February 21, 2025 - Free Gun Safety Locks Will Be Available to East Windsor Residents During March under Township Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this pro-active safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available at East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police/court building (80 One Mile Road) by contacting Detective Timothy Purpuri at (609) 448-5678, ext. 232.
- East Windsor Recreation Department Is Accepting Applications for 2025 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors and before and after care camp staff. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 414 or online at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
- Newly Elected Congressman Herb Conaway (Congressional District 3) Hosted Town Hall Meeting in East Windsor yesterday, attended by over 150 people and took questions and comments about their concerns and actions from Washington, D.C. Congressman Conaway's office can be contacted by email via his website at conaway.house.gov. or by calling (202) 225-4765.
 Congressman Herb Conaway addresses questions and concerns by attendees at town hall meeting at the East Windsor Senior Center. - It's Never Too Late to Apply! East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees. Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (CLICK HERE) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Council, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 437.
- CALENDAR: Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Local Passport Day on Wednesday, April 2 from 2:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). For further information, requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, (CLICK HERE), or call (609) 989-6473.