February 23, 2024 - Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to East Windsor Residents During March under Township Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this pro-active safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available at East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police/court building (80 One Mile Road) by contacting Detective Timothy Purpuri at (609) 448-5678, ext. 232.
- East Windsor Township Delivers Food Donated by the Community to Local Food Pantry. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members sponsored the New Year's Food Drive, asking area residents and businesses to donate non-perishable food items from January through mid-February at the Municipal Building, Police/Court Building, and East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company 2. The food drive benefitted the food pantry of RISE, an area-based organization that provides assistance to local individuals and families.
 - East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunities to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained from the Municipal Clerk's office at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 238. All entries must be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by Wednesday, March 6.
- East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2024 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after care camp staff, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or online at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.