cases for a current total of 751,082 cases, and 56 additional deaths for a total of 21,530 COVID-19 related deaths statewide. For all further information and data related to COVID-19 cases, go to the New Jersey official COVID-19 dashboard (CLICK HERE).

For general questions and concerns about COVID-19:

  • Call: 2-1-1
  • Call (24/7): 1-800-962-1253
  • Text: NJCOVID to 898-211
  • Visit for additional information

Residents are advised to check the Township website at, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.

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