Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Anthony Katawick, Marc Lippman, David Russell, Johnnie Whittington and John Zoller -- Present

East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!

March 21, 2025

  1. ALERT: On Monday, March 31, the Mercer County Department of Transportation Will Commence Milling and Resurfacing of North Main Street in East Windsor from the Middlesex County line south to Town Center Drive. During construction, both lanes of North Main Street will be closed to through traffic from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Detours will be posted to use Town Center Drive, Route 130, Old Cranbury Road, Hightstown-Cranbury Station Road and Wyckoff Mills Road to avoid the area. Access will be permitted on North Main Street for local residents. Weather permitting, the Mercer County anticipated completion time is ten business days.
  2. Township Accepting Applications from Residents for Participation in the 2025 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road Park open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. Applications for 2025 garden plots will be prioritized to residents who rented plots in 2024, and other resident applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Applications are available online (CLICK HERE) or by request. Contact the Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 438 for further information or applications.
  3. Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 22, from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M., rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located at 350 Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil-based paints, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment, including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions, and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at or call (609) 278-8086. For further information (CLICK HERE).
  4. Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Wednesday, April 2 from 2:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk’s Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents may show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6473 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver’s license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $130 for adults, and $100 for minors, plus a processing fee of $35. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted, no cash. For further information, requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, (CLICK HERE), or call (609) 989-6473.
  5. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council Will Hold Recycling Day Event on Saturday, April 5 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Rain or Shine, at the East Windsor Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). Free paper shredding services to securely dispose of unneeded personal documents and confidential files will be available, until the shredding truck is full, to East Windsor Residents Only. No commercial documents, there is a limit of ten boxes per household. Electronic recycling is available for computers, computer monitors, laptops, VCR's and televisions. Also accepted for drop-off are fluorescent bulbs, cell phones and printer cartridges. No other electrical items will be accepted. RISE will be on site to collect usable furniture, clothing, blankets and working household appliances and electronics. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
  6. Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, April 5 at 10:30 A.M., at Etra Lake Park (rain date is Sunday, April 6 at 10:30 A.M.). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes, and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 425 for information. To view information flyer (CLICK HERE).

Sign up for East Windsor Township Nixle Alerts by texting "08520" to the number 888-777 from your cell phone or register online (CLICK HERE) to receive the notifications via email and/or mobile phone.

You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto  For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.

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