Why Choose East Windsor
Your company can benefit from a superior location in Central New Jersey midway between New York and Philadelphia: great accessibility , nationally and internationally, via East Windsor Exit 8 of the newly widened N.J. Turnpike; only 30 minutes from Newark International Airport and Port Elizabeth and, regionally, via U.S. Route 130, N.J. Routes 33 and 133 and County Route 571. Additionally, the area benefits from close proximity to the Route 1 corridor (between Princeton and New Brunswick); low land costs for comparable sites with a wide range of sizes and features; immediate availability of space for office and distribution; and a highly educated labor force with diverse skills. Finally, East Windsor Township is committed to supporting your project through our one-stop permitting process and Business Ombudsman.
Route 571
Development Corridor
Exit 8
Route 33 Corridor
Route 130 Corridor
Service and Flexibility
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