Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Anthony Katawick,
Marc Lippman, David Russell, Johnnie Whittington and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township E-News Updates! |
January 7, 2022 - Mayor Janice Mironov Begins Another Year at Annual Reorganization Meeting, held via zoom on January 5. Council Members Denise Daniels and Alan Rosenberg and newly elected Council Member David Russell were sworn-in to new terms, and Peter Yeager was sworn-in to continue as Deputy Mayor for 2022. The largely ceremonial meeting also included citizen appointments by Mayor and Council to volunteer Township Boards and Committees and various recognitions of current and past Township volunteers for their service, and special recognition to outgoing Mercer County Commissioner and East Windsor resident Ann Cannon. Council Members made comments about 2021 and the challenges faced by the government and the community, and for the New Year. Mayor Mironov outlined many of the themes for all of our citizens as we go into the New Year of 2022.
 Re-Elected Council Member Denise Daniels is sworn into a new term by New Jersey State Senator Linda Greenstein.  Re-Elected Council Member Alan Rosenberg is sworn into a new term by New Jersey State Assemblyman Daniel Benson.  Newly elected Council Member David Russell is sworn in by New Jersey State Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo.  Mayor Janice S. Mironov is sworn into a new year as Mayor by Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler.  Peter Yeager is sworn in as Deputy Mayor by Mayor Janice S. Mironov. - Volunteers on Township Committees Were Honored at the Annual Reorganization Meeting for Their Service to East Windsor Township and provided with Certificates of Appreciation by Mayor Janice S. Mironov. Volunteers recognized for serving their community were: John Donnelly, William Egbert, Oscar Guerrero (Clean Communities); Jennifer Worringer (Commission on Aging); David Russell and Joseph Maria (Economic Development Committee); Allan Rim and Joseph Y. Miczak (Environmental Commission); Barry Clark (Planning Board); Joseph Primiano and Christopher Cosenza (Zoning Board of Adjustment); and Marc Platizky (East Windsor MUA). Congratulations and thank you to the Township's outstanding volunteers.
- East Windsor Township Awarded $8,775.48 in Federal and State Grants for Police Body Armor. The grant funds are comprised of $6,677.70 from the United States Department of Justice Bullet Proof Vest Partnership and $2,097.78 from the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice State Body Armor Replacement Fund Program. The grant funds are used to supplement Township expenditures for the periodic replacement of body armor issued to and used by Township police.
- No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Monday, January 17 and All Township Offices Will Be CLOSED due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, January 17, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, January 20. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website (CLICK HERE).
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