Cellular Phone Recycling
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Curbside Recycling
Recyclables do not need to be separated. Recyclables are currently collected under a newer system of recycling collection and sorting. Residents can use green, blue or yellow recycling cans for any eligible recycling materials. Your recycling must be out to your curb prior to 7 am the day of your pick up.
If your recycling is not collected on the day scheduled, please call (609) 443-4000, ext. 415. Be sure to provide your street address. Also be aware that recycling collection is often not completed until 6 or 7 P.M. due to the size of the route. When recycling is missed, the missed stops are collected within 24 hours from the time of notification to the contractor. Please do not remove recycling from the curb during that period.
East Windsor Township Quick Reference Guide
Recycling Do's & Dont's
Recycle Do's and Dont's(Click Here)
Additional Recycling Cans
Additional or replacement recycling containers are available for purchase online at Home Depot or Uline. There is no limit to the number of containers that can be used. Recycling containers come in green, blue and yellow. You may use any color for for all recycling. Large cardboard must be flattened and can be placed loose.
Recycling Dates
Recycling is collected on every other Wednesday. See Street Index (link to street index) to determine your Area number. You are in Area 1 if your regular trash days are Monday and Thursday. You are in Area 2 if your regular trash days are Tuesday and Friday. The exact dates are printed on page 3 of the Garbage District Schedule.
The East Windsor Electronics Recycling Program provides a convenient and responsible way to recycle all forms of electronic including: televisions, radios, copiers, fax machines, computers & laptops, printers, telephones & cell phones, small countertop appliances, DVD players, CD players. Almost everything that has a plug attached to it. Please No DVD's and No CD's. They can be disposed of in the regular garbage.
Individuals are responsible for removing data from hard drives and other storage media before dropping them off.
ALL Residents can drop off electronic recycling, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm, excluding holidays, at the Township Public Works facility located at the corner of Ward Street and Etra Road. For questions on a specific item not listed, contact Public Works at (609) 443-4000, ext. 415 or by email at .
White Goods Recycling
White goods curbside pick-up is performed on the third Wednesday of each month for the entire Garbage District. There is no Street Index to look up. It is the same day for everyone!
White goods material consists of stoves, refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryers, dishwashers, hot water heaters, other metal jacketed appliances, and steel.
Please be reminded of a few points to assist us in collecting your white goods:
- White good items cannot be placed at curbside before 9 pm the night before scheduled pickup and must be at curbside by 7 am the day of pickup.
- Material must be free from sharp jagged edges.
- Goods must be curbside. No collection will be made from any other location on residents’ property, including inside the home.
- Doors on appliances must be removed for the safety of our children!
- Drop offs are accepted at 309 Ward Street between the hours of 7:30am until 2"30 pm Monday through Friday.
White Goods drop off is also available to any Township resident who is not within the Garbage District.
Other Recycling Services
East Windsor Township provides other disposal services to residents. The following items may be dropped off at the Public Works Facility on 309 Ward Street, Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Car Batteries
- Tires (Rims Removed)