Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Anthony Katawick, Marc Lippman, David Russell, Johnnie Whittington and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

April 2, 2021

  1. East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any of the "4 Rs" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled; REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCE materials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY buy goods that use recycled materials. To enter this year’s VIRTUAL POSTER CONTEST, students should email a photo of their poster to the Municipal Clerk’s Office at Submissions should be emailed by Monday, April 12 and should include the student’s Name, Address, Phone Number, Grade Level and East Windsor Regional School District Elementary School Attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice S. Mironov at a virtual Earth Day ceremony at the April 20 Council meeting. Winning posters will also be displayed in the municipal building lobby when the Municipal Building is open to the public.
  2. LAST CALL: East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunities to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "How has the local government played a role in your life regarding the ongoing pandemic" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained from the Municipal Clerk's office at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 238. All entries must be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by Friday, April 2.
  3. East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2021 Township Adopt-A-Spot Program. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up three times per month from April 1 through November 30. Adopt-A-Spot is a great program in not only ensuring public areas of our community are well-maintained, but also has been a wonderful educational tool for teaching young people social responsibility and community pride. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.
  4. East Windsor Kicks Off Distracted Driver "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" Campaign Underwritten by $6,000 Distracted Driving Enforcement Grant, to Run through April 30. The $6,000 NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" grant, part of a statewide initiative, is for targeted enforcement of distracted driving behaviors, such as texting, holding a cell phone, reading, and using other electronic devices while driving. This initiative is geared to promote the responsible operation of motor vehicles for everyone through increased public awareness and education as well as enforcement of existing state distracted driving laws. Motorists should give their full attention to the roadway while driving and do their part to help keep our roadways safer for all drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

  5. Mercer County Holds Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, April 10 from 9 AM to 12 PM, rain or shine, at Lot 4, South Broad Street, Trenton (across from county administration building at 640 South Broad Street). Residents may bring up to eight boxes or bags of paper; no household chemicals and no commercial businesses are permitted. Proof of residency such as a driver's license is required. For further information, visit or call (609) 278-8086.
  6. East Windsor Township Holds Document Shredding and Electronics Recycling Event on Saturday, April 17 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M., Rain or Shine, at the East Windsor Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). NO OTHER DROP-OFFS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS EVENT. This Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, will offer Free document shredding to East Windsor residents (no commercial drop-offs are permitted), with a limit of ten boxes per household. Electronics Recycling is limited to only televisions, computers and accessories, monitors, fax machines, cell phones, VCR's, cable boxes and telephones. All drop-offs shall be "Contact-less" and residents must remain in their vehicles at all times. Trained staff wearing masks and gloves will remove items from the trunk and rear seat of the vehicle. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
  7. East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nominations forms, due Friday, April 16, are available (CLICK HERE) for submission of nominees, and must be sent to SYLVIA WEISS SENIOR VOLUNTEER AWARD, ATTN: Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information or a nomination form, go to the Township website at or contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
  8. Stream Cleanup Co-Sponsored by East Windsor Township and The Watershed Institute on Saturday, April 24, from 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. at Etra Lake Park, Rain or Shine. In order to comply with current health policies, Pre-registration is required (CLICK HERE) and a maximum of 25 people per available time slot will be permitted, Masks covering the mouth and nose are mandatory, and temperature checks will be performed upon arrival. Hand sanitizer will be available, but it is recommended that participants bring their own in order to best maintain a safe distance between groups and staff. Volunteers should wear closed-toed shoes and long pants and bring work gloves and a reusable water bottle. Trash bags will be provided. Adults must accompany minors. For further information or to register, visit The Watershed Institute website at or contact Erin Stretz at or (609) 737-3735, ext. 17.
  9. Mayor Janice S. Mironov Participated in Meals on Wheels of Mercer County "Community Champions Week". The Mayor joined local volunteers to deliver meals to program participants during the week of March 23, to generate public awareness about senior hunger and isolation, to celebrate the invaluable services provided by the meals on wheels programs, and to recruit new volunteers and support for the program. Meals on Wheels of Mercer County helps homebound and elderly residents to maintain their independence, health and well-being. The program is made possible by the generous support of volunteers who deliver the meals and provide daily contact to the homebound and elderly. For more information regarding the Meals on Wheels program or to volunteer, contact Meals on Wheels of Mercer County at (609) 695-3483 or visit
  10. New Jersey State Income Tax Filing Deadline Extended From Thursday, April 15 to Monday, May 17, following the actions of the federal Internal Revenue Service. This includes any tax payments due with a return. For additional tax information, visit
  11. The State Has Announced that the June 8 Primary Election Will Be Held In-Person. Residents will be able to vote in-person at their respective polling place on Tuesday, June 8. For additional information regarding the Primary Election, go to the New Jersey Division of Elections website (CLICK HERE). Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.

Sign up for East Windsor Township Nixle Alerts by texting "08520" to the number 888-777 from your cell phone or register online (CLICK HERE) to receive the notifications via email and/or mobile phone.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.

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