Police Department Structure
Jason Hart, Chief of Police
Lieutenant Matthew Oehling,Commanding Officer
The East Windsor Township Police Department is a 24-hour operation encompassing four (4) basic organizational entities as listed below. The East Windsor Township Police Department operates under the direction and administration of the Chief of Police, who assigns a Police Lieutenant to oversee each individual organizational subdivision within the police department.
Administration assigns, directs, controls and coordinates department personnel and material resources. It involves budgeting, planning, purchasing, personnel administration, payroll, public relations, union contract administration, grant applications, special reports and secretarial support.
The Police Department provides a number of services that extend into the East Windsor residential and business community; e.g., talks before local organizations, crossing guard service, driver education programs, bicycle registrations, bicycle patrol, neighborhood crime watch, community drug alliance, etc.
The Police Department has been assigned the additional responsibilities of Emergency Management and the provision of Animal Control Services to East Windsor. The combined budgets of the department and these additional assignments total approximately 30% of the total Township budget.
Lieutenant Phil Melhorn,Commanding Officer
Uniform Services, the largest entity within the police department, is responsible for preventative patrol activities, discovery of public hazards and delinquency causing situations, as well as for all initial calls for police, fire and medical assistance. Their duties involve the preliminary investigation of crimes, offenses, incidents and conditions including arrest or issuing summonses to perpetrators and offenders.
Traffic direction/control, accident investigation, crime prevention activities, community and public relations activities are some of the functions of the Uniform personnel. Uniformed Services also routinely performs after hours building checks, provides escort service to local banks and covers crossing guard posts when the guard is unavailable. Uniform Services members are also responsible for an array of services that are provided to victims of domestic violence including, but not limited to, the preparation of civil orders, transportation to court, shelters, etc.
The Traffic Safety Unit within Uniform Services is charged with performing follow-up investigations of serious injury, fatal or hit-and-run motor vehicle crashes and traffic surveys. They conduct traffic analyses, review site plans/subdivisions/variance requests, enforce ordinances regarding abandoned vehicles and train newly hired crossing guards. Traffic Officers are certified in accident investigation and reconstruction.
Lieutenant Thomas Meyer, Commanding Officer
Investigative Services conducts all follow-up investigations of offenses committed by or against both adults and juveniles. Investigative Services is also responsible for the police department's Community Outreach Programs, Identification and Property Control as well as the department's Training function.
Investigative Services is charged with maintaining a school liaison program, which includes but is not limited to crime prevention education (McGruff, Patch the Pony, Halloween Safety) and specialized programs such as the 5th Grade DARE program. Some other activities include family counseling, weekly press releases, 9-1-1 safety program and tours of police headquarters for all school classes.
Investigative Services also takes the lead in community assistance programs such as the Sunshine Airlift for terminally and chronically ill children in addition to providing Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets to residents in need. These programs encourage a better working relationship between school administrators, parents and law enforcement agencies.
Detectives assigned to Investigative Services also initiate criminal investigations through the use of informants and other investigative tools. They review all police reported incidents and correlate information as it may pertain to open investigations. They work closely with neighboring police agencies as well as county, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
The Identification Bureau is a unit within Investigative Services. The need for this function is predicated by the fact that when a criminal act occurs and is reported, all facts pertinent to the identification of the actor may not be available. Additional investigation is required in order to understand fully the scope of the criminal act, identify the actor or actors responsible and develop information for a successful prosecution.
Our Departmental Mission demands that criminals be brought to justice to answer for their crimes and offenses. In accordance with the above stated needs Investigative Services, within the constraints of available time and manpower, is charged with these additional responsibilities:
- Obtain and execute search warrants.
- Obtain and store stolen property.
- Prepare investigated cases for prosecution and assist in their prosecution.
- Develop and maintain sources of intelligence information pertaining to criminal activity within the jurisdiction of the East Windsor Township Police Department.
- Develop, secure and store evidence relating to criminal matters.
- Dispose of evidence and property held by the East Windsor Township Police Department.
- Perform other investigatory duties as assigned; e.g., pre-employment background investigations, ABC license investigations, and firearms applications investigations.
- Any other duties and responsibilities as designated by the Chief of Police or as outlined in the General/Special Orders of the East Windsor Township Police Department.
Lieutenant Ryan Mattek , Commanding Officer
Support Services encompasses the Training Bureau, Records Bureau, computer systems and the Animal Control Unit.
Support Services - Training Bureau
Detective Sergeant Paul Wille,Training Coordinator
The Training Bureau is the responsibility of the Commanding Officer of Support Services. It is currently comprised of one (1) Lieutenant, a designated Training Officer and twenty six (26) methods of instruction (MOI) state certified instructors. This bureau is charged with the responsibility of conducting all in-service and advanced officer training within the department, which includes the following:
- Planning and developing training programs.
- Administering in-service training programs.
- Selecting instructors for in-service training.
- Coordinating department training with outside agency training as available.
- Maintaining annual training records.
- Implementing, coordinating and evaluating training programs.
East Windsor Police Officers receive training in areas of criminal investigation techniques, CPR certification, computers, domestic violence, evidence gathering and crime scene processing, firearms, general law enforcement, HAZMAT, juvenile justice, narcotics, blood borne pathogens, annual police baton re-certification, OC spray certification, radar instruction, and traffic accident investigation. Additional training is provided to officers who serve in specialized units such as bicycle patrol, the Traffic Safety Unit, the Firearms Unit and the in-service training instructional staff.
Support Services - Records Bureau
Karl Aponte , Support Services Supervisor
The Records Bureau is responsible for compiling and cataloging all incoming police reports, certification certificates, as well as other criminal and non-criminal information within the jurisdiction of the East Windsor Township Police Department. This Bureau is also charged with the dissemination of records to courts, citizens, attorneys and other law enforcement agencies. The Records Bureau prepares monthly reports to federal, state and county agencies including the Uniform Crime Report. In addition, the Records Bureau is responsible for the operation of all computer systems involved in police records management and computer aided dispatch.
Support Services - Animal Control
James St. John , Animal Control Officer
The Animal Control Unit is staffed with one full-time Animal Control Officer (ACO) and three Deputy Animal Control Officers. All personnel are New Jersey State certified to perform all of their duties. Personnel receive training in areas of emergency euthanasia, tranquilizer equipment, along with rabies collection and preparation. Animal Control personnel are involved in a wide array of activities that include:
- Capture of stray dogs, cats and other animals and wildlife.
- Investigates animal bites in relation to rabies control.
- Enforces township and state regulations with regard to animals.
- Investigates suspected cruelty to animals and health related situations.
- Provides emergency veterinary care.
- Educates the public to their pets' needs in the community.
- Coordinates annual Rabies Clinics and maintains pertinent records.
- Conducts annual dog census throughout East Windsor Township.
- Maintains records of services for billing of services provided to other jurisdictions.